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Never Utopia

Never Utopia

Advanced Creation Signature Forjay The Science of Vampirism: Vampiric Virology Note from Dr. Pecos: Here is my original page on the vampirism virus, with some text and format edits by Robert Lomax. To view his extended pages, click here. In 1616, Italian scientist Ludovico Fatinelli published his Treatise on Vampires, in which he speculated that vampirism was caused by a microscopic pathogen, as opposed to demonic possession and other such myths. The Virus The source of vampirism is the human vampirism virus (HVV). Unlike many other viruses, HVV is not airborne. While most viruses are highly specific in what tissues they target, HVV is able to infect every living cell in the body, with the exception of red blood cells (which are replaced over time by the infected bone marrow). While in theory HVV infection is possible through any exchange of bodily fluids, transmission occurs through the bite of an infected person or animal in virtually every case. Stages of the Disease Stage One: Infection. Stage Two: Coma. Stage Three: Transformation. Continue to Vampiric Biology

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