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Free parametric BIM Models of "bathroom" in GDL, 3DS, DWG and DXF formats

Free parametric BIM Models of "bathroom" in GDL, 3DS, DWG and DXF formats

Revit Components buildz Village BIM ADAPTIVE SPIRAL STAIRS I was looking through Zach Kron's parametric patterns series, which is still available on his Buildz website, and well worth a look if you missed it. The INCREMENT SPIRAL caught my eye and I started wondering "how would I convert this into a fully parametric spiral stair" I took the family that Zach created: just a spiral line, with parameters for height, radius, rotation angle. (You can vary the top and bottom radius separately to make a cone, but I just wanted a cylinder.) The goal was to make a spiral surface, divide it, then populate it with curtain panel families that emulate stair treads. My first attempt at a surface turned out to be a DNA style double helix. Tried out a curtain pattern family with a cylinder on one edge. Curtain pattern families are designed to lie in the plane of a curved or twisted surface. So far so good and I was getting excited. Why not make the whole tread assembly as a nested component and simply align it with the vertical line ?
