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Take a Seat - Make a Friend?

Take a Seat - Make a Friend?

21 Christmas Quiz Questions and Answers 2022 Anastasiia ChipyshevaGetty Images If you're looking to add a little fun to your festive family get-together then you've come to the right place, because we've got the ultimate Christmas quiz for everyone to enjoy. From Christmas movie trivia to festive traditions, get ready for 21 fun Christmas quiz questions and answers. • 21 Christmas quiz questions • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Anastasiia KrivenokGetty Images • Christmas quiz answers • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 15 years 18. 19. 20. 21. 15 reusable advent calendars for Christmas 2022 The Best Reusable Advent Calendars For Christmas 2022 Knit Your Own Personalised Advent Calendar Lauren Aston Designs This kit contains everything you need to knit your own beautiful advent calendar so buy it early and leave enough time to make it. Gingerbread House Advent Calendar Looking for something unique this year? Luxury Personalised Fabric Advent Calendar

How to turn down an invitation Transcript Man: Oh no! Woman: What is it? Man: “Josh and Henrietta would like to have the pleasure of your company at a drinks party, next Saturday evening...” Woman: Oh no, Josh and Henrietta... they’re not that couple who...? Man: Yeah exactly! Woman: How? Man: “Formal dress...” Woman: Argh.... it means you’ve got to wear a suit.... Man: At the bottom it says “RSVP”. Woman: You’ve got to reply. Man: But I don’t want to go, so what can I say? Woman: Tell them you’ve got a dentist’s appointment. Man: Josh is my dentist! Woman: Tell them it’s your grandmother’s 100th birthday party. Man: But they know my granny died ages ago. Woman: Tell them your dog’s sick and you’ve got to take him to see the vet. Man: It’s no use – I’m just going to have to tell them the truth... Woman: The truth? Man: Maybe not then... Woman: Tell them this: “I’m unable to attend because I have a prior engagement.” Man: “Prior engagement”?! Woman: Absolutely not. Man: Perfect!

Die Phobie vor dem Trauma überwinden Von Michaela Huber Professor Onno van der Hart ist einer von Europas führenden Traumaforschern mit internationalem Renommee. Er war unter anderem - Präsident der International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) und in früheren Jahren bereits Vizepräsident der International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD). Der psychologische Psychotherapeut und Forscher ist Professor für Psychopathologie Chronischer Traumatisierungen an der Abteilung für Klinische Psychologie der Universität Utrecht in den Niederlanden und arbeitet in eigener Praxis sowie als Psychotherapeut am Sinai Center for Mental Health in Amsterdam. Onno van der Hart unterstützt zahlreiche KollegInnen als Supervisor und Ausbilder in ihrer Arbeit mit komplexen traumabedingten Störungen. Seit etlichen Jahren arbeitet er zusammen mit den Kollegen Dr. Huber: Onno, du bist geboren und damit ein Kriegskind… Van der Hart: Oh ja, das stimmt. Huber: Und diese Patientin hat dich sozusagen auf den Weg gebracht?

Mensajes en la Ciudad... ¿Cómo la ciudad apropia la voz de los ciudadanos? ¿Qué pasa si escribimos sobre la ciudad los mensajes hacia los ríos? Eventualmente y como con muchas opiniones de crítica, esperanza y aliento, la ciudad e incluso el clima borrara nuestra voz, la hacen perderse entre ruidos y los apurados ritmos de vida. Con esta sencilla intervención se plasmaron algunos de los mensajes, recopilados de la instalación anterior, sobre el puente del Río Arzobispo. Buscábamos dejar el impacto de los mensajes en el espacio y aumentar su tiempo en el mismo, demostrando cómo la ciudad y su ritmo de "desarrollo" va borrando los deseos y anhelos de unos pocos. Lessons Worth Sharing | TED-Ed Dickens’ writing is distinctive enough to warrant its own adjective—but what are the multiple meanings of “Dickensian” today? This article offers many ideas (and some criticism) about the term. Click on the following for TED-Ed’s take on other literary figures who have engendered their own adjective—George Orwell and Franz Kafka. As a writer, Dickens was prolific, with his works totaling about 9,000 pages. Read one critic’s travels through Dickens’ complete works here. At the original time of publication, these hefty works were serialized. The Industrial Revolution brought an explosion of new ideas and technology—but it also created a new era of urban poverty where workers (many of whom were children) were without rights. Over a century after his death, Dickens remains a beloved figure for his sense of wit and wonder.

You’ve got to have a dream: a free downloadable lesson A free downloadable lesson, based around a Russian advertising video for shampoo. Despite what is aims to sell, the video is actually quite inspiring, with the story of a girl who succeeds against the odds through pure grit and determination. Students start by watching the video and trying to guess what it is trying to advertise (so don’t tell them!). The lesson would be suitable from B1 upwards. Download lesson plan PDF here: ELT Resourceful – You’ve got to have a dream Like this: Like Loading...

Harvard Professor Finds That Innovative Ideas Spread Like The Flu; Here's How To Catch Them You can hear it in the way we speak: Songs are infectious, trends are contagious, videos go viral. We use disease to describe data. Information acts like illness. As it turns out, so does innovation. While Google helps us understand the way the flu moves and a Facebook app can ferret out who might make you sick, what's missing from the sniffly conversation is that disease and ideas both travel along social networks--the real-life kind. Enter network science, an emergent discipline drawing from sociology, medicine, and statistics. "Things don't just diffuse in human populations at random. The key is exposure. "Individuals located centrally within a network will be at both an increased risk for the acquisition of a pathogen," Christakis says tells Fast Company, "and an increased risk for the acquisition of novel information." Of course, being aware of ideas doesn't necessarily mean anything--it's what you do with it. "What we found was striking," Miller says.

Quick, Draw! The Little Paris Kitchen Rachel Khoo, chef: The Parisians absolutely love ‘croque madame’ and I love them too! but I like to make them a bit different and put them in a little muffin tin. - The Croque Madame is a Parisian version of a British bacon buttie. But here it’s more of a lunchtime snack. First thing I need to do is make my béchamel sauce. - Pour 200ml of milk, slowly, to avoid getting any lumps. That’s perfect. - Now grab a rolling pin and flatten the bread to about half the thickness. I wonder if I could to do two at the same time. - And then to get that Croque crisp, coat the bread in butter to stop it getting soggy. No crunch no ‘croque’! - Put your muffins in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. That smells really good … let’s have a look. - Sometimes it’s the simplest of dishes that gives you the most pleasure.

Data Mining Education: The Key Things To Know About The Current State Of Technology In K-12 7.62K Views 0 Likes What is the next device most students will soon purchase? How many schools have a digital strategy? Find out in the current state of technology in K-12. How Online Education Has Changed In 10 Years 11.46K Views 0 Likes We all know that education, specifically online education, has come a long way in the last few years. Why TED Talks Have Become So Popular 8.15K Views 0 Likes TED talks are useful and free ways to bring high-level thinking and through-provoking ideas into the classroom and your home. 5 Things To Know About SXSWedu 5.81K Views 0 Likes The real story for anyone reading this is SXSWedu, the education-oriented version of the conference that's turning into a force of nature.

Saying boo to a sloth! David Attenborough: In this tree there is one of the most extraordinary plant predators. It’s one animal that I don’t need to sneak up on … Boo! This extraordinary creature is half-blind, half-deaf and this is just about as fast as it can move. That’s what’s going to happen to you if you live on nothing but leaves! It’s a sloth. Leaves are not very nutritious. In the time it takes me to write a few letters, the sloth just about manages to groom itself. Courseware Skip to this view's content Please enter your e-mail address below, and we will e-mail instructions for setting a new password. Help Have general questions about edX? Have a question about something specific? Report a problem Make a suggestion Ask a question Please note: The edX support team is English speaking. Thank you for your inquiry or feedback. We're Sorry, edX accounts are unavailable currently The following errors occurred while logging you in: Your email or password is incorrect Please provide the following information to log into your edX account. Required Information Account Preferences
