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Web 3.0: The Third Generation Web is Coming

Web 3.0: The Third Generation Web is Coming
by Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board member Nova Spivack. Overview The Web is entering a new phase of evolution. There has been much debate recently about what to call this new phase. Web 3.0 John Markoff of the New York Times recently suggested naming this third-generation of the Web, “Web 3.0”. More Intelligent Web The threshold to the third-generation Web will be crossed in 2007. Timeline and Definition Web 1.0. Conclusion Web 3.0 will be more connected, open, and intelligent, with semantic Web technologies, distributed databases, natural language processing, machine learning, machine reasoning, and autonomous agents.

Welcome to Knoesis | Kno.e.sis Semantic Web: Technolgies and Applications for Real-World Web 3.0 – Artificial Intelligence? | WebAppRater Representing the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Liam Ó Móráin , recently discussed the work of the DERI on the Semantic Web and the move from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Liam explains how the evolution of Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 (also known as Semantic Web) is taking the web experience to the user in a new and more powerful way. Web 3.0 will quickly and easily combine information from very diverse sources and serve the information to the user, based on intelligent browsing. It is due to the power of the Semantic Web that Google and other search applications serve up, not just what you search for but also related links which are specific to your search history, demographic area and personal browsing preferences. Google and other sites, such as Amazon are able to serve user-specific content within seconds, using the powerful, artificially intelligent brain of Web 3.0. Watch the video and listen to Liam’s speech on Youtube: How does Web 3.0 work? The evolution of Semantic Web Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0

Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web Collective Knowledge Systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web [*] Tom Gruber Summary What can happen if we combine the best ideas from the Social Web and Semantic Web? The Vision of Collective Intelligence The Social Web is represented by a class of web sites and applications in which user participation is the primary driver of value. Collective intelligence is a grand vision, one to which I subscribe. Collective intelligence has been the goal of visionaries throughout the history of the Internet. I would suggest that collective intelligence be taken seriously as a scientific and societal goal, and that the Internet is our best shot at seeing it happen in our lifetimes. Some progress has been made in allowing machines to learn from people and data. With the rise of the Social Web, we now have millions of humans offering their knowledge online, which means that the information is stored, searchable, and easily shared. Collective Knowledge Systems 1. 2. 3. Figure 1.

pierre levy Le renouveau de la logotechnie leibnizienne Depuis plusieurs années, Stephen Wolfram, l’inventeur de Mathematica, poursuit un ambitieux objectif : transformer nos connaissances aujourd’hui exprimées maladroitement de manière linguistique en des représentations algorithmiques, directement traitables par un ordinateur. L’équipe progresse toujours un peu plus dans la construction de cet immense chantier. Le projet de Wolfram s’inscrit dans une longue tradition en intelligence artificielle et dans une tendance technologique forte. La langue algébrique universelle de Leibniz Dans un billet de 2009, Stephan Wolfram présentait l’essence de son projet Wolfram Alpha comme étant précisément une tentative de "rendre la connaissance computable" pour contourner le problème quasiment insoluble de l’analyse du langage naturel. "après avoir fait cela, lorsqu’il surgira des controverses, il n’y aura plus besoin de discussion entre deux philosophes qu’il n’y en a entre deux calculateurs. Calculons !

YAGO - D5: Databases and Information Systems (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik) Overview YAGO is a huge semantic knowledge base, derived from Wikipedia WordNet and GeoNames. Currently, YAGO has knowledge of more than 10 million entities (like persons, organizations, cities, etc.) and contains more than 120 million facts about these entities. YAGO is special in several ways: The accuracy of YAGO has been manually evaluated, proving a confirmed accuracy of 95%. Every relation is annotated with its confidence value.YAGO combines the clean taxonomy of WordNet with the richness of the Wikipedia category system, assigning the entities to more than 350,000 classes.YAGO is an ontology that is anchored in time and space. YAGO is developed jointly with the DBWeb group at Télécom ParisTech University.

The Semantic Web, Syllogism, and Worldview The Semantic Web, Syllogism, and Worldview First published November 7, 2003 on the "Networks, Economics, and Culture" mailing list. Subscribe to the mailing list. The W3C's Semantic Web project has been described in many ways over the last few years: an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, a place where machines can analyze all the data on the Web, even a Web in which machine reasoning will be ubiquitous and devastatingly powerful. The problem with descriptions this general, however, is that they don't answer the obvious question: What is the Semantic Web good for? The simple answer is this: The Semantic Web is a machine for creating syllogisms. The canonical syllogism is: Humans are mortal Greeks are human Therefore, Greeks are mortal with the third statement derived from the previous two. The Semantic Web is made up of assertions, e.g. - Clay Shirky is the creator of - The creator of lives in Brooklyn Worse is Better#

Collective intelligence: an interview with Pierre Levy About Eelke Hermens Hacker and cultural critic, passionate about information theory and semantics. Fed up with cyber utopians. W In a previous post I discussed and, hopefully, debunked some common assumptions on the next phase of the World Wide Web, or web 3.0. The general assumption is that in the 2.0 era the user was at the centre, the produser took control and the cult of the amateur was born. Pierre Levy, French philosopher and leading expert on collective intelligence, is on a similar mission. Levy is currently working on a research program, called IEML (Information Economy Meta Language). As Levy pointed out to me in order for an idea to contribute to the sphere of collective intelligence it should be described in a formal manner. One of my concerns was with the IE in IEML, meaning Information Economy. One of the main reasons why this computational potential is not actualized today is the lack of semantic interoperability.

Le référencement sémantique en 21 ressources essentielles Le référencement sémantique en 22 ressources essentielles 5.00/5 (100.00%) 1 vote Le Web sémantique cherche à structurer toutes les données du Web — le contenu, les liens, et les transactions entre les personnes et les ordinateurs. Ce Web Sémantique, qui ouvre la voie au référencement sémantique, est en train d’émerger. Pour vous y retrouver voici, en apéritif, un petit guide non exhaustif de ressources et d’outils intéressants sur le sujet. Définition Formats de données et vocabulaires Il existe plusieurs formats de données ou de vocabulaires précis pour balisage sémantique. Google Knowledge Graph Outils et Geekeries À lire également : À propos de Louis Durocher Consultant principal et président d'Orénoque interactif, l'agence de référencement No1 de Montréal.

Le web sémantique : un projet pour amener le web à son plein potentiel Le web sémantique (généralement associé au terme « web 3.0 »), est une notion que l’on rencontre de plus en plus. Que désigne cette association des mots « web » et « sémantique » qui appartiennent tous deux à des disciplines relativement éloignées que sont l’informatique et la linguistique ? Le web du futur sera-t-il « intelligent » et capable de juger de la pertinence d’une réponse en analysant la sémantique de la question correspondante ? Le web sémantique est un projet initié en 2001 par Tim Berners Lee1, inventeur du World Wide Web. Web semantique et ontologies - source : Samuel Huron/Flikr Les ressources et leur sémantique Pour en comprendre les concepts de base, on peut tout d’abord tenter de définir les notions de "ressource" et de "sémantique". Actuellement le web contient un ensemble de pages localisées grâce à des adresses virtuelles, les URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) et d’autres objets, recensés par des URNs (Uniform Resource Names). Les ontologies Sources : T. Notes :

Rule-based Adaptive Web Navigation introducing a Firefox extension creating semantic links next > start > a semantic navigation project using Semantic Web and Rules is a Firefox plugin simple to be used by any people has simple installation and automatically receive new features you can setup your own preferences too more and more services will be supported and many more Interested? enjoy Mary is searching for entertainment: she navigates the web looking for a screencast movie. Mary likes stories, music, movies, news. Web searching is NOT much fun and time intensive... in the journal RuleTheWeb! This version does NOT include all of the planned features! The short RuleTheWeb! FIRST install the extension Simply click on download and let Firefox guide you. When navigating on some web sites an avatar appears offering you That's all! Do even more cool: set up your preference rules! Click on the extension icon and find "setup your rules" Combine this with Social Rules Available soon YES - Write your own rules! keep them private or Learn more about that
