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Bullying. No Way!

Bullying. No Way!

Related:  library events

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2014 Theme: Inspiring Change International Women's Day 2014 Theme: INSPIRING CHANGE Women's equality has made positive gains but the world is still unequal. International Women's Day celebrates the social, political and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action. Inspiring Change is the 2014 theme for our global hub and encourages advocacy for women's advancement everywhere in every way.

Bullying This can look like: Being harassed or abused Being excluded Having rumours spread about you People posting stuff about you online Being dominated by someone What is bullying? Bullying is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions against someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing. People who do it usually have more influence or power over someone else, or want to make someone else feel less powerful or helpless. Bullying is not the same as conflict between people (like having a fight) or disliking someone, even though people might bully each other because of conflict or dislike.

Library Book Display Ideas Library users are often overwhelmed trying to choose from the huge selection of books filling the shelves. Libraries that feature books in displays help overcome that problem. The potential reader has a manageable selection to browse through. I spent fifteen years of my library career in Baltimore County Public Library. There was a heavy emphasis on merchandising the collection. Bullying We ask you, humbly: don't scroll away. Hi reader, this Tuesday, for the 4th time recently, we ask you to defend Wikipedia's independence. Our 2020 fundraiser will be over soon. Thanks to the 2% of our readers who donate, Wikipedia remains open to all. If Wikipedia has given you worth of knowledge, take a minute to donate to the Wikimedia Endowment to keep it thriving for years.

Comic Con Program Series at the Main Library Whether you’re into anime or zombies, Superman or Star Wars, comic book fans won’t want to miss the Main Library’s first Comic Con on Sunday, May 5 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Comic Con This four-hour program will feature a panel discussion with writers and illustrators working in the field, free comic books (in celebration of Free Comic Book Day), a comic book swap, artist and writer’s booths, the opportunity to take pictures with your favorite comic book/movie characters (Stormtroopers, Mandalorian Mercs, X-Men characters and more!), and the Comic Con Drawing Contest award ceremony. When: 1:00-5:00 p.m., May 5 Where: Atrium, Main Library This program is for all ages.

Effects of Bullying Bullying can affect everyone—those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide. It is important to talk to kids to determine whether bullying—or something else—is a concern. Kids Who are Bullied

About — The Book to Art Club The goal of the Book to Art Club is to find hands-on, creative ways to engage with literature – where the process of art-making is more important than the product! How the Book to Art Club works: The Book to Art Club is a book + art-making club that exists virtually and in-person at libraries around the world. Warning Signs There are many warning signs that may indicate that someone is affected by bullying—either being bullied or bullying others. Recognizing the warning signs is an important first step in taking action against bullying. Not all children who are bullied or are bullying others ask for help. Finding Library Futures, 4: Delivering the Literacy Smackdown – Big Box Battle Big Box Battle monsters pose in their cardboard city Last time on the blog we were discussing Parkes Shire’s time travel roleplay activity for schools, Time Travel Detectives. In it, a time portal had been opened from a polluted future Earth. Insidious, bug-like creatures were trying to cross timelines and usurp the present, but Parkes kids were able to go after them and capture them in specimen jars…

Sale of book-themed benches raises £250,000 for reading charity A sale of “book benches”, designed to illustrate classics of London literature, has raised more than £250,000 for a reading charity. The 50 brightly coloured benches have been scattered around the capital over the summer in the Books about Town project, a collaboration between public art impresarios Wild in Art and the National Literacy Trust, to celebrate London’s literary history while raising money for the NLT’s work to improve literacy in the UK. At Tuesday’s auction, conducted by Sotheby’s at the Purcell Room on London’s South Bank, the top price of £9,500 was commanded by a Jeeves and Wooster bench, featuring the legs of a presumably legless Bertie stretched out on the croquet lawn at Blandings castle, beside his upturned cocktail glass.

A List of Book-Related Special Days for Kids A List of Book-Related Special Days for Kids by Susan Stephenson, I know my Teacher Librarian friends look for one list of special days worthy of celebration in the library, or indeed across the school. I know many parents who love to celebrate book-related days as a way of constantly keeping the family focus on books.

the events manager Whoever thought being a teacher librarian would encompass being an events manager? Staid, middle-aged women guarding and counting the books in the the twilight of their careers having such a glamorous title goes right against the stereotype! But in fact, it’s one of the most important roles we can have if we are to get out students to be readers. We all know the competition that we have from other media for occupying children’s leisure time and while, in the past, the “passive” activity of reading only had to compete with the more passive activity of television viewing, especially after dark when outside play and sport was no longer an option, now there is the interactivity of computer games and other screen-based activities to compete with. If our students are going to be readers they need to see it not only as a valid, valuable and valued use of their spare time but they also need to see it as fun! Something they want to do rather than something they have to do.

12 Insta Easy Instagram Library & Literacy Promotion Ideas What’s the point of Instagram and why should you spend your precious time and money on it? Well, don’t worry about the cost, because it’s FREE! So, all you really need is creativity and a few minutes a day to make meaningful, fun, and lasting connections with your community. And with Instagram you get a twofer!
