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How To Make Hot Pepper Cream For Arthritis And Joint Pain Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Image (with permission) – Here’s an idea that I at first found surprising – and then fascinating. Who would have thought that hot peppers – noted for their fiery taste and ability to add kick to anything graced with their presence – could act as painkillers by topical application? Hot peppers contain a substance called capsaicin. It turns out that capsaicin acts to deplete a substance in the body called Substance P (that’s its actual name!). In short, what this means is that capsaicin may function as a painkiller through topical application! Our good friends at Everyday Roots have posted three formulas for Homemade Hot Pepper Creams for Arthritis & Joint Pain. A couple of safety tips: 1) of course – be VERY careful not to get this stuff in your eyes. - Apprenez à tout réparer Biohackers: El laboratorio se traslada al garaje "Nosotros [biohackers] rechazamos la percepción popular de que la ciencia sólo se hace en los laboratorios de las universidades, las empresas que han costado millones de dólares o el Gobierno; nosotros sostenemos que el derecho a la libertad de investigación, para buscar el conocimiento por uno mismo, es un derecho tan fundamental como el de la libertad de expresión o religiosa". La frase forma parte del llamado Manifiesto Biopunk, considerado la declaración de principios del movimiento DIY BIO (Do It Yourself Biology o Biología casera). Sus integrantes quieren sacar la biotecnología de las grandes corporaciones y, desde sus garajes, llevar los beneficios de la ingeniería genética a toda la humanidad. La modificación genética no es nueva. "La libertad de investigación es tan fundamental como la de expresión" Al menos, ese es el objetivo confeso de la autora del manifiesto, la programadora autodidacta estadounidense Meredith Patterson. Con software libre Cuatro grupos de ‘biohackers'

Tout faire soi-même Alternative & Autonomie | & Autogestion: A la recherche du triple Ⓐ ☀ A l'essentiel. Limiter l'impact écologique ☀ Autonomie par l'Alternative Libertaire Décroissante ☀ [SITE EN CONSTRUCTION] Making 'MakerCulture: Taking Things into Our Own Hands' Check out the blog, wiki, podcasts, photostream and YouTube channel and feature stories, all part of a new series on The Tyee. Behind the scenes as 45 students create the MakerCulture series. For 12 weeks in the fall of 2009, 45 online journalism students at Ryerson University and the University of Western Ontario worked together to document the evolving Maker Culture community. Maker Culture? These are people who aren't just making things, they're making a point of sharing what they've learned, what they've made, and why. Makers are responding directly, locally to globalization, commercialization, copyright and central command and control. And, they're everywhere: building printers that can print themselves, mashing up music, doing science at home, changing their cities and countries, even imagining how we could print out our own organs. Sometimes they even helped it grow. Multi-media, multi-parts, multi-audiences Photos: Check out our photostream. Videos: On our You Tube channel.

How To Make Your Own Medicinal Vinegars Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! 2K+ image – © – reused with permission Medicinal vinegars are a kind of herbal extract – and are a fascinating option for those who wish to avoid using alcohol for tinctures. Both oxymels and vinegars are “ancient” herbal preparations that have been around for hundreds of years. This is a quote from about the benefits of medicinal vinegars: “Medicinal vinegars (Vinegar Extracts) have been around since ancient times, and were an excellent way to preserve and dispense herbs before distilled spirits were known about. Vinegar extracts (also known as “aceta”) are weaker than alcohol based tinctures, so the required dose is higher.

Accorderie | Echanger et Coopérer The Way Things Work The New Way Things Work[edit] A newer version, The New Way Things Work, released on October 26, 1998, contains additional text on the workings of computers and digital technology. It also lacks two pages from the first edition; one page demonstrated the working of a mechanical coin-operated parking meter. Table of Contents for The New Way Things Work[edit] Part One—The Mechanics of Movement Part Two—Harnessing the Elements Part Three—Working with Waves Part Four—Electricity and Automation Part Five—The Digital Domain Making Binary digitsStoring BitsProcessing BitsSending BitsUsing Bits/Digital SystemsEpilog Eureka! Technical Terms Index Publishing history[edit] References[edit]

Homemade Coconut Butter Lately I have been OBSESSED (that needed all caps for sure) with coconut butter. I eat it by the spoonful, put it in smoothies, bake with it, drizzle it on fruit, use it as a sandwich spread, saute veggies with it and more. Coconut butter is made up of the kind of fat that is good for you and your heart (just like avocado). Coconut butter is not coconut oil and surprisingly tastes much different. The taste reminds me of a candied coconut and let me just say it is freaking amazing. Not only is this unbelievably good it is also the easiest thing to make and you only need one ingredient... 5 cups of shredded unsweetened coconut (do not use coconut flakes or "reduced fat" shredded coconut, it will not work) * * I purchase already shredded unsweetened coconut in bulk from my local natural grocery store. Place the coconut butter into a container with a lid and store at room temperature. Enjoy :)

Panneau Solaire - Panneau de chauffage solaire fait en canettes Il est en réalité incroyablement simple et économique de construire un chauffage solaire d'appoint pour sa maison. Le plus intéressant est que le système d'accumulation de la chaleur est construit a partir de canettes en aluminium vides! Plusieurs facteurs font qu'entre les énergies renouvelables (et écologiques), et les énergies conventionnelles (non renouvelables et non écologiques), le choix qui s'impose est d'abord celui de l'énergie conventionnelle avec pour argument principal le prix. Par exemple, les gigantesques profits générés par les monopoles sur les réserves stratégiques de pétrole. Lisez ce document pour voir qu'une simple personne peut faire la différence en construisant un panneau solaire à l'aide de pièces recyclées. Le chauffage solaire est construit a l'intérieur d'un cadre en bois (contre-plaqué 15mm), d'une plaque de Plexiglas / polycarbonate de 3mm. Pour commencer, il faut récupérer des canettes vides qui seront le coeur de notre système. ATTENTION! ATTENTION!

Online | The Re-Emergence of DIY vs. Big Organizations by Johnny Lee Today we have a special guest post The Re-Emergence of DIY vs Big Organizations by Johnny Lee. The post is here on MAKE in its entirety with permission. It’s an excellent read for makers, innovators, and any company looking to harness the smarts of the tinkerers out there. Johnny Lee is best known for his Wiimote hacking, which sparked thousands of projects. And most recently, I worked with him (and Ladyada) on the Kinect hack + bounty. He recently left Microsoft Research and is now at Google. I have actually put quite a bit of thought toward this topic having recently jumped back and forth between the DIY hobby culture, serious academic research, and massively funded commercial product development. One thing that I find very consistent: good ideas come from anywhere. There’s a really great TEDx talk by Simon Sinek that touches on this. The great thing about the hacker community is that, generally, most of them fall into the latter category. But, why is this re-emergence happening now?

Comment faire votre propre vinaigre de cidre de pomme Le vinaigre de cidre de pomme est un produit complètement naturel qui est réputé pour avoir de nombreux bénéfices sur la santé tels qu'une endurance accrue et une hausse de votre système immunitaire. Il vous faudra attendre à peu près 7 mois, mais cette recette de vinaigre de cidre de pomme est une façon peu coûteuse de le préparer à la maison. Suivez simplement ces étapes pas à pas pour préparer votre vinaigre de cidre de pomme. Publicité Étapes <img alt="Image intitulée Make Apple Cider Vinegar Step 1" src=" width="728" height="482" class="whcdn">1Lavez 10 pommes bio. Conseils Avertissements Ne faites pas ou ne conservez pas de vinaigre de cidre de pomme dans un récipient en métal. Ce dont vous avez besoin 10 pommes bio entières2 grands récipients à ouverture largeDe l'eauUne étamine
