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HTML5 Game Development Course (CS 255)

HTML5 Game Development Course (CS 255)
When does the course begin? This class is self paced. You can begin whenever you like and then follow your own pace. It’s a good idea to set goals for yourself to make sure you stick with the course. How long will the course be available? This class will always be available! How do I know if this course is for me? Take a look at the “Class Summary,” “What Should I Know,” and “What Will I Learn” sections above. Can I skip individual videos? Yes! How much does this cost? It’s completely free! What are the rules on collaboration? Collaboration is a great way to learn. Why are there so many questions? Udacity classes are a little different from traditional courses. What should I do while I’m watching the videos? Learn actively!

Cómo hacer tu propia caja para cupcakes El otro día necesitaba entregar 12 cupcakes, los cupcakes playeros que os enseñé en la entrada anterior, pero problema, me quedé sin cajas! Si hubiera vivido en Madrid o Barcelona me habría acercado a una de las muchas tiendas donde encontrar millones de cosas para cupcakes y tartas, pero como no es el caso y vivo en Zaragoza y, aunque pregunté en algún que otro establecimiento (donde por cierto, no sabían ni qué era eso de los cupcakes), no hubo manera de conseguir la dichosa caja y ya era demasiado tarde para comprarla online y que me llegara a tiempo. Así que no me quedó más remedio que hacer yo misma la caja donde llevar los cupcakes. Ésta es la plantilla con la base, la tapa y el soporte para los cupcakes. Sólo tenéis que doblar por las líneas rojas para dar forma a la base de la caja. Y para terminar, echadle imaginación y decorarla como más os guste! Espero que os sirva de ayuda y os haya gustado!!

How To Avoid Co-Founder Conflict Être en paix avec Dieu, avec moi-même et avec lui. 10 Beautiful and Inspiring Infographics | The Official Wix Blog A picture is worth a 1,000 words but there infographics are worth gold. See for yourself What are Infographics? Information graphics – or infographics in short – are used to visualize information rather than conveying in through text. Though infographics have been around for ages (maps are a kind of infographic too), they’ve been enjoying a sweeping revival thanks to the internet in the last few years. Two things make a great infographic: 1. The following 10 examples show just what infographics should be: funny, smart, revealing, witty and downright stunning. The Evolution of ‘Star Trek’ Body parts what are you worth ‘Facebook Addiction Fact or Fad ?’ ‘Infographic Of Infographics’ The path of a D&D addict A case Study in Social Media Demographic The Health Benefits of Coffee Vs. Old School Instagram Filters The Anatomy of going Viral Mark Zuckerberg and The Worlds Youngest Billionaires

Scientists Uncover Invisible Motion in Video A 30-second video of a newborn baby shows the infant silently snoozing in its crib, his breathing barely perceptible. But when the video is run through an algorithm that can amplify both movement and color, the baby’s face blinks crimson with each tiny heartbeat. The amplification process is called Eulerian Video Magnification, and is the brainchild of a team of scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The team originally developed the program to monitor neonatal babies without making physical contact. But they quickly learned that the algorithm can be applied to other videos to reveal changes imperceptible to the naked eye. “Once we amplify these small motions, there’s like a whole new world you can look at,” he said. The system works by homing in on specific pixels in a video over the course of time. It is important to note that the crane does not actually move as much as the video seems to show.

Histoire. Le Maroc avant l'islam En 285, les Romains se replient et abandonnent le Maroc au profit des Vandales. L’arrivée de l’islam au VIIème siècle est un moment fondateur et essentiel dans la formation de la nation marocaine. Mais avant que les troupes musulmanes n’atteignent les frontières du Maroc, ce dernier avait déjà une identité, une histoire et une spécificité géographique et culturelle. De nombreux historiens marocains aiment rapporter, avec une certaine délectation, cette anecdote qui s’est déroulée dans la cour d’un calife abbasside à Bagdad. Un pays mythique Son ancien nom, Al Maghrib Al Aqsa, l’Extrême Occident, traduit cette singularité et cette spécificité, même aux yeux des étrangers qui le percevaient comme une terre lointaine, excentrée, qui fascine et intrigue. Bienvenue chez les Maures Dans l’Antiquité, la population berbère d’Afrique du Nord était appelée “les Libyens”. Ce qu’il faut lire • Ibn Khaldoun.

EaselJS | Sprite Sheets Demo Recent Updates Follow @CreateJS January 2014 WebGL beta added to EaselJS December 2013 EaselJS 0.7.1 availableAdded MIT license information to project root The Story Why we built EaselJS About EaselJS EaselJS provides straight forward solutions for working with rich graphics and interactivity with HTML5 Canvas. Featured Projects Community Show & Tell. Ion Drift A port of the Flash game Ion Drift, b10b was able to build a CreateJS version in less than a day that hit target framerates on even the lowest devices, and outperformed ports to other libraries. By b10b b10b

/dev/blog: On the state of Windows on the desktop I have this Linux system on my PC which has become a bit boring (no, it's not crashed or anything... I just got a bit bored), so I decided to replace it with Windows 7 (some friends told me to not even try Windows 8 because it has an advanced interface nobody was able to figure out yet). I really did not set the bar too high: I just hoped to have a nice user-friendly interface and recover the email I have in Maildir, and maybe watch my video collection on an external hard drive. Please note that this article is a parody of what some Windows users write about Linux. I didn't want to commit and install a new operating system right off the bat. I can understand not having a free version (well, no I can't, but let me just pretend I do), but why on earth is there no live CD? I called a friend of my friend's I knew had some experience with Windows before. So I got an .iso file. Back in the installer, I formatted the two partitions as NTFS. It was time to do some work. Translations

Tipos de Estrategias de Marketing que Debes de Conocer El marketing consiste en poder planificar, con bastante garantía de éxito, el futuro de tu negocio. Basándose en crear diferentes tipos de estrategias para poder enfrentar las demandas del mercado. Para los mercadólogos las estrategias nos sirve como guía para posicionar nuestro producto, así como también para desarrollar tareas especificas en los distintos aspectos del marketing mix (precio, promoción, plaza, producto). Entonces sabiendo lo importante que es la estrategia en marketing y que sirve como punto de partida para todo lo que hagamos; aquí les dejo tiposde estrategias que el marketing realiza y que deben de conocer para poder usarlas en su negocio, o al menos, si no las aplican todas saber que existen estrategias para cada aspecto de su negocio y que si no les va bien es porque quizás, necesiten usar algunas de ellas. Tipos de EstrategiasEstrategias nacionales, regionales y locales. Estrategias competitivas. Estrategias del producto. Estrategias del mercado. Estrategias de precio.

From lame to Lion—the 12-year evolution of OS X It may not feel that way, but we Mac users have now had quite a long run with OS X. We're coming up on 12 years since the first public release of the operating system (and even longer if you consider the betas and developer previews), and we've seen OS X go through plenty of changes during that time. Indeed, even Mac veterans may—with the passing of the years—have forgotten just how shaky some of those early OS versions could be. Don't remember what OS X used to look like back when dinosaurs used to roam the planet and Apple's OS ran only on PowerPC processors? Mac OS X 10.0: Cheetah OS X was officially released to the public in 2001 after a rollercoaster series of developer previews, some of which barely resembled the final product. And because so many users were still making generous use of their OS 8 and 9 applications, OS X featured a "Classic" mode. In his review of Mac OS X 10.0, Siracusa concluded with this fairly mixed verdict: Mac OS X 10.1: Puma Here's Puma's Dock:

[Descarga] Películas pokemon Latino Una nueva recopilación casera y nuevamente subida 100% por mi de las películas de pokemon, pero lo mejor es que no están ni en japones, ni en ingles, ni en español COÑO, sino que están en el amadísimo Español Latino. Las peliculas vienen divididas en partes de aproximadamente 100mb cada una. Obviamente no todas las películas fueron creadas o producidas por la misma empresa, por lo que en algunas se verán afectados algunos datos de la serie y las voces de nuestro héroes como dice el locutor xd. Otra cosa la sinopsis de estas peliculas la tome de la pagina Bueno empecemos... Mewtwo Contraataca Informacion Formato de Archivo: mp4 Peso del Archivo: Aprox 170mb Fecha de Lanzamiento Latinoamerica: 15 de diciembre de 1999 Sinopsis Científicos de los laboratorios Rocket, crean un nuevo Pokémon en base al ADN de un Poderoso Pokémon Legendario llamado Mew. Link: El Poder de Uno Link: El Hechizo de los Unowns

10 Raspberry Pi creations that show how amazing the tiny PC can be The Raspberry Pi, the $35 credit card-sized computer, has lived an interesting life despite being less than a year old. It has been used to teach programming and host servers, but above all it has provided a near-perfect platform for some of the most fun and interesting hobbyist projects in the computing world. Arcade cabinets, computing clusters housed in LEGOs, musical instruments, robots, and wearable computers are just some of the uses Pi owners have found. It turns out you can do a lot with an ARM processor, GPU, a few ports and GPIO pins, and an operating system (typically Linux-based) loaded onto an SD card. Here are 10 of the coolest Raspberry Pi creations we've been able to find. A Pi-powered arcade cabinet Lots of people have installed gaming emulators on the Raspberry Pi—not as many have used it to build an entire arcade cabinet. Darren loaded the MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) software onto a Raspberry Pi inside a coin-operated JAMMA cabinet. Here's the code he used:

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