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Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless):

How the E-Book Will Change the Way We Read and Write amazon Buy Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Textbooks Online Observatoire du haut et très haut débit sur réseaux fixes - marc Téléchargez l'observatoire (pdf) Au 31 décembre 2013, le nombre d'abonnements internet à haut et très haut débit sur réseaux fixes atteint 24,9 millions, soit une croissance nette de 260 000 abonnements au cours du trimestre. Sur un an, l'accroissement net s'élève à 900 000 (+4%). Sur ce total, le nombre d'abonnements à haut débit est de 22,9 millions, soit une progression de 55 000 abonnements en un trimestre. Le nombre d'abonnements xDSL dont le débit est inférieur à 30 Mbits/s (22,5 millions à la fin du quatrième trimestre 2013) est en hausse de 45 000 sur le trimestre. Le nombre des autres abonnements haut débit (abonnements par le câble, en wifi, par le satellite ou la boucle locale radio), s'accroît de 10 000 en un trimestre, et s'élève à 405 000 à la fin de l'année 2013. Le nombre d'abonnements à très haut débit est évalué à 2,1 million à la fin du quatrième trimestre 2013 (+200 000 en un trimestre), dont :

The books that shaped history 6 January 2012Last updated at 01:09 The 15th-Century Gutenberg Bible changed the way books were received and read. It was the first real book to be mass-produced using movable type printing techniques - and so could be made in a fraction of the time it had previously taken scribes to write by hand. The book is one of several influential scripts being investigated by Melvyn Bragg for BBC Radio 4, as he looks at the written world and how it changed our intellectual history. Here, he takes a look at the Gutenberg Bible at the British Library in London - and then travels to Cambridge to see the student notes of Sir Isaac Newton, and how writing helped make the scientific revolution of the Enlightenment possible. Continue reading the main story All images subject to copyright - and courtesy British Library Board, Cambridge University Library and Getty Images. Music by KPM Music. Related: BBC Radio 4: In Our Time - Written World BBC Podcasts - Written World British Library - Written World

The 5 Rings Of Conversion Optimization Conversion optimization is bigger than your web site. From blogs and landing pages, to official outlets on social media sites, marketers now manage a large extended web that thrives beyond the borders of the traditional web site. Great conversion optimization must leverage the dynamics of each layer—and coordinate the interaction between them. The extended web solar system There are five rings of your web presence under your direct control: Core web: Online applicationsInner web: Your traditional, navigable web siteOuter web: Landing pages, blogs, micrositesSocial web: Outposts on social media sitesAdvertising networks: Paid media on other sites Picture this as a kind of solar system, with your inner web and core applications as the gravitational center: Of course, there’s much more about you out on the web—what others say, organic search results, affiliate initiatives, etc. The core web: Applications with general appeal The inner web: A stable, global reference There are two exceptions.

TechCrunch Thought-Control Headset Reads Your Mind | Gadget Lab The Emotiv EPOC headset is being marketed as both a gaming device and as an aid for the disabled. It has 14 EEG electrodes to monitor brain activity, a gyroscope so it knows where you noggin is in space and packs a li-ion battery for 12 hours of use. It is also wireless, and charges via USB. The headset reads brain activity related to facial movements, and uses this to infer your emotional state and intentions. This is then translated in software to control various applications, from games to photo viewers to an on-screen keyboard. And of course, any application or machine could be made to do anything with the input, from steering a wheelchair to, we guess, firing the weapons systems on a stolen, cold-war era Soviet fighter plane. There are three kits, and all flavors come with the same telepathic hat. What is most striking, once you get over the idea of a thought-controlled computer, is just how cool the EPOC looks. EPOC Product page [Emotiv]

Data Overtakes Voice in Cellphone Use | Gadget Lab The new cellphone killer app is data. Spring Nextel boss Dan Hesse says that voice-use has dropped to less than half of cellphone network traffic. According to the CTIA, the number text message sent last year was up 50% on the year before. Add to that email, the multitasking nature of SMS and instant-messaging, and the other non-voice-based communications available on our phones today and its easy to see why people prefer to keep their mouths shut. People see voice as intrusive and as a waste of time, says an article in the New York Times, saving it for a last resort. Cellphones aren’t even designed for calling anymore: gone are the days of seeing a grandmother on the bus reading numbers from a piece of paper and dialing them in on a number-pad. This is no surprise to me. This tumbling of voice on the cellphone networks is why the telcos are pushing so hard on selling data plans. Cellphones Now Used More for Data Than for Calls [NYT] Photo: Moriza/Flickr
