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Learn Japanese Online: Vocabulary & Kanji Building

Learn Japanese Online: Vocabulary & Kanji Building

Hiragana Writing Practice Sheet Printable Writing Practice Sheets with grid lines (PDF) Handwriting Practice Sheet To view the PDF file, you need Adobe Reader,a free application distributed by Adobe Systems. How to Download/Print Click the link. To download the file, choose [Save As...] from [File] menu. To print on papers, choose [Print...] from [File] menu. Blank sheet with no sample letters is also available. How to Practice We recommend to do the following practice. First Row: Carefully imitate the shape of sample letters. Refer grid lines to check the position of each stroke. This one-time practice would be enough to get familiar with the shape of letters. Repeat the practice to become a master of beautiful handwriting! Handwriting Instructions Handwriting instructions for each letter are available at the following pages. Related Topics Japanese blog | LinguaLift College is a blast for Japanese kids. After all of the time spent studying for entrance exams, they get to cut loose, party, hang out with friends, and occasionally attend class. But in the last year and a half of school, it's time to get down to brass tacks. — Read the full story While writing came to Japan from China and Chinese characters are used in Japanese, there are native Japanese characters called Kokuji (国字). — Read the full story Tsutomu Yamaguchi was a man that held a unique place in history - he survived two atomic bombings. — Read the full story There's a new foodie craze in Japan that celebrates the regional downhome cooking you find in kitchens across the country - B-grade gourmet. — Read the full story If you want to experience something out of the ordinary, give owl cafes in Japan a try. — Read the full story The beautiful, almost meditative video ‘January in Japan’ created quite a lot of buzz when it received the well deserved Staff Pick badge at Vimeo earlier this month.

Département:Japonais Une page de Wikiversité. Le japonais est la langue officielle du Japon et de la diaspora nippone. Le japonais (日本語) est parlé par 128 millions de locuteurs dans le monde. D'origine altaïque, son système graphique a été emprunté aux sinogrammes. Son écriture est l'une des plus difficiles au monde. Note : Le département est en cours de formation. Si vous souhaitez évaluer votre niveau de japonais, recevoir des exercices, ou toute autre chose, demandez à l'un des référents du département. [Modifier] Leçons par thèmes Leçons par niveau Participants Voir aussi Genki Online:Self-study Room GENKI is a highly acclaimed series of integrated resources for learning elementary Japanese through a well-balanced approach to all four language skill areas—speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Used in many Japanese language courses around the world. More The second editions of GENKI Textbook I, Workbook I, and PICTURE CARDS I were released in February 2011 and feature four major revisions. Click the link here for a detailed look at those changes, plus information on the upcoming... More To aid instructors who use GENKI, we have included a page of links to additional classroom activity ideas, kanji cards, a vocabulary index, and other ready-to-use tools and information for enhancing classroom learning. More

Teemo App Turns Exercising Into A Travel Game Runkeeper and Nike+ are fantastic tools for people who are already exercising as a habit, but how do you get someone who’s inactive off the couch for the first time--how do you make exercising appealing to the undecideds, so to speak? Teemo is a new, free iPhone app by Bonnier R&D and Ammunition that takes short interval exercises and places them in the context of worldwide adventure. It’s designed, not for the athlete or the would-be athelete, but for the masses of the rest of us. “We know there is a large portion of the population that wants to feel fit, but they are stuck in a stressful holding pattern,” Ammunition’s Matt Rolandson tells Co.Design. Teemo makes the baby steps into exercise easy. If the idea sounds a bit familiar, it’s because we’ve seen a similar idea by Digit, who mapped their employees’ trips up the stairs to the ascent of urban mountains. “As far as verification goes, a user could cheat,” admits Rolandson. Download it here. [Image: RexRover/Shutterstock]

The Best Sites for Learning Japanese - Nihongo Shark - Japanese Lessons Through years of studying, I’ve come across a lot of truly amazing resources for learning Japanese. If you know of any that I’ve missed, please let me know in the comments section, and I’ll add them to this page! Our Favorite Tools for Learning Japanese This list is ever-changing as we find new and awesome things that deserve to appear on it. Anki: Smart flashcards are the most powerful language learning tool in existence. Learning Japanese Lessons Hands down my favorite source for lessons. Tools, Books & Other Stuff from Japan White Rabbit Japan: Typically where I buy all of my Japanese study books, especially ones I can’t get in the Cheaper when buying books published in the All in Japanese, but they do ship internationally. Kanji Studies Reviewing the Kanji: I firmly believe that RTK, combined with this site, is the fastest way to learn the kanji. Listening Practice Living, Working & Studying in Japan Jobs Job Posting Sites Eikaiwa Housing Visas - Real Japanese Genki Online:Self-study Room GENKI is a highly acclaimed series of integrated resources for learning elementary Japanese through a well-balanced approach to all four language skill areas—speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Used in many Japanese language courses around the world. More The second editions of GENKI Textbook I, Workbook I, and PICTURE CARDS I were released in February 2011 and feature four major revisions. Click the link here for a detailed look at those changes, plus information on the upcoming... More To aid instructors who use GENKI, we have included a page of links to additional classroom activity ideas, kanji cards, a vocabulary index, and other ready-to-use tools and information for enhancing classroom learning. More Teemo :: Fitness fun with friends!

Japanese radio - Learning Japanese Wiki (RtKWiki) From Learning Japanese Wiki (RtKWiki) Web NHK Radio News (NHKラジオニュース) News in three different speeds: ふつう (normal), ゆっくり (slow), and はやい (fast). Software: RadioSure Many radio sites linking to Japanese radio stations often have links that don't work and are just a hassle to navigate through. Just search for "Japanese" in the search window and it will list all Japanese stations. Radio Tsukuba / Sankakuyama / Smile FM
