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A Teacher's Guide to Differentiating Instruction

A Teacher's Guide to Differentiating Instruction
Introduction Does effectively teaching 30 students in one classroom require teachers to develop 30 lessons, one tailor-made for each student? Or should teachers “aim for the middle” and hope to reach most students in a given lesson? The answer is not simple. What is Differentiation? Simply stated, differentiation is modified instruction that helps students with diverse academic needs and learning styles master the same challenging academic content. How to Start Four planning steps set the stage for effective differentiated instruction. Vary Materials Author Joyce Van Tassel-Baska (2003) suggests that the selection of materials for use in the classroom is a crucial next step to effective differentiated instruction. Nonfiction and fiction, written at a variety of reading levels. The use of varied materials will encourage these students to understand the concept of “main idea” not only within language arts but in other settings as well. Vary Process Vary Assessment Conclusion References Good, M. Related:  Lektionsupplägg

Curriculum differentiation - Schools Plus - The Department of Education Ideas on adjusting the curriculum to meet the needs of all students Schools Plus would like to acknowledge that the information listed below is a body of knowledge that has been collected from a variety of sources - teachers, workshops, classrooms and schools. Set achievable tasks providing regular feedback throughout the activity Teach the student to organize themselves by listing tasks to be done and when they are due. A visual system for younger students, a diary for older students. Sequence activities Have the student’s full attention before giving instructions Instructions, routines and rules should be kept short, concise, clear and positive.

Differentiating Instruction Through Interactive Games (Tech2Learn Series) Mr. Pronovost: Really trying to address giving every student what they need, and giving them that differentiated instruction is where the technology really comes in handy. Not only are they getting immediate feedback and they're able to move at their own pace, but then I'm also able to support the students who really need my support. Today, what we are gonna talk about is addition and subtraction. So today when we started in math, we sat down on the rug and we were starting with addition and subtraction. How do we know we're doing addition? Boy: Because you said "and all" and that means all together. Mr. Once I felt that students really were getting back into the rhythm with addition and subtraction, that's when I move them on to computers. When you're at Planet Turtle, you're doing your independent practice. Planet Turtle is a program that allows them to play games. Mr. Girl: What is ten minus nine, and then I know the answer, so I click, and you get a point. Mr. All: Fourteen. Mr. Mr. Mr.

How to Differentiate Instruction How to Differentiate Instruction What's All the Hype? Unfortunately, our images of school are almost factory images, so school is very standardized. But kids don't come in standard issue. The challenge is having teachers question the standardized notion of school and then helping kids realize there's a better way to do school. Effective teachers have been differentiating instruction for as long as teaching has been a profession. What The Research Tells Us About Differentiate Instruction There are three bodies of research worth mentioning. 1) Brain-based Research 2) Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences 3) Authentic Assessment Brain-based Research on Learning Research on the brain has been used to inform educational practice for many years and is becoming more and more popular. Other valuable links on this topic can be found at: Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences

The How To's of Planning Lessons Differentiated by Learning Profile Figure 10.1. Focus on Learning Profile Learning-Style Preferences Learning style refers to environmental or personal factors. Intelligence Preferences Intelligence preference refers to the sorts of brain-based predispositions we all have for learning. Culture-Influenced Preferences Culture affects how we learn, as well. The goal of the teacher is, therefore, not to suggest that individuals from a particular culture ought to learn in a particular way, but rather to come to understand the great range of learning preferences that will exist in any group of people and to create a classroom flexible enough to invite individuals to work in ways they find most productive. Gender-Based Preferences Gender also influences how we learn. Combined Preferences Combinations of culture and gender will create unique constellations of learning preferences in individuals. Some Guidelines for Learning-Profile Differentiation Remember that some, but not all, of your students share your learning preferences. Ms.

IEPs Require Modification | Leaps Teaching Social Skills by Pam Bruening There is a lot of confusion between modification, accommodation, and differentiation, especially as these terms relate to special education. The intent of all three is that students receive support in the classroom and help students to learn.1 Modification Modification of curriculum means to make a change in what is being taught to or expected from the student.2 Making an assignment easier so the student is not doing the same level of work as other students is an example of a modification.3 Generally, modifying curriculum is not recommended unless it is stated on a student's Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), since it involves altering student academic expectations. About the Author Dr. Dr. Accomodation Accommodations are intended to reduce or eliminate the effects of a student's disability.4 Accommodations do not decrease learning expectations and are noted on a student's Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). Differentiation of Instruction Back to RtI in Plain English

Differentiated Instructional Strategies - home 20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning 20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning Recently we took at look at the phases of inquiry-based learning through a framework, and even apps that were conducive to inquiry-based learning on the iPad. During our research for the phases framework, we stumbled across the following breakdown of the inquiry process for learning on (who offer the references that appear below the graphic). Most helpfully, it offers 20 questions that can guide student research at any stage, including: What do I want to know about this topic? These stages have some overlap with self-directed learning. References Cross, M. (1996). Kuhlthau, C., Maniotes, L., & Caspari, A. (2007).

Best Screencasting Tools and Apps for Windows PC and Mac OS X When it comes to showing others what you’re up to on your Windows or Mac computer, taking and sending screenshots is one route you can go. However, there are a multitude of feature-filled programs out there that do a much better job in this area. Using screencasting tools can be a great way to create comprehensive video tutorials, demonstrate how to use software and/or specific features, as well as live stream and share content. Most run relatively quickly, flawlessly recording whatever audio and video plays through your speakers and shows up on your monitor’s screen, respectively. Here’s our selection of the best screencasting and recording tools available for Windows, Mac OS X. Alternatively, feel free to check out our guides on how to take a screenshot on PC and how to take a screenshot on a Mac. CamStudio (Windows/Free) If there ever was an award for sheer simplicity in a screencasting utility, CamStudio would win by a landslide. Screencast-O-Matic (Windows/Web-based/Free)
