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49 awesome photography tips and time savers

49 awesome photography tips and time savers
Fitting your photography around the demands of family life (check out our ever-popular free family portrait photography cheat sheet) and the working week is often more difficult than figuring out the technical complexities of your camera. To help you get the absolute most from your photography time, we have come up with 49 of the best photography tips and time savers that are guaranteed to get you better results, help you edit your shots with ease and simply enjoy your picture taking more. From checking your kit before you leave the house to setting up your camera on location and tips for improving your photo composition, you’ll find plenty of suggestions for saving yourself time and getting organized – thereby reducing the chance of missing out on shots – long before you even press the shutter release. And of course, no matter how much preparation and care you’ve taken when shooting, you’ll need to store, sort and edit the images you take. Before you shoot Camera settings Related:  grisellecartazes

How to copyright photos in Lightroom: protect your images in 6 easy steps In this Adobe Lightroom tutorial we’ll show you step-by-step how to copyright photos by adding your contact details to every photo’s metadata. It’s common practice to share your digital photos as electronic copies. You might do this by emailing them to clients, posting them on your Facebook page or presenting them in an online gallery. Once you’ve shared a photo you can’t control where it ends up, because it’s easy for others to make an electronic copy. As the creator of the image, you own the copyright to it, so others must seek your permission if they want to use it. When your camera processes an image to render its colours and tones, it also includes information about the camera settings used to capture the photo, such as the shutter speed and aperture setting. This metadata is stored with the image file, so where the image goes, the metadata goes too. SEE MORE: The future of photography – 7 camera features you’ll see before you die How to copyright photos 02 Copyright – YOU!

Il kireji, di Hiroyuki Fukuda e Valeria Simonova-Cecon – CINQUESETTECINQUE Il kireji (切れ字), o “carattere che taglia”, si potrebbe definire uno speciale “strumento” letterario impiegato nello haiku. Un kireji è un termine che non possiede un significato vero e proprio, ma accompagna una parola, mettendola in particolare rilievo. Da un punto di vista stilistico, un kireji (usato solamente nella lingua poetica scritta e mai nel parlato) conferisce al componimento un certo tenore nobile, alto, propriamente poetico. Un kireji, posto all’interno di un verso, lo rende quasi automaticamente “gradevole” da un punto di vista letterario. Dal punto di vista grammaticale e ritmico, un kireji crea una cesura (se si trova all’interno del verso) ossia una pausa (se posto alla fine di un verso, non tagliandolo). Eitan (詠嘆) – profonda commozione prodotta dalle cose;Yoin (余韻) – riverbero, retrogusto, ossia il senso che si rivela oltre le parole. Ai nostri tempi si usano principalmente tre di essi: 「や」- ya, 「かな」- kana e 「けり」- keri, mentre gli altri assai di rado. ah, Matsushima!

Extends Google+ Pages to All Users HootSuite is pleased to announce that Google+ Pages is now available to nearly 5 million users worldwide! Whether you’re on a Free, a Pro or an Enterprise plan, you’ll be able to efficiently manage Google+ Pages alongside other social channels, providing brands a better way to capitalize on the social power of this rapidly expanding social network. To add Google+ Pages: Access your Profile from the side menu, then select + Add a Social Network under My Social Networks. Social media teams can now fully utilize the advanced capabilities of HootSuite’s engagement, measurement, collaboration and security tool-set to manage the unique brand-focused environment of Google+ Pages for: Targeted Publishing with CirclesAdvanced Circle Management Google+ Pages – We’re Listening to You! HootSuite launched as an official partner in Fall 2011 for Enterprise clients, and since then, Google+ Pages in the dashboard is HootSuite’s most requested social network: Google+ Pages For Brand Engagement

Live View Explained: what you need to know about your alternative viewfinder Your camera’s Live View feature is an invaluable alternative to the viewfinder, especially when focusing manually or using strange camera angles. In this tutorial we explain what goes on within your camera to make Live View work, the benefits of using it – and when to use it maximise its advantages. Options and controls for using Live View. This is a Nikon D4, but the controls are similar on most cameras. Digital SLRs are based on an optical system using mirrors and prisms that shows you the scene you’re photographing in the viewfinder. But today’s cameras can also give you a big-screen view on the LCD display using a live video feed straight from the sensor. For the DSLR user, the introduction of Live View was revolutionary. For many subjects, using this alternative viewing system brings some significant advantages to your photography. In the cheat sheets below we’ve illustrated what goes on within your camera to power this important functionality.

13 Signs You Are Deficient In Magnesium And How To Fix It Every organ in your body, and especially your muscles and heart, needs magnesium to function properly. In fact, magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical processes. That’s a pretty tall order, so you definitely want to be sure you are getting all you require. But there’s a good chance you are actually deficient in magnesium. Why do I say that? Because up to 75 percent of Americans don’t even meet the minimum daily requirement for this mineral, which is 310 to 320 milligrams for women and 400 to 420 milligrams for men. The reason why most people are deficient in magnesium has a great deal to do with diet. Other reasons you could be deficient in magnesium include older age (absorption declines with age), use of certain medications (e.g., diuretics, antacids, insulin, corticosteroids, certain antibiotics), and gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease or leaky gut. Signs you are deficient in magnesium 1. Love This? Thanks for subscribing! 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.

You Control: Tunes – Control and access your iTunes music librar You Control your music You know who you are. You’ve got thousands of song titles in your iTunes music library that you are constantly adding to and you’ve got a playlist for every occasion. You Control: Tunes is a free utility that gives you complete control over iTunes from the Mac OS X menu bar. Rate your music You Control: Tunes allows you to view, and even better, modify, the rating for the currently playing song directly in the menu bar. Customize your Control The You Control: Tunes utility gives you full control over iTunes even when you are not in iTunes. Let the fun begin And because all work and no play is…well, all work and no play, You Control: Tunes throws a little eye candy your way each time the song changes displaying the track name, artist name and any album artwork you've got in your iTunes library.

Don't bide the dust: a perfectly safe guide to sensor cleaning Sensor cleaning can be quite terrifying for a photographer to try on his or her own. Considering how much you paid for it, delving deep into your digital camera’s inner sanctum is the last thing most photographers want to do. Luckily, as we’ll show you below, there are safe methods of sensor cleaning, which are also quick and easy to accomplish. First, why do we need a sensor cleaning tutorial like this? Most of the time you won’t notice them, but when you’re shooting blue skies or white studio backdrops with a narrow aperture, dark flecks will become all too visible (download our cheat sheet on when to use a wide or small aperture). Back in the days of film there was no such problem – you quite literally started each exposure with a clean canvas. SEE MORE: Camera cleaning – 5 ways to health-check your camera with confidence It’s only a matter of time until your digital camera’s sensor will need to be cleaned manually. SEE MORE: 100 Nikon DSLR tips you need to know right now

Reïki Comment déplacer un catalogue Lightroom ? | Choisir et utiliser votre reflex - Nikon Passion Vous utilisez Lightroom mais vous venez de changer d’ordinateur et vous voulez déplacer votre catalogue ? Vous avez acheté un nouveau disque dur et vous voulez l’utiliser pour stocker le catalogue ? Vous voulez changer le catalogue d’emplacement sur votre disque interne ? Voici comment déplacer un catalogue Lightroom en quelques minutes sans prendre aucun risque. des vidéos gratuites sur la Gestion des photos avec Lightroom … Présentation du contexte Le catalogue Lightroom est l’élément central d’une gestion des photos efficace et pérenne. Vous avez déjà pris soin de sauvegarder votre catalogue, et c’est bien. Mais vous avez peut-être également besoin de déplacer le catalogue vers un autre support pour de multiples raisons. En déplaçant un catalogue, vous ne perdez absolument rien : ni les photos, ni les données de tri, classement et indexation, ni les traitements déjà réalisés, ni les modèles prédéfinis propres à Lightroom (les « templates« ). Déplacer un catalogue Lightroom

5 TED-Ed Lessons sobre Ciencia para dejar a tus alumnos con la boca abierta Recordarás las TED-Ed Lessons, pequeñas píldoras de conocimiento en vídeo, temáticas y con las que descubrir una infinidad de nuevos conocimientos. Un spin-off de las charlas TED —recuerda que os recomendamos las 8 charlas TED sobre educación que todo docente curioso debería ver— con múltiples utilidades. Hoy hemos recopilado 5 TED-Ed Lessons sobre ciencia que dejarán a tus alumnos con la boca abierta. Cinco de esas píldoras de conocimiento con las que tus pupilos se sorprenderán de la facilidad de aprender algunos de los conceptos más interesantes del panorama científico. Qué fue antes, ¿el huevo o la gallina? Hoy podrás descubrirlo. Nota: aunque los vídeos están narrados en inglés, Youtube suelen disponer de subtítulos en decenas de idiomas, entre ellos el español. ¿Qué es la electricidad estática? Siempre junto a nosotros, invisible, pero sabemos que está ahí. ¿De dónde vienen los genes? Qué fue antes, ¿el huevo o la gallina? ¿Qué es el Principio de Indeterminación de Heisenberg?

Tutoriel photo de nuit Depuis mes débuts en photo, je suis attiré par la photo de nuit ou plutôt par la photo « entre chien et loup ». J’ai donc passé beaucoup de temps à pêcher ces lumières si particulières. On me demande souvent comment faire ce genre de photos. Ce n’est pas très compliqué et je vais essayer de vous donner quelques trucs et astuces pour réussir. En préambule, je tiens à dire que je ne vais parler dans cet article que de photos de paysage en milieu urbain. Côté matériel, n’importe quel appareil fera l’affaire à condition de pouvoir désactiver le flash et qu’il permette des poses de plusieurs secondes. En numérique il est préférable de travaille en RAW, car cela nous laisse une bien plus grande latitude de traitement, qui peut s’ avérer bien utile en photo de nuit. En revanche, le trépied est l’accessoire indispensable !! Un photographe et son fidèle trépied… Le 1er conseil que je peux donner est de ne pas faire les photos ? Une photo ? Miroir sur la Garonne
