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Chief Marketing Technologist

Chief Marketing Technologist

Calls for experts A Call for Tender is issued by the agency to buy specific services or works. Very often, but not exclusively, it will concern studies. Calls for Tender are subject to the legislation that governs public procurement, and products and deliverables purchased following a call for tender belong to the Commission. Is your company thinking of tendering for a contract with the Executive Agency? Doing business with the European Commission: available at the EU Bookshop Privacy statement for procurement procedures List of contractors Work programmes 2014 annual work programme for the implementation of “Erasmus+”, the Union Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport: Second amendment of the work programme – Commission decision C(2014) 3581 of 5.06.2014First amendment of the work programme – Commission decision C(2014) 1372 of 7.03.20142014 annual work programme – Commission decision C(2013) 8193 of 27.11.2013 2014 annual work programme for the implementation of the Creative Europe Programme

DN Capital - venture capital company investing in digital media, communications and enterprise software firms Life and Letters: The Running Novelist LIFE AND LETTERS about running and writing novels. The writer started running on a regular basis in the fall of 1982, when he was thirty-three. Not long before that, he was the owner of a small jazz club in Tokyo. 10 Laws of Productivity You might think that creatives as diverse as Internet entrepreneur Jack Dorsey, industrial design firm Studio 7.5, and bestselling Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami would have little in common. In fact, the tenets that guide how they – and exceptionally productive creatives across the board – make ideas happen are incredibly similar. Here are 10 laws of productivity we’ve consistently observed among serial idea executors: 1. Break the seal of hesitation. A bias toward action is the most common trait we’ve found across the hundreds of creative professionals and entrepreneurs we’ve interviewed. 2. When our ideas are still in our head, we tend to think big, blue sky concepts. 3. Trial and error is an essential part of any creative’s life. To avoid ‘blue sky paralysis,’ pare your idea down to a small, immediately executable concept. 4. When working on in-depth projects, we generate lots of new ideas along the way. 5. 6. 7. 8. Few activities are more of a productivity drain than meetings. 9.

Grupo ThinkEPI BaskoEganya: El motor de la creatividad en la economía creativa. “Para utilizar la creatividad hay que determinar, ante todo, el mejor momento de explotar la naturaleza no rival de las ideas y, en segundo lugar, el momento idóneo para hacer valer los derechos de propiedad intelectual, e introducir las ideas en el mercado de la competencia entre productos. Las dos decisiones son el punto central del proceso de gestión en ese ámbito”. “La creatividad” está presente en nuestra vida cotidiana, desde el momento en que nos despertamos hasta el momento en que nos acostamos. En nuestra moderna sociedad del siglo XX, la creatividad y la invención nos acompañan a lo largo del día, cuando vamos a la oficina, cuando nos vamos de compras, en el mercado, y por la noche, cuando vamos al cine a ver la última película de moda. DG: ¿Qué entiende usted por economía creativa? Fuente: Donna Ghelfi, entrevista a John Howkins.

199 Preguntas sobre marketing - Patricio Bonta, Patricio Bonta Mario Farber Teamwork on the Fly Idea in Brief In today’s fast-moving, ultracompetitive global business environment, you can’t rely on stable teams to get the work done. Instead, you need “teaming.” Teaming is flexible teamwork. To “team” well, employees and organizations must embrace principles of project management—such as scoping out the project, structuring the group, and sorting tasks by level of interdependence—and of team leadership, such as emphasizing purpose, building psychological safety, and embracing failure and conflict. Those who master teaming will reap benefits. Artwork: Andy Gilmore, Hemicube, 2011, digital drawing If you watched the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, you probably marveled at the Water Cube: that magnificent 340,000-square-foot box framed in steel and covered with semitransparent, ecoefficient blue bubbles. Ultimately, Tristram Carfrae, an Arup structural engineer based in Sydney, corralled dozens of people from 20 disciplines and four countries to win the competition and deliver the building.

The New Science of Building Great Teams Artwork: Andy Gilmore, Chromatic, 2010, digital drawing If you were looking for teams to rig for success, a call center would be a good place to start. The skills required for call center work are easy to identify and hire for. The tasks involved are clear-cut and easy to monitor. Just about every aspect of team performance is easy to measure: number of issues resolved, customer satisfaction, average handling time (AHT, the golden standard of call center efficiency). And the list goes on. Why, then, did the manager at a major bank’s call center have such trouble figuring out why some of his teams got excellent results, while other, seemingly similar, teams struggled? The truth is quite the opposite. Looking for the “It Factor” When we set out to document the behavior of teams that “click,” we noticed we could sense a buzz in a team even if we didn’t understand what the members were talking about.

Saving the Planet: A Tale of Two Strategies Idea in Brief Businesses are at the center of sustainability debates—as both causes of and deliverers from environmental degradation. Clearly they have a major role to play in saving the planet. But how are they to contribute? The answer comes in two lines of reasoning. These two philosophies make uneasy bedfellows. Businesses clearly have a major role to play in any strategy for saving the planet. But how, exactly, can businesses contribute? Although the Malthusian view exercises a powerful influence on voters and politicians alike, it is by no means uncontested. It’s not hard to see why these two philosophies make uneasy bedfellows. “Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. —Thomas Malthus The World According to Malthus In the original Malthusian argument, if the world’s population grows faster than the planet’s ability to produce food and other necessities, the cost of those necessities will rise while wages fall because more people will be available to work.

Home La Cátedra “la Caixa” de Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa y Gobierno Corporativo se creó a partir de un convenio de colaboración firmado en noviembre de 2005 entre “la Caixa” y el IESE. Su acto de presentación tuvo lugar el 1 de marzo de 2006 en la sede de “la Caixa” de Barcelona, y el 22 de marzo del mismo año en la de Madrid. El titular de la cátedra es el Prof. Antonio Argandoña, Profesor Ordinario de los departamentos de Economía y Ética Empresarial. La Cátedra “la Caixa” de Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa y Gobierno Corporativo responde al compromiso de “la Caixa” y del IESE de fomentar, promocionar y divulgar nuevos conocimientos sobre la RSE, tanto en su vertiente académica como en su aplicación a la dirección de empresas y la formación de directivos y empresarios. Cuadernos de la cátedra Cuaderno nº 20, septiembre de 2013: El voluntariado desde la empresa Descargar cuaderno

Quiénes son los project managers y por qué son críticos para las empresas Martes 8 de mayo, 2012. También conocidos como directores de proyectos, la demanda de estos profesionales ya trasciende el mercado tecnológico y las áreas de Sistemas. Expertos revelan cuál es el perfil al que apuntan las compañías, qué salarios paga el mercado y qué importancia tiene, en la actualidad, la certificación. Por: Dentro del “mundo” tecnológico, caracterizado por el pleno empleo y el déficit de profesionales calificados, a las empresas de IT se les hace cada vez más complicado cubrir un puesto clave: el de project manager o director de proyectos. De hecho, en el último informe de la Cámara de Empresas de Software y Servicios Informáticos de Argentina (CESSI), siete de cada diez compañías (69%) manifestó tener una alta dificultad para cubrir su demanda de estos perfiles. Matías Debernardi, HR Advisor de Waragon, consultora especializa en búsquedas laborales para la industria IT, confirma que en estos momentos hay una “alta demanda” de project managers.

La Oreja de Europa: Todos los festivos de la UE en un vistazo ¿Alguna vez habéis viajado a otro país y todo esta cerrado porque resulta que era un festivo? Seguro que más de uno ya se ha encontrado en esta situación. Cuando viajamos comprobamos con antelación si nuestras maletas están en buen estado o el tiempo que vamos a tener durante el viaje. Suponemos que nadie mira con antelación si hay un festivo entre sus días de vacaciones en el extranjero. Lo mismo ocurre con nuestras compras. Pero ¿y si tuviéramos en nuestra pantalla del ordenador o en nuestro móvil SmartPhone los festivos de toda la UE en un calendario ordenados con antelación y sin tener que agregarlos manualmente? Todo esto también se lo ha planteado Euroalert a la hora de presentar todos los festivos de los 27 Estados miembros en un calendario iCal, por ejemplo, para Google Calendar. ¿Qué os parece esta idea?

Top 10 Questions To Ask At A Job Interview In 2012 | Jobs Collector Deciding οn qυеѕtіοnѕ tο qυеѕtіοn thе interviewer саn bе one οf thе mοѕt stressful раrtѕ οf thе interview process. Oftеn candidates rυѕh through thіѕ раrt, relieved tο hаνе thе interview over аѕ quickly аѕ possible. Others ‘ɡο through thе motions’ bу asking unoriginal qυеѕtіοnѕ tο fill thе time. Asking intelligent аnԁ kind qυеѕtіοnѕ reinforces уουr suitability аѕ a candidate аnԁ demonstrates уου аrе hοnеѕt аbουt thе job . It аƖѕο allows уου tο gain a better insight іntο whether thе role іѕ really fοr уου. Here аrе ουr top ten qυеѕtіοnѕ tο qυеѕtіοn – although wе recommend уου don’t qυеѕtіοn thеm аƖƖ! Qυеѕtіοnѕ аbουt thе requirements οf thе role 1. Thе аnѕwеr wіƖƖ give уου clues tο thе real day tο day challenges аnԁ аnу biased / practical constraints. 2. Thіѕ іѕ asking аbουt thе real objectives οf thе job . 3. Thе panel ѕhουƖԁ refer tο both internal аnԁ external opportunities аnԁ constraints . Qυеѕtіοnѕ аbουt career development аnԁ progression 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
