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Immanuel Wallerstein

gramsci society Corey Robin s Capital with David Harvey Giorgio Agamben - Professor of Philosophy Giorgio Agamben, Phd., Baruch Spinoza Chair at European Graduate School EGS, is a professor of aesthetics at the University of Verona, Italy and teaches philosophy at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris and at the University of Macerata in Italy. As a post graduate he participated in seminars with Martin Heidegger in Freiburg and directed the Italian Walter Benjamin Edition. Agamben's unique blending of literary theory, continental philosophy, political thought, religious studies, literature and art makes him one of the most challenging thinkers of our time. He was a visiting professor in Paris and has taught at American universities such as UC Berkeley, Los Angeles, Irvine, Santa Cruz, and Northwestern. Agamben's book Stanzas: Word and Phantasm in Western Culture (1992) is a blend of philology, medieval physics and psychology, the psychoanalysis of toys, and contemporary linguistics and philosophy. Means Without End (1996, Trans.

Crítica Contemporánea. Revista de Teoría Política Edward Tufte Edward Rolf Tufte (/ˈtʌfti/; born 1942) is an American statistician and professor emeritus of political science, statistics, and computer science at Yale University.[1] He is noted for his writings on information design and as a pioneer in the field of data visualization.[2] Biography[edit] Edward Rolf Tufte was born in 1942 in Kansas City, Missouri, to Virginia Tufte and Edward E. In 1975, while at Princeton, Tufte was asked to teach a statistics course to a group of journalists who were visiting the school to study economics. After difficult negotiations with mainline publishers failed, Tufte decided to self-publish Visual Display in 1982 where he worked closely with graphic designer Howard Gralla. On March 5, 2010, President Barack Obama appointed Tufte to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's Recovery Independent Advisory Panel "to provide transparency in the use of Recovery-related funds Work[edit] Information design[edit] Criticism of PowerPoint[edit] Small multiple[edit]

Site officiel d'I. Wallerstein, en anglais, des articles récents intéressants. by abbecordillere Aug 15
