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Web 2.0 Tools Based on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - Web 2.0 Tools Based on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

Web 2.0 Tools Based on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - Web 2.0 Tools Based on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

e-Missions Student Center - Competitions Design competitions are a great way to sharpen your skills and show off your creativity. Employers are looking to hire designers who have demonstrated experience and skills. Enter a competition, win, and you’ll have bragging rights for years to come. Autodesk proudly sponsors competitions around the world, including some of those listed below. Our goal is to help advance students’ knowledge and skills through challenges that inspire and prepare them for promising careers in architecture, engineering, and the digital arts. Check out the following design competitions and see how you can get involved! Upcoming design competitions Archi-World® AcademyRegistration deadline: September 2014 Are you an architecture or urban design student looking for an internship at a prestigious firm? ASHRAE Student Design ProjectRegistration deadline: May 4, 2014 Formula 1 in SchoolsRegistration deadline: This is a yearly, ongoing competition Holcim AwardsRegistration deadline: March 24, 2014
