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A complete list of Massive Open Online Courses (free online courses) offered by the best universities and entities.

A complete list of Massive Open Online Courses (free online courses) offered by the best universities and entities.

Open Culture - Free Cultural & Educational Media Online MOOC - Wikipedia qui explique ce que sont les MOOC Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour l’article homophone, voir Mook. Un cours en ligne ouvert et massif[1],[2] (CLOM[3]), également appelé cours en ligne ouvert à tous ou simplement cours en ligne (termes officiels recommandés par la Commission générale de terminologie[3]) ou encore cours en ligne ouvert aux masses[4] ; en anglais : massive open online course, dont le sigle MOOC est également utilisé dans les sources francophones), constitue un exemple de formation ouverte et à distance en télé-enseignement. Les participants aux cours, enseignants et élèves, sont dispersés géographiquement et communiquent uniquement par Internet. Des ressources éducatives libres sont souvent utilisées. Logo MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Schéma présentant huit concepts-clé d'un MOOC connectiviste, concernant la relation pédagogique (en beige) et le cadre techno-organisationnels et éthiques (en bleu). Éléments de définition[modifier | modifier le code]

Free Online Classes | Online Learning | Academic Earth About the OU We use cookies to make sure our websites work effectively and to improve your user experience. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time. Skip to content About the OU Open to People, Places, Methods and Ideas The Open University provides high-quality distance learning for all The OU Explained The what, when, how and why of The Open University, with information on our mission, teaching methods, history, partnerships, latest facts and figures and plans for the future. Find out how we deliver the OU's mission >> Faculties and Centres Our academic faculties and research centres are based in Milton Keynes. Organisation and Governance Introducing the OU's governing processes, key policies, statements, annual report, and people: the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and executive team. Jobs Tutor our students, work for us, find OU graduates to work for you. Study at the OU Research at the OU The OU at work Student Charter

Gnomon School | Online Courses in Visual Effects & 3D Animation for Film & Games | Learn Maya, Max & More Over the past year, we've been working hard at developing a brand new online training platform for Gnomon. While we have been providing online training for years through both the school and the Gnomon Workshop, we wanted to create a new experience for our students. For over fifteen years, Gnomon has trained thousands of artists on our campus in Hollywood. Through the live and interactive experience of taking classes with other artists from leading industry professionals, students not only learn the techniques necessary to create production quality work… but also create friendships with likeminded people. "Gnomon's new online platform has been in development for over a year and is truly the closest experience possible to taking a course on campus." While creating a new experience for online training was step one, clearly the most important next step would be the curriculum. We hope that Gnomon's new online platform becomes a valuable resource for artists looking to level up their skills.

flipped classroom An excellent tool for your flipped classroom is EDpuzzle. With this tool you can crop a video to only use the portion you need for your specific class. Another feature is you can add your own voice by inserting audio notes or recording over the video. The embed quiz feature allows you to add questions at random points in the video to engage students and check their understanding of the material. With EDpuzzle you can locate video from a number of sources including Youtube, Teacher Tube, Khan Academy, TED and LearnZillion. Once complete you can upload your completed video to the EDpuzzle library. Click here to visit the site. INTRODUCING EDpuzzle Edpuzzle Demo Playlist My First Edpuzzle Video I have uploaded both my edited video and the original for you to see the difference between the two and get an idea of the options available to edit your video with EDpuzzle. Below is the original video from My Smart Hands.

Blog | Education for Everyone by Nadiyka Gerbish Every now and then we all have some wonderful insights. Or receive short letters that bring us some revolutionary news (that is how I discovered iversity). But as time passes, we tend to forget those small, but hugely important things. And all we need then is just an ordinary, everyday miracle of inspiration met around the corner. Just a magic kick in the pants, as one of my friends puts it. Photo by Nadiyka Gerbish Yesterday I went to my favorite café to have my daily dose of hot cocoa. So yesterday, when I came to the café, there was that girl. I didn’t mean to peer, I promise, but somehow I did. “Hey, what course are you taking?” She looked at me and smiled back. So we sat there, sipping our cold drinks (though they were supposed to be hot) and chatting. There were two guys at the next table who stopped their conversation and were listening to ours, looking rather sarcastic. “Girl, wanna study?

Find OpenCourseWare with OCW Search Girls Who Code European Neanderthals were on the verge of extinction even before the arrival of modern humans New findings from an international team of researchers show that most Neanderthals in Europe died off around 50,000 years ago. The previously held view of a Europe populated by a stable Neanderthal population for hundreds of thousands of years up until modern humans arrived must therefore be revised. This new perspective on the Neanderthals comes from a study of ancient DNA published February 25 in Molecular Biology and Evolution. The results indicate that most Neanderthals in Europe died off as early as 50,000 years ago. After that, a small group of Neanderthals recolonised central and western Europe, where they survived for another 10,000 years before modern humans entered the picture. The study is the result of an international project led by Swedish and Spanish researchers in Uppsala, Stockholm and Madrid. The results presented in the study are based entirely on severely degraded DNA, and the analyses have therefore required both advanced laboratory and computational methods.

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