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The Incredible Mystery Of Coral Castle

The Incredible Mystery Of Coral Castle
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Atlantis' legendary metal found in shipwreck -- Secret History -- © Superintendent of the Sea Office, SicilyA team of divers recovered nearly 40 ingots off the sea floor near Sicily, from a ship that was lost in the sixth century. Gleaming cast metal called orichalcum, which was said by Ancient Greeks to be found in Atlantis, have been recovered from a shipwreck that sunk 2,600 years ago off the coast of Sicily. The lumps of metal were arriving to Gela in southern Sicily, possibly coming from Greece or Asia Minor. The ship that was carrying them was likely caught in a storm and sunk just when it was about to enter the port. "The wreck dates to the first half of the sixth century," Sebastiano Tusa, Sicily's superintendent of the Sea Office, told Discovery News. "It was found about 1,000 feet from Gela's coast at a depth of 10 feet." He noted that the 39 ingots found on the sandy sea floor represent a unique finding. "Nothing similar has ever been found," Tusa said.

Popes Tortured Thousands Of Women Burned Alive ~ Malleus Maleficarum -WHAT THEY DONT TEACH YOU IN SCHOOL | Strange (Before It's News) When I watched the movie “The Da Vinci Code” when Tom Hanks went to the English mansion, he was talking to the older man about history, and they showed this book below, then I spent hours and hours learning this… Such a horrible crime against women healers….You could make a lifetime study of it… I’m adding this post to Before Its News, as to many of you, it may be the first time you heard of it…. Women were the healers and the men that killed them were the Popes, while the government took over their land from fraud and lies. Why or why isnt this taught in schools? The European Witch Hunts The Malleus Maleficarum was the manual of how to torture women and burn them at the stakes during the middle ages; written by 3 Swiss – Heinrich Kramer, Jacobus Sprenger and Johannes Nider. It was a swiss idea, and started just after the founding of Switzerland by the Templars on august 1st in 1291. Further Reading: Keith Thomas; Religion and the Decline of Magic; Penguin Books; 1971

Is Earth a Prison Planet and the Moon – Its Guardian? by Yiannis Isaac Asimov suggested a long time ago that the Moon is not a natural astral body. All independent studies ever since backed Asimov’s calculations and it was proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the gravitational features of the Moon are not just abnormal. They are the exact numbers required so that the Moon does not escape from the Earth’s gravity and be pulled towards the Sun, as it should be, according to the law of universal gravitation. Taking under consideration the hundreds of unnatural phenomena that happen on the surface of the moon that NASA never bothered to reveal to the general public but have nevertheless been observed for centuries by independent observers, it may be assumed that the Moon is a constructed spacecraft and not a normal astral body. The moon is older than the Earth. A theory that Moon was placed there as a shield for the Earth from meteorites has been depicted. 1. It cannot support habitation and sustain long lasting civilizations. 2. 3. So!

21 Brilliant British People Problems British people are well known for being educated and well mannered, easy-going people. But this list will certainly make you laugh at the reality of their “problems”, which seem nothing more than excessive politeness. We could all use a British touch in our lives. General Effects of Essential Oils on Different Body Systems | Mama Bear Musings Debra Mauldin, Certified Aromatherapist Feel free to contact me about any questions you may have pertaining to using essential oils as aromatherapy in Holistic Healing. Please put ‘Aromatherapy’ in the subject line. NOTE: For Holistic Healing, only the Herb itself or the Pure Essential Oil made from it should be used. What Aromatherapy Can Do For You by Debra Mauldin, Certified Aromatherapist Pure essential oils can provide us with a range of benefits. On this page we are going to talk about different body systems, problems, treatments, and various essential oils that can be used for a specific problem in that body system. Problems of digestion affects the gall-bladder, liver, and stomach. External application of essential oils is very beneficial. NOTE: To make an essential oil blend, use no more than three essential oils (Adding no more than 15 drops total) to 1 ounce carrier oil. Essential Oils Like this:

People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way. Members of Professor Dr. Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. Plants engage in the photosynthesis of carbon dioxide, water, and light. “When energy studies become more advanced in the coming years, we will eventually see this translated to human beings as well,” stated Bader-Lee. Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bio-energy is now ever evolving and that studies on the plant and animal world will soon translate and demonstrate what energy metaphysicians have known all along — that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. Stay centered and grounded. Be in a state of non-resistance.

The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle by Bibhu Dev Misra About the author: Bibhu Dev Misra is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology and the Indian Institute of Management and has been working as an Information Technology consultant for more than 14 years. He is also an independent researcher and writer on topics related to ancient civilizations, myths, symbols, science and religion. His research has taken him to many places of historical interest across the globe. His articles have appeared in different journals, magazines, and websites including the New Dawn, Science to Sage, Comsomath, Graham Hancock Forum, Esamskriti, Viewzone and others. More articles by Bibhu Dev Misra:A Day and Night of Brahma: The Evidence from Fossil RecordsThe Opet Festival of Ancient Egypt: Has it been derived from the Jagannatha Rathyatra of Puri, India? Part 1: Unraveling the Yuga Cycle Timeline The Kali Yuga (Iron Age) was preceded by three others Yugas: Satya or Krita Yuga (Golden Age), Treta Yuga (Silver Age) and the Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age).

Hair Raising: A Spiritual Journey By Paula Lightening Woman Johnstone Hair is the physical manifestation of our thoughts and an extension of ourselves. So pure and sacred are the thoughts of Our Mother, the Earth, that Her hair grows long and fragrant. The Sweet Grasses found growing around the World represent the hair of Our Mother, the Earth. As Native People walk the Sacred Path of the Creator God, Our Hair, the physical extension of our thoughts, allows for our direction along the Path of Life. In many countries around the World, Holy men and Holy women are recognized by the length and glory of their hair. Hairstyles like seasons change for public, private and ceremonial occasions. Everyone is given Straight or Curly hair, depending on the Creator's discretion. Native Children are taught from a young age how to groom and care for themselves, their immediate and extended family. As Children are raised up, so too is the spiritual level of teaching raised, to elevate their Spirits. They are also taught combing rites.

Earth's Grid System, Becker-Hagens, Ley Lines, Hartmann Net, Curry Lines - Science and Pseudoscience Earth's Grid Systems Science and Pseudoscience Topography, is the study of Earth's surface shape and features or those of planets, moons, and asteroids. It is also the description of such surface shapes and features (especially their depiction in maps). The topography of an area can also mean the surface shape and features themselves. Planetary Energetic Grid Theory Planetary Energetic Grid Theory falls under the heading of pseudoscience. Plato recognized grids and their patterns, devising a theory that the Earth's basic structure evolved from a simple geometric shapes to more complex ones. Becker-Hagens Grid Bill Becker and Bethe Hagens discussed the code of the Platonic Solids' positions on Earth, ascribing this discovery to the work of Ivan P. Becker and Hagens' attention was drawn to this research through the work of Chris Bird, who punished "Planetary Grid" in the New Age Journal in May 1975. South America's grid triangle forms the continent around itself. We see Dr. According to Dr.

Buddhism Vaults : Psychoactive Plants in Tantric Buddhism The authors wish to thank Professor David B. Gray and Professor Geoffrey Samuel for their encouragement and many helpful suggestions. Since the beginning of modern discourse about psychedelics in American intellectual culture, seminal authors have noted parallels between psychedelic experiences and contemplative practices of Asia. In his 1954 essay The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley likened his experience of mescaline to the insights precipitated by yoga and meditation. Author R. Gordon Wasson went further, arguing that some spiritual disciplines of India may be intended to evoke an experience that was originally entheogenic in nature.1 By the late 1960s, counterculture rhetoric strongly associated psychedelics and Eastern mysticism. Psychedelic experience and Eastern meditation have become so intertwined in Western culture that their roots are difficult to disentangle. Tantric Buddhism The term "tantra" refers to a great many religious practices and beliefs. Why Look to Tantra?
