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Laurence Anthony's Software

Laurence Anthony's Software
AntConc A freeware concordance program for Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux. The AntConc Homepage (including previous versions, tutorials, and help) AntPConc A freeware parallel concordance program for Windows. AntWordProfiler A freeware word profiling program for Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux similar to Paul Nation's Range program. The AntWordProfiler Homepage (listing all previous versions of the AntWordProfiler software.) AntFileConverter A freeware tool to convert PDF files into plain text for use in corpus tools like AntConc AntMover A freeware text structural analyzer program for Windows AntCLAWS-GUI A front-end interface to the CLAWS tagger developed at Lancaster University, UCREL. The AntCLAWS-GUI Homepage (listing all previous versions of the AntCLAWS-GUI software.) WebParaNews A web-based interface to the Japanese-English News Articles database of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). The WebParaNews Concordancer

AdWords : Générateur de mots clés With Keyword Planner, we've combined the functionality of Keyword Tool and Traffic Estimator to make it easier to plan search campaigns. That's why Keyword Tool is no longer available. You can use Keyword Planner to find new keyword and ad group ideas, get performance estimates for them to find the bid and budget that are right for you, and then add them to your campaigns. Note To access Keyword Planner, sign in to your AdWords account at We've also added several new features with Keyword Planner. No match type data for search volume With Keyword Tool, we showed you broad match statistics by default with the ability to get data for other match types, like phrase and exact match. For example, let's say your keyword is dark chocolate. No device targeting Keyword Planner doesn’t let you specifically target mobile devices, like tablets and mobile phones. Other changes in the data columns

Centre for English Corpus Linguistics The Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (CECL) specializes in the collection and use of corpora for linguistic and pedagogical purposes. Its main areas of focus are learner and multilingual corpora. At the end of the 1980s, the CECL pioneered the study of learner corpora with the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE). A truly international enterprise, ICLE contributed to the integration of corpora in language acquisition studies and to their use in various applications ranging from language teaching to natural language processing. The CECL has always been keen to link theoretical notions, whether from cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics or contrastive linguistics, to their pedagogical applications.

Comment choisir les bons mots clefs ? Google a annoncé qu’il va fermer son Générateur de mots clés : Google AdWords Keyword Tool. Je profite de cette nouveauté pour vous faire découvrir d’autres moyens et outils en bas d’article pour trouver vos mots clefs . Ps : c’est une mise à jour d’un ancien article. Vous avez un site internet, vous vous êtes donné trop de mal à le créer, vous avez fait beaucoup d’efforts en matière de graphisme, d’ergonomie et d’accessibilité, vous vous efforcez à mettre à jour régulièrement le contenu en écrivant des articles riches et intéressants pour vos lecteurs… et pourtant votre site n’est pas visible sur le web ? Pourquoi travailler les mots clefs ? Nous le savons, les crawlers des moteurs de recherche se basent sur les mots clefs pour calculer la pertinence d’une page web lors d’une requête faite par un internaute. Qu’est ce que c’est un bon mot clef ? Si nous ne savons pas déterminer un bon mot clef, nous aurons probablement du mal à le trouver. Les « bons » mots clefs sont peu concurrentiels

Using the Academic Word List Introduction This site will help you expand your academic vocabulary using the Academic Word List (the AWL). All students, home students and overseas students, need to learn the technical vocabulary of their field. As learners of English preparing for academic study you also need to learn general academic vocabulary, words such as: feature, illustrate, regulate, strategy. This core academic vocabulary is used by writers in many different subject areas. Of course the basic vocabulary of English is also important for academic learners. How can you use the AWL? You can try learning some words from the list every day, but it is better to study the words in context, so that you understand how they are used. Data was collected by the International Labour Office on hourly rates of pay in fifty different occupations, and on consumer prices for a sample of household items in about 100 countries. You can use the AWL Gapmaker to create tests for yourself. Background return to the top of the page

English Vocabulary List - Learn Frequently Used Most Common Words How many words do you need to know in English? This is a very common question and it varies depending on your goal. Because focuses on speaking, the vocabulary presented in this section will be the most commonly used words in speaking. GOOD NEWS - If your goal is to speak English fluently, you are not required to study 10,000 words. 2,000 is enough to get you started. Here is another list of things to consider before studying vocabulary Before studying vocabulary, understand the difference between each word in a word-family. If you had to choose the first 2,000 words to learn, the list below is very accurate. Top 2000 English Vocabulary Words used in Speaking (2265) Out of the 2265 words in the list, a total of 1867 word families were present. Top 2000 Word Families (1867) The following is broken down by type of words. Finally, before you start studying vocabulary, keep in mind that you will need to learn a lot more than 2,000 words.

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