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Dreams is purpose to live

Dreams is purpose to live

Incredible New View of Eagle Nebula’s ‘Pillars of Creation’ | Wired Science The European Space Agency’s Herschel space telescope has captured this gorgeous new view of the famed Eagle Nebula. The Eagle Nebula, located 6,500 light-years away in the constellation Serpens, is visible as a fuzzy red spot to backyard astronomers with a modest telescope. In 1995, NASA’s Hubble space telescope captured a famous image of one region within the Eagle Nebula: a star-forming cluster named NGC6611, known as the “Pillars of Creation.” Light and heat from young stars carved out the iconic pillars, which are each several trillion miles long. Herschel’s image isn’t just beautiful, it also updates the Hubble photo and reveals new details about the region. The above photo, taken in far-infrared wavelengths that can penetrate the dust, gives astronomers an insider’s view of the pillars. The Herschel data has also been combined with ESA’s XMM-Newton space telescope, which sees the powerful x-ray radiation that the hot, young stars generate.

Mindmeister Quotes Comments 1 comment THANK YOU @OneDirection WAIT FOR YOU WWAT 2 comments asdf Narry¬w¬ haha Perry<3 #Niall19 #dudes #mcdo #bananamilk #icecream #rillakuma Happy moments with the Gang!! #Directioner, #Minions, #Potato #reposting #WeFindWays #DUDES with @MyRhoArmo & @LibertineFegi Disney awwww #gif hahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Load more 7 herramientas para crear mapas conceptuales ¿Qué son los mapas conceptuales? Los mapas conceptuales o mapas mentales sirven para estructurar el conocimiento que tienen las personas. De esta manera, y de una forma gráfica y sencilla, se plasman las relaciones existentes entre estos conocimientos, algo que facilita la capacidad de conectarlos y facilita su aprendizaje. Las ventajas de trabajar con mapas conceptuales Son muchas las ventajas de trabajar con mapas conceptuales, porque facilitan el aprendizaje y la asimilación de los contenidos: Permiten estructurar la información de manera visual.Es una manera sencilla de explicar ideas complejas.Es una herramienta para detectar los aspectos que no se comprenden.Si se crea un mapa conceptual en el aula, se promueve la participación de todos los alumnos. Herramientas para crear mapas conceptuales Estas 7 herramientas que encontrarás a continuación motivarán y ayudarán a tus alumnos a crear mapas conceptuales. ¿Has trabajado con mapas conceptuales con tus alumnos?

James Cordeiro I Am Not Belittling Steve's Passing, But This Eye-Opening Image Is True I am saddened by the passing of Steve, his sister's Eulogy was an amazing read and his last words I am sure will live with many of us for a lifetime - but this image below, although sparked some bias emotions, rang true when I removed my bias connection to Steve's amazing work. This image, makes me mad, sad, and yet very eye-opening! An Edit Before I Make To Many People MadWhat this image represents, is how the world see's things differently. Mass media coverage for Steve, I am still reading - purchased the book, some apple products in the last few weeks - yet, I don't remember the last time I talked with someone about world issues such as children starving, etc. Until now. I know this image may anger many of you, it even angered me - but, truth should not be held back although I was not going to post this, I thought to myself - why not?

Mindomo App Gabriel Vasile - Google+ - UNDERSTANDING GOOGLE+ They say a picture is worth a… Sorry, I stopped reading comments after a while. I really like the "is it interesting/usuful..." part, although this gives the feeling it is an either/op proposal, whilst comment and +1 are cumulative, not exclusive. I am not sure it is worth mentioning this subtlety, though As for Want to share it, I would insert a "yes" arrow then a "Share" button pic before the long arrow. Finally, you should move to a fully vertical thing for clarity. Example 13...5...74...6...8,9,10 Example 2 3...6...94...7...105...8(this one would probably require resizing some pictures up or down)As for the gibberish and interesting arrow as well as the white embranchment: I suggest switching all to green. Anyway, thank you +Gabriel Vasile !

DropMind Happy Friendship day guys... Comments 1 comment THANK YOU @OneDirection WAIT FOR YOU WWAT 2 comments asdf Narry¬w¬ haha Perry<3 #Niall19 #dudes #mcdo #bananamilk #icecream #rillakuma Happy moments with the Gang!! #Directioner, #Minions, #Potato #reposting #WeFindWays #DUDES with @MyRhoArmo & @LibertineFegi Disney awwww #gif hahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Load more
