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Want to Simplify Your Life? Try a Uniform My high school hallways were like a fashion show catwalk. With my classmates carefully scrutinizing my outfits, I made sure my clothes were up to date, that I had the right sneakers, the right cuffs on my stonewashed jeans, the right collar shape on my Gap button-downs and so forth. I carefully rotated my wardrobe to make sure there were no repeated outfits in a given week. I didn’t want anyone to think I didn’t care. While no one ever accused me of not caring, no one cared that much either. Most people just don’t care that much about what we’re wearing. The world is filled with a profound number of choices, but studies show that having fewer–not more–choices may be the path to greater happiness. Rather than boring and imposed fashion, a uniform can be a great way to simplify your life and even express your style–there’s a reason Steve Jobs, one of the foremost design gurus of the last 100 years, wore the same outfit day in, day out. Do you have a uniform?

Summer Learning Programs: What, Why and How You may think summer school is only for students who need to take required makeup classes. But many students choose to take part in special summer learning programs to: Explore their interests Develop new skills Get hands-on experience that a classroom doesn't offer Meet other students with similar interests Get a taste of college life Try out college classes Earn college credit, if available Taking part in a summer program is also a plus on college applications; it shows colleges that you’re committed to learning. Where and What Summer learning programs are available in just about every area of study, from the arts and sciences to languages and athletics. You can find residential programs, where you live in housing with other students, as well as classes you can commute to. Here are examples of summer programs for high school students: How Much Private summer programs can be expensive, but some offer scholarships or financial aid. How to Get Started Here’s how to begin: Real Summer Adventures

Ressources éducatives gratuites : eduMedia-Share textivate The Infinity Burial Project Anglais langue seconde WordChamp est vraiment un outil incroyable pour permettre à vos élèves de s’exercer avec le vocabulaire lorsqu’ils apprennent une langue seconde. Pour accéder aux fonctionnalités du site, il faut absolument s’inscrire et créer une classe. L’inscription est gratuite et j’ai tenté de trouver si des frais seraient demandés plus tard, mais je n’ai pas trouvé aucune mention à ce sujet. Il semble donc que c’est un outil totalement gratuit! Une fois la classe créée, on peut alors imprimer les instructions pour donner aux élèves afin que ceux-ci sachent comment accéder au système. L’interface permet aussi à l’élève de consulter un site Web dans sa langue seconde.

Flashcard Exchange: The world's largest online library of printable flashcards Kilts - UTILIKILTS Original The elder statesman of our Utilikilt line, the Original is lightweight, comfortable and comes with deep and functional side saddle cargo pockets. More Details Buy Now Mocker The Mocker is our answer to ubiquitous (and, should we add, tight and uncomfortable and wimpy and tremendously lame) Dockers® worn by white-collar workers all over the world. More Details Workmans Desk jockeys need not apply. More Details Survival If you fend off crocodiles for a living, spend most of your time trapped on desert islands or are planning on climbing a few mountains over the summer, the Survival is the Utilikilt you’ve been dreaming of. More Details Tuxedo There ain’t nothing classier than a fine Tuxedo model Utilikilt for that special occasion. More Details New Standard The New Standard is a completely new design (based on Utilikilts’ first design, The Standard) that is sleek and “Oh sooo suave”.

Word Lists The Academic Word List Useful academic vocabulary is contained in the Academic Word List, which is divided into 10 sublists in order of frequency, ie Sublist 1 has the most frequent academic words. You can try to learn these words from the lists but to learn to use them correctly you need to study them in context. Sublist 1 Sublist 2 Sublist 3 Sublist 4 Sublist 5 Sublist 6 Sublist 7 Sublist 8 Sublist 9 Sublist 10 Look at Coxhead's website to see the AWL organised in different ways. The General Service List The General Service List is a list of the basic vocabulary of English in order of frequency. Here, the General Service List is divided into smaller sublists.

Native Worship in American Prisons As stated by Lenny Foster, Director of the Navajo Nation Corrections, "The Paramount Native American human rights problem in American prisons today is the denial of their right to practice tribal religion." In recent months, Indian country has become increasingly concerned with this issue. Organizations such as the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) have issued resolutions addressing the growing infringements upon the religious liberty of Native prisoners. In addition, a group named the national Native American Prisoners' Rights Advocates Coalition (NNAPRAC) has recently been formed to request that the U.S. Attorney General take affirmative action to protect the free exercise of religion by Native American prisoners. Whether efforts of this nature will be successful in the United States remains to be seen, given the pending legislation in the present Congress toward restricting the legal rights of prisoners and their ability to seek protection in the federal courts.

American Indian Quotes Quotes • Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children. ~ Ancient American Indian Proverb • What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. • Certain things catch your eye, But pursue only those that capture your heart. ~ old indian saying • When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. • When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. • When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money. ~ Cree Prophecy • Humankind has not woven the web of life. • I am tired of talk that comes to nothing. • Humankind has not woven the web of life.