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김완선 파격의상 논란 의식? 자체 모자이크 포토 - Yahoo! 셀렙

김완선 파격의상 논란 의식? 자체 모자이크 포토 - Yahoo! 셀렙

Sun Myung Moon Sun Myung Moon (Korean 문선명; born Mun Yong-myeong; 25 February 1920 – 3 September 2012) was a Korean religious leader, business magnate and media mogul.[1][2] A self-proclaimed messiah, Moon was the founder of the Unification Church and of its widely noted "Blessing" or mass wedding ceremony.[3][4] Moon's extensive business interests included News World Communications, an international news media corporation[5] which founded The Washington Times and owns other media in several countries,[5][6][7] and Tongil Group, a South Korean business group (chaebol) active in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, tourism, and publishing.[8][9][10] Early life[edit] Sun Myung Moon was born Mun Yong-myeong on 25 February 1920, in modern-day North P'yŏng'an Province, North Korea, at a time when Korea was under Japanese rule. Unification church[edit] Founding of church in South Korea[edit] Doctrine[edit] Moon as messiah[edit] Marriage to Hak Ja Han, True Parents[edit] Blessing ceremony[edit] World fame[edit]

Google Google 학술 검색 기업 사회공헌, 이젠 ‘생존의 가치’ 승무원들은 분기별로 인터넷을 통해 교육을 받는다. 최근 흥미로운 인터넷 교육자료가 있어 눈여겨봤던 경험이 있다. 주제는 ‘기업의 사회적 책임’(CSR·Corporate Social Responsibility)이었다. 내용의 핵심은 기업에 대해 사회 전반적으로 관심이 모아지고 있고, 과거 불우이웃 돕기나 각종 성금처럼 연말연시나 특정 사건이 있을 때만 집중됐던 기업들의 나눔 활동이 연중 계속되는 일상이 됐다는 것이다. 천편일률적인 활동 이외에 다양한 사회 공헌 방법이 등장하였고, 기업은 사회구성원으로서 소비자, 기업의 직원 그리고 사회와 끊임없는 상호 작용을 통해 존재하고 성장한다는 것이다. 최근 인터넷 등 새로운 정보 매체의 등장에 따라 폭발적으로 늘어난 소비자의 권리에 대한 인식과 기업 활동에 대한 감시 및 참여를 감안하면 기업의 사회적 책임은 단순히 기업의 이미지 개선 활동을 넘어 생존의 핵심 가치 중 하나로 자리잡아가고 있다. 이에 발맞춰 CSR에 대한 일반인의 관심과 시장, 감독기관의 활동도 다양화하는 추세다. 환경보호를 강조하는 지구 온난화 펀드처럼 지속 가능 기업만을 골라 장기적 투자를 하는 펀드도 생겨났고, 미국 주식시장에 막대한 영향력을 행사하고 있는 다우존스가 기업역량을 평가하는 데 있어 재무성적표만이 아니라 기업의 사회성, 환경보존 책임까지 측정해 다우존스 지속지수를 발표하고 있는 것이 대표적이다. 즉 사회적 친화력이 높은 기업은 시장점유율이 높아질 뿐만 아니라, 인재 확보와 투자 유치가 쉬워지는 장점을 누리기도 한다는 것이다. 창의성이 돋보이는 CSR 활동도 등장하고 있다. 그 중에 나는 단연 내가 근무하고 있는 대한항공의 활동들을 눈여겨 보게 되었다. 나 또한 유럽을 방문했을 때 유명 박물관에서 대한항공 로고가 찍힌 한국어 서비스의 오디오 가이드를 들었던 기억이 있기에 더욱 흥미로웠다. 또 대한항공이 해마다 사막화 방지를 위해 몽골과 중국 등지에 나무 심기를 지속적으로 추진하는 것도 항공사의 장점을 잘 발휘한 CSR 활동이라 생각한다.

Detail French office worker wins the grand prize of 2012 CICI ‘Communicating Korea’ contest A Russian-born woman who described her experience living with her Korean in-laws, a Frenchman who criticized Korea’s hierarchical work culture, and a Chinese student who commented on Korea’s dating culture were among the winners of a communication-themed speech contest Saturday. Twenty finalists of the 2012 CICI “Communication Korea” speech contest shared their personal views on a diverse range of subjects regarding Korean culture and communication in Korean. Among the 20 competing at the event held at the Samsung Electronics building in Seoul, nine were locals and 11 were foreign-born ― including international students and wives from overseas. The competition was hosted by the Corea Image Communication Institute, a private non-profit research institute on Korea’s image and culture, with the aim of promoting better communication in contemporary Korea. “It’s like Shin Ramyeon,” he said in Korean.

한국태양광학술대회 2011 및 제 6회 한-중-일 태양광발전 국제공동 심포지엄 CSR Policy CSR POLICY: Contribution Towards Sustainable Development In January 2005, Toyota announced the Contribution towards Sustainable Development, an interpretation of the Guiding Principles at Toyota that takes into consideration Toyota's relations with stakeholders. This was revised in August 2008 to become the CSR POLICY: Contribution toward Sustainable Development to take into account subsequent environmental changes and heightened societal interest in CSR. TMC has shared the statement with its consolidated subsidiaries and is taking other relevant action. CSR Policy We, TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION and our subsidiaries, take initiative to contribute to harmonious and sustainable development of society and the earth through all business activities that we carry out in each country and region, based on our Guiding Principles. We comply with local, national and international laws and regulations as well as the spirit thereof and we conduct our business operations with honesty and integrity.

Facebook hifinet :: CSR Policy | Simply CSR Good CSR policies drive corporate change. With well defined objectives and measurable targets, your CSR policy will provide the foundation for steps towards running a more sustainable and ethical business. The process of writing a CSR policy begins with an assessment of every aspect of your business and its operations. After defining your organisation's impacts, we set targets for improving them. Results-Driven CSR Simply CSR specialise in providing CSR policies that you will be able to successfully implement. Next Steps in CSR We might begin with staff surveys to gauge their view of your company. Contact Simply CSR to get answers to your CSR questions.

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What is Corporate Social Responsibility?: How will CSR Benefit the Company | Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pertains to the corporation’s interaction with society and its responsibilities to society in general. It demands that commercial success be gained through positive practices that aim to promote general welfare. Success, after all, is not only measured in monetary terms but also the corporation’s impact on the community, on its customers and on the environment. Why Corporate Social Responsibility is Necessary Corporate social responsibility may come across as a highly idealistic endeavor but it actually produces highly favorable and observable results. DePaul University conducted a study in 2002 to determine how the 2001 Business Ethics Best Citizen companies fare compared to other companies. Benefits of Corporate Social Responsiblity Practitioners of Corporate Social Responsibility also gain better reputation and brand image in the process. Corporate social responsibility should be made an essential part of the wealth creation process.

The Brain's Highways: Mapping the Last Frontier Frontiers are in short supply. No explorer will again catch that first glimpse of the Pacific Ocean with “wild surmise,” take the first steps on the moon, or arrive first at the Challenger deep – the remotest corners of the earth are now tourist attractions. Even in science, great mysteries have fallen – life itself has gone from being the subject of metaphysical speculation about vital substances to the biophysical understanding of cellular processes. Yet there is one largely unmapped continent, perhaps the most intriguing of them all, because it is the instrument of discovery itself: the human brain. However, if one scratches the surface, our knowledge of how the human brain is put together remains limited: not in some esoteric, complicated manner, but in the straightforward sense that we have simply no means to visualize entire neurons in the brain (and the brain, being a collection of neurons, therefore remains a shut book in important ways).

by woravutlacharoj May 17

uh? today is 18june yes. what do you mean Magdy? :3 by kimberlyfendi Jun 19

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