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Shugo Tokumaru "Katachi"

Shugo Tokumaru "Katachi"

Slow Derek by Dan Ojari | Animation Short Film With glowing feedback from fellow animators Mikey Please, Emma De Swaef, Patrick Doyon and The Moth Collective in the comments section of the Slow Derek trailer on Vimeo, Dan Ojari’s stop-motion short is gaining a formidable reputation as one of the stand-out animations of recent years. Since its premiere as part of the Royal College of Art show back in 2011, Ojari’s short has toured film festivals worldwide, picking up several well-deserved awards along the way. Slow Derek is about a static man who discovers how fast the earth is spinning, and the consequent effects this has on him. Projecting the feeling that the world is leaving its protagonist behind, Ojari’s short centres around office worker Derek, as he struggles to keep pace with the true speed of planet Earth. When quizzed about the films plot over email, Ojari declared that Slow Derek is “very much about relativity and the contrast between the mundane and the colossal.
