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Winners gallery 2010 - World Press Photo

Winners gallery 2010 - World Press Photo

National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010 National Geographic is once again holding their annual Photo Contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30th. For the past eight weeks, they have been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to rate them as well. National Geographic was again kind enough to let me choose some of their entries from 2010 for display here on The Big Picture. Collected below are 47 images from the three categories of People, Places and Nature. Captions were written by the individual photographers. (47 photos total) Kanana Camp, Botswana.

s by Rarindra Prakarsa All photos are copyright the photographer, and may not be used without written permission. Cherlyn . , September 08, 2006; 11:45 A.M. Thougt there are only 4 photos currently, I am already overwhelmed by your talents & photographic sense. Can't wait to see more from you. Gerry O , September 08, 2006; 01:46 P.M. Totally Agree It is always refreshing to see such new talent coming to the site. Abhijeet Shah , September 10, 2006; 05:15 A.M. Impressive Portfolio Mr Prakarsa, you have a very impressive portfolio. i would love to see more of your work. omur degirmenci , September 10, 2006; 05:45 A.M. zuper Ramsey Kunkel , September 11, 2006; 12:44 A.M. Just beautiful work so far. Biswajit Pandey , September 12, 2006; 08:40 A.M. Amazing works man, one of the best portfolios in PN, please keep up your excellent works. Regards mehdi kavei , September 13, 2006; 04:01 A.M. gooooood wi i see your nic photos plis see may photos Rejith Warrier , September 13, 2006; 09:42 A.M. Karl Schuler , September 13, 2006; 11:03 A.M.

London Independent Photography MICHAEL WOLF | PHOTOGRAPHY | HONGKONG all images copyright michael wolf Travel photography, Fashion photography, Documentary photography, Editorial photography, and Portrait Photographers: Feature Shoot Reuters Photos of the Year L’agence et les photographes de Reuters produisent plus d’un demi-million d’images chaque année. Voici comme tous les ans, une série de photographies retraçant les événements les plus marquants de l’année 2010. Une rétrospective à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Tonal quality and dynamic range in digital cameras Making fine prints in your digital darkroom Tonal quality and dynamic range in digital cameras by Norman Koren updated Feb. 15, 2005 Prints made from images captured on digital cameras can have extraordinary tonal quality, comparable to the finest full-toned traditional prints. But to reach their full potential they must be processed properly, which involves changing default camera settings and moving away from standard file formats. This page covers the key steps for achieving ultimate tonal quality, which include, Storing images in RAW format-- the image sensor's native format, Converting and editing images using file formats with a bit depth of 16 (48-bit color or 16-bit B&W), and Using curves to adjust tones. JPEG is a lossy compressed format that sacrifices a small amount of information to achieve a large savings in storage. Introduction: RAW conversion Digital sensors (both CCD and CMOS) are linear. Output luminance = (pixel level)gamma Human vision and tonal levels Delta L/L = 0.01

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