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Interactive 3D Graphics Course With Three.js & WebGL

Interactive 3D Graphics Course With Three.js & WebGL
When does the course begin? This class is self paced. You can begin whenever you like and then follow your own pace. It’s a good idea to set goals for yourself to make sure you stick with the course. How long will the course be available? This class will always be available! How do I know if this course is for me? Take a look at the “Class Summary,” “What Should I Know,” and “What Will I Learn” sections above. Can I skip individual videos? Yes! How much does this cost? It’s completely free! What are the rules on collaboration? Collaboration is a great way to learn. Why are there so many questions? Udacity classes are a little different from traditional courses. What should I do while I’m watching the videos? Learn actively!

Muffin Express Games | Delivering video games fresh out of the oven! Graphics Tutorials Graphics Tutorials Lesson 01 – Introduction Published on August 15th, 2013 | by Joe Arroyo This lesson provides a brief overview of what graphics programming entails. This video covers the definition of a pixel, explains screen tearing, buffering, and the idea behind representing an infinitely defined mathematical object with finite ... Read More → Graphics Tutorials Lesson 02 – Graphics Pipeline Overview Published on August 20th, 2013 | by Joe Arroyo This lesson provides a high level overview of the 2D graphics pipeline. Graphics Tutorials Lesson 03 – The Naive Line Algorithm Published on August 22nd, 2013 | by Joe Arroyo This lesson covers the naive line algorithm. Graphics Tutorials Lesson 04 – Introduction to Transformations

How to become a graphics programmer I've had many emails over the years asking how to get into graphics programming, so instead of writing all those replies, I wrote this article and now I can just point people to it. So here goes. I grew up in a podunk town in Ohio, where there was no one to teach me this stuff. I was *dying* to know how the Future Crew (a demoscene group) made a 486 crank out such amazing 3D graphics, but my math teachers had no idea how they did it, and weren't able to point me to the right resources. The world is different now; we have Google, and you can learn it all sitting at your desk. The unfortunate thing is that learning graphics programming takes a LOT of work: there is a wide base of background knowledge to accumulate (especially in mathematics), LOTS of programming practice time to put in, and a lot of studying of graphics techniques, which add new, more devilish layers of complexity every year. Another warning: most game programmers work horribly long hours. Best of luck to you! 1. 2. 3. 4.
