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Absolute Shakespeare - plays, quotes, summaries, essays...

Absolute Shakespeare - plays, quotes, summaries, essays...

Italian dies in 'Romeo' tragedy A husband in Italy who lost hope of his wife waking from a four-month coma has killed himself - only for his beloved to regain consciousness hours later. Doctors said when Rossana, 67, stirred, she asked for her husband Ettore. The tragedy, recalling the ending of Romeo and Juliet, took place in Padua, 60km (40 miles) from Verona, the setting of Shakespeare's play. Ettore, 71, had kept a daily vigil at Rossana's side after she had a stroke and fell into a coma in September. Italian media report that he would visit his wife daily, sometimes coming to the hospital in the northern town as many as four times a day. But on Wednesday, Ettore committed suicide by gassing himself in the garage of the couple's Padua home. About 12 hours later, Rossana, a former nurse, emerged from the coma and asked for her husband. Ettore had recently told the local pastor that he was very pessimistic about the prospects of his wife's recovery, Italian news agency Ansa reports.

The Shakespeare Glossary Notes on Shakespeare Ale (beer made with a top fermenting yeast) was the drink of choice in Shakespeare's day. Everyone from the poorest farmer to the Queen herself drank the brew made from malt, and a mini brewery was an essential part of every household. Shakespeare's own father was an official ale taster in Stratford – an important and respected job which involved monitoring the ingredients used by professional brewers and ensuring they sold their ale at Crown regulated prices. Beer, however, eventually became more popular than ale. Henry Bolingbroke, the eldest son of John of Gaunt and the grandson of King Edward III, was born on April 3, 1367. An atomy is the smallest particle of matter (an atom). Shakespeare acquired substantial wealth thanks to his acting and writing abilities, and his shares in London theatres. Twenty-four of Shakespeare's sonnets are addressed to a woman. Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the most captivating and complex figures in history.

Romeo & Juliet – Graphic Novel (Paperback) - Classical Comics “But soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!” The fair city of Verona is troubled by two feuding families: the Montagues and the Capulets. Shakespeare’s wonderful play is as relevant today as it was when it was written, over 400 years ago. Graphic Novel • 168 pages, full colour paperback • 246mm x 168mm x 10mm Text Version Quick Text Plain Text Original Text Clear selection

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare [Collins edition] - Full Text Free Book (Part 1/4) Part 1 out of 4 This etext was prepared by Dianne Bean. by William Shakespeare Claudius, King of Denmark. Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, and Mother of Hamlet. Lords, Ladies, Officers, Soldiers, Sailors, Messengers, and other Attendants. SCENE. Scene I. [Francisco at his post. Ber. Fran. Ber. Fran. Ber. Fran. Ber. Fran. Ber. Fran. Ber. Fran. [Enter Horatio and Marcellus.] Hor. Mar. Fran. Mar. Fran. [Exit.] Mar. Ber. Hor. Ber. Mar. Ber. Mar. Hor. Ber. Hor. Ber. Mar. [Enter Ghost, armed.] Ber. Mar. Ber. Hor. Ber. Mar. Hor. Mar. Ber. Hor. [Exit Ghost.] Mar. Ber. Hor. Mar. Hor. Mar. Hor. Mar. Hor. Ber. Hor. [Re-enter Ghost.] I'll cross it, though it blast me. Mar. Hor. Ber. Hor. Mar. We do it wrong, being so majestical, To offer it the show of violence; For it is, as the air, invulnerable, And our vain blows malicious mockery. Ber. Hor. Mar. Hor. Mar. [Exeunt.] Scene II. [Enter the King, Queen, Hamlet, Polonius, Laertes, Voltimand, Cornelius, Lords, and Attendant.] King. Cor. and Volt. King. Laer. King.

Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet The story of Romeo and Juliet takes place in Verona in Italy. Two families, the Montagues and the Capulets, hate each other so much that they fight on the street whenever they meet. One of these families, the Capulets, organises a big party so that they can introduce their daughter Juliet to a rich nobleman, Count Paris, who has asked to marry her. Romeo is the son of the Montague family, and is also about 14. That night, at the party, Romeo meets Juliet, and they fall in love at first sight. Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, gets angry very easily. Meanwhile, the Capulets decide that Juliet must marry Count Paris immediately. When the guests arrive for Juliet’s wedding the next day, Juliet’s lifeless body is discovered. When the Capulets and Montagues discover both their children dead, they are united in their sadness.

Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing In a beautiful Italian town, some local soldiers are coming back home after a war. One of the soldiers, a young man called Claudio, falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy local family. Her name is Hero and she loves him too. But her cousin, Beatrice, is not so happy about the men’s return. She remembers how she always argues with Claudio’s friend Benedick: she and he both like to speak their minds, and he is just as clever as she is. There’s a big party to celebrate the end of the war. Meanwhile, Hero, Claudio and their friends have a plan of their own. But more trouble is on the way. Meanwhile, the local policeman has arrested the man who was in Hero’s bedroom with the maid. But while this is going on, Claudio still believes Hero is dead, and he’s very troubled to think that it is he who has killed her. There is a big party and dancing as everyone comes together to celebrate the double wedding.

Shakespeare - Macbeth Scotland is at war, and has just won a great battle. Macbeth, a general in the Scottish army, is the hero of the battle. On his way home afterwards, Macbeth and his friend meet three mysterious witches. Somehow, the witches already know Macbeth’s name. They tell him that he is going to be promoted, and that he will be given more money, land and power. Soon afterwards, Macbeth receives a message from Duncan, the king of Scotland. Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth, soon hears about her husband’s success and the witches’ predictions. That night, while King Duncan is sleeping, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth make his guards drunk. But Macbeth is worried that his friends might become his enemies, and might want to kill him so that they can become king. Macbeth goes to see the witches again, who make more predictions. Lady Macbeth is tortured by the guilt of Duncan’s murder. Macbeth waits for the English army at his castle and is convinced the witches’ predictions mean he’s safe.

Shakespeare - Hamlet Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, has come back from university to find that his father, the old king, is dead. His mother has married his father’s brother, Claudius, who is now king of Denmark. Hamlet is shocked that his mother has married so soon after his father’s death, and angry that she has married Claudius. Soon, a ghost is seen walking on the castle walls. The ghost looks like Hamlet’s father, the dead king. Hamlet can’t believe that his mother would marry the man who murdered her husband. A group of travelling actors arrives in town. Hamlet’s plan works. This of course means that Hamlet has killed the father of his girlfriend Ophelia. At the end of the play, all of the royal household of Denmark are dead.
