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After Effects region of interest

After Effects region of interest
After Effects CC 2015 (13.5) is now available. For details about what’s new and changed in After Effects CC 2015 (13.5), see this page. IMPORTANT: Before installing the new version of After Effects, please read this page about the default behavior of the updater, which is to remove all previous versions of the application, and this page about why you might not want to do that. The biggest piece of work for After Effects CC 2015 (13.5) has been a complete re-architecture of how rendering occurs, specifically regarding separating the main render thread from the thread that controls the user interface. Please, check with the vendors of your third-party plug-ins for updates that are compatible with After Effects CC 2015 (13.5). I said that most are ready. As usual, Toolfarm is doing an excellent job of tracking which plug-ins have updates, and where to get them. Trapcode Sound Keys (Red Giant) This bug is our fault, not the fault of Trapcode or Red Giant. other Red Giant plug-ins Boris FX

Reblog Archive: Technologized Bodies/Embodied Technologies <p><img alt="caalef.gif" src=" width="180" height="28" border="0" style="float: left; margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px";><h4>LEF + Art Interactive/CAA06</h4><p></p> CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: JANUARY 1, 2006 DEADLINE; BOSTON CAA CONFERENCE at ART INTERACTIVE GALLERY; co-curated by Legier Biederman and Dave Burns. Works on video that convey and/or solicit embodied subjects and/or embodied responses, and thus potentially rupture and/or problematize the notion that acts of viewing cohere us as the discrete and transcendent origins of vision and knowledge. [....] So, in contrast to theories of new media or interpretations of technologies that insist on the obsolescence of the body--its replacement with the pure information of digital screens or digital codes activated on these screens--how do experimental media works explore bodies for their capacity to activate rather than suppress the object or subject produced/reproduced?

TOTAL PHOTOSHOP (tut. video immagine ecc.) Up&Up è il nuovo, spettacolare, video dei Coldplay Il gruppo britannico ha pubblicato sui propri canali ufficiali il video del nuovo singolo Up&Up ottenendo, subito, moltissime visualizzazioni. Posto che i Coldplay possono piacere o non piacere, siamo qui per suggerirvi di dare un’occhiata (ed anche più di una) alla clip. Si tratta infatti di un video ricco di effetti speciali, una delle nostre grandi passioni, e di contenuti e rimandi all’attualità davvero sconvolgenti. Up&Up – Due parole sui registi Non ce ne voglia chi non è appassionato del settore e chi è abituato a spegnere la televisione quando compaiono i titoli di coda, ma non possiamo non dedicare almeno due parole a chi ha realizzato questo capolavoro. Up&Up – Messaggi subliminali Come già accennato, questo video porta con sè una serie di immagini che richiamano ad argomenti di attualità, vediamone qualche esempio. Un muro collocato in una splendida spiaggia blocca l’accesso al mare. Up&Up – Come hanno fatto? Up&Up – Il video

Bringing art to life, pt IV: Magritte in Sir Realist Gustave Klimt wasn’t the only one getting a faithful, in the flesh reproduction of his works. In Genlux‘s winter issue, an editorial called Sir Realist shot by Andrew Matusik used surrealist master Rene Magritte‘s work as inspiration. While the reenactment isn’t always as faithful as Klimt’s, Magritte’s vision clearly shines through. Check it out and compare it to the originals! Unknown Golconde The Invention of Life Lovers Attempting the Impossible Castle in The Pyrenees Black Magic The Dangerous Liaison

Personal Account for QR Code Creation | ScanLife *Both Basic and Basic + have strict limited commercial use policies, and are not available for brands, agencies, resale, large retailers, and enterprises. **More sites could be added to an account for an additional charge. ScanLife offers a mobile engagement solution suitable for any marketing strategy and more! Below describes the QR Code costs and creation plans offered from entry-level personal use to enterprise level. Basic: $25/month The basic mobile engagement QR Code creation plan is perfect for individuals that need a tool to creatively transport information. Website URLPhone number (click to call)Contact informationEmailNotes For example, include on your business card a LinkedIn profile, Facebook page or professional web page. Basic Plus: $85/month Small businesses can benefit from the basic plus mobile engagement QR Code creation plan as the plan offers more code actions. ScansUsersLocationsRepresentative demographicsDevice type Enterprise: Free 14-Day Trial

Custom records for a 70's toy record player I recently stumbled across and old toy record player made by Fisher Price in the 1970s. I'm sure many of you will recognise this iconic toy and some of the older Instructables visitors may well have had one. As with many 40-year old toys, it was in a bit of a sad state and a couple of the records had been lost. 3D printing a record might seem like the obvious choice these days, but I decided to go with CNC milling. Why a mill you ask? Also the CNC mill means I'm not limited to plastic. If you want to 3D print a record then my code will have to be adapted but it's all open and should be easy enough to convert. UPDATE: I've now finished a 3D printed version of this project. Continuing the spirit of Instructables, if you create the music and share it, I'll make it real for you.

telematic connections:: timeline Introduction. Art and Telematics: A Match Made in Heaven? The marriage of art and technology figures prominently in utopian and dystopian formulations of the future. Following the binary logic of modernist discourse, art and her sisters (which include intuition, nature, and metaphyics) form a set that is mapped in opposition to technology and his brothers (analytic reason, machines, and physics). The slogan, "Art and technology - a new unity," which grounded the Bauhaus's modernist utopian vision of the 1920s, suggested that both art and technology were somehow insufficient on their own, and in need of each other. After two world wars and the dawning of the nuclear age, technology increasingly became seen as a threat to human life and free will. The relationship between art and technology with respect to utopian and dystopian visions of the future is richly articulated in the theories of Telematic Art proposed by British artist Roy Ascott since 1980.

How to Make a Professional Art Portfolio for a Gallery Your portfolio is less about your art than about making money from your art. If you're aiming for a show in a major art market -- Santa Fe, New York or Los Angeles, for example -- you'll need more than your dozen favorite gouaches in a big, leather case. You'll also need an artist's statement, a résumé, a logo, business cards, large photos of your work, custom stationery and a self-promoting DVD, all beautifully arranged in a custom presentation folder that you can force into a gallery manager's hand. You'll also want to carry around a portfolio case with original examples of your work. Artist's statement Logo Business cards Custom stationery Custom 9-by-12-inch presentation folders Résumé Digital camera 8-by-10-Inch photos of your most photogenic art 5-Minute video Show (6) More 1 Write an artist's statement. Photo Credit Hemera Technologies/ Images

unreal-estates F.A.T. Marcel Duchamp Published in: Robert Lebel: Marcel Duchamp. New York: Paragraphic Books, 1959, pp. 77/78. Session on the Creative Act Convention of the American Federation of Arts Houston, Texas April 1957 Participants: Professor Seitz, Princeton University Professor Arnheim, Sarah Lawrence College Gregory Bateson, anthropologist Marcel Duchamp, mere artist THE CREATIVE ACT by Marcel Duchamp Let us consider two important factors, the two poles of the creation of art: the artist on the one hand, and on the other the spectator who later becomes the posterity.
