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NDL/FNIC Food Composition Database Home Page Local Directory Listings for Medical Practices with MD Connect Connect Your Medical Practice To the Top Local Directories With MD ConnectTM, our Local Directory Listing service enables your medical practice to be visible on over 40 of the leading directories, local website search engines and mapping applications. Showcase your practice and capture more traffic to more than 150 million people each month. Allow Patients To Find Your Medical Practice Your potential patients are utilizing the internet to research and identify medical practices within their communities; it is important that your practice is visible when these patients are conducting their searches. Our local directory listing service gives you more control over your listings almost everywhere online and helps you stand out wherever patients may be searching for practices like yours. Pricing Contact us today with any questions. Don't be invisible when your patients are searching for you!

US Food and Drug Administration Recalls, Outbreaks & Emergencies Food recalls, safety alerts and advisories, outbreak investigations, and keeping food safe in emergencies. Foodborne Illness & Contaminants Preventing foodborne illness and info on pathogens, chemicals, pesticides, natural toxins, and metals. Ingredients, Packaging & Labeling Information about ingredients, additives, contact substances, GRAS, allergens, and nutrition labeling. Dietary Supplements Using dietary supplements and FDA's role in regulating supplement products and dietary ingredients. Food Defense FDA's role in helping reduce the risk of malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions on the food supply. Science & Research (Food) Biotechnology, laboratory methods and publications, research strategic plan, and research areas such as risk assessment and consumer behavior. Guidance & Regulation Guidance documents, FSMA, CGMPs, HACCP, facility registration, retail food protection, and import/export. Compliance & Enforcement International & Interagency Coordination

Adventures in Field Botany / Illustrated-Glossary Leaf Morphology: Phyllode/ Cladode: modifyed stems that act as leaves. Ensiform: leaves sharp edges, taper into a slender point (fern) Stellate: hairs come up like fingers. Peltate: "petiole joins to the center" in leaves. Glossary of Terms: WHORLED - more than two (2) opposite leaves. OPPOSITE - leaf nodes are on opposite sides of twig. ALTERNATE - leaf nodes alternate in pattern along branch. DECUSSATE - Arranged on a stem in opposite pairs at right angles to those above or below, resulting in vertical rows of leaves. PALMATE - consisting of leaflets or lobes radiating from the base of the leaf. CAPSULE - a hollow dry fruit with 3+ locules (chambers) Dehiscent = splits open to release the seed. Indehiscent: remaining closed, do not split open at maturity. Capsule Types- Dehiscent: Capsule breaks to release fruit Indehiscent: This is a drupe, no hard capsule that is made to split open A walnut is a drupe fruit. OVATE (ovoid) OBOVATE (obovoid) ELLIPTICAL Root Index Tuberous Roots: ex- Sweet Potato

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