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An Index to Creationist Claims

An Index to Creationist Claims
Creationist claims are numerous and varied, so it is often difficult to track down information on any given claim. Plus, creationists constantly come up with new claims which need addressing. This site attempts, as much as possible, to make it easy to find rebuttals and references from the scientific community to any and all of the various creationist claims. It is updated frequently; see the What's New page for the latest changes. Since most creationism is folklore, the claims are organized in an outline format following that of Stith Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. Sections CA through CG deal with claims against conventional science, and sections CH through CJ contain claims about creationism itself. This collection is intended primarily as a guidepost and introduction. The Complete List Links to Main Sections Expanded Outline

The five best arguments for creationism ever! : Pharyngula Don’t you just love a challenge? I’m always looking for some splendid argument from a creationist that would make me think, but they always give me such silliness, instead. And then, I saw this: a mainstream newspaper (well, the Telegraph…but at least it’s not the Daily Mail) offers us an article with a tantalizing promise: they’re going to give us the the five very best arguments to support creationism. Whoa. Here goes. No evidence for evolutionThere is no evidence that evolution has occurred because no transitional forms exist in fossils i.e. scientists cannot prove with fossils that fish evolved into amphibians or that amphibians evolved into reptiles, or that reptiles evolved into birds and mammals. That’s, umm, pathetic. Very few scientists support creationism, so there’s nothing to be surprised about there. Yes, the typo is there in the original text. That argument is so stupid, it must be some kind of aberration. Weird. Come on, I’m not at all impressed. But noooooooo… All right.

Evolution is Not Just a Theory: home Discovery Rocks Creationists' Claim That Humans Lived with Dinosaurs | Young Earth Creationism & Intelligent Design | Human Evolution Ancient images that creationists claim are evidence of humans living alongside dinosaurs are at best just smeared pictures, scientists find. At the site of Kachina Bridge in Utah — an immense sandstone formation resembling an arch more than 200 feet (60 meters) high and wide that was formed by the undercutting of a rock wall by flowing water — prehistoric cultures decorated the walls with paintings and engravings known as petroglyphs. Among them are what young-earth Earth creationists, who believe all life was created on the same day about 6,000 years ago, have said are depictions of dinosaurs, claiming these images as proof of their beliefs. [Scientists Hunt for Signs of Earth's Earliest Life] Now, closer investigation reveals these ideas are just wishful thinking. The researchers analyzed the four alleged dinosaur images with the naked eye and with binoculars and telephoto lenses while the pictures were illuminated by direct and indirect sunlight and when they were in shadow.

Bible and Theology Answers Find more answers about God below, and in our section (including: What about the issue of suffering? Doesn’t this prove that there is no God and that we are on our own? Answer) Is Jesus Christ God? Learn much more about Jesus on our Jesus home page (ChristianAnswers.Net/jesus)—Go God has provide wonderful hope for mankind. Effective Soulwinning—Discover numerous answers about soul-winning in our section—FREE helps, suggestions, and how to respond to the questions of non-believers. Answers to Tricky Questions, including: Can God create a rock so big that He can’t lift it? CONTRADICTIONS IN THE BIBLE? Christian Answers Network HOMEPAGE and DIRECTORY

Funny theist quotes From FreeThoughtPedia Here is an extensive collection of quotes from religious people on and off the Internet Before you ask, yes, people really do say these things. It might seem like some of this is made up, but if you spend any amount of time in the online Christian forums you will continually run into these types of statements... No, everyone is born Christian. Only later in life do people choose to stray from Jesus and worship satan instead. Trinidad and Tobago, CARM [2006-Oct-01] One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. awesomestnerd, SmashBoards [2005-Nov-07] Just recently my son Bobby came out to me. Betty, Unidiversal [2006-Dec-10] Gravity: Doesn't exist. Trinidad and Tobago, CARM [2007-Mar-01] This is what it would be like, if the majority of people were athiests. ATHIEST KID: Mom, I'm going to go fuck a hooker. ATHIEST MOM: Okay, son. ATHIEST KID: Afterwards, I'm going to go smoke pot with my friends, since it's "not addictive." ATHIEST DAD: Hey!

Observed Instances of Speciation 1.0 Introduction and Acknowledgements his FAQ discusses several instances where speciation has been observed. It also discusses several issues related to speciation. I have divided this FAQ into several sections. Part 2 discusses several definitions of what a species is. The descriptions of each observation come from the primary literature. I consider this FAQ incomplete. 1.1 Acknowledgements Back in April of 1993, Rich Fox asked a series of questions related to species and speciation events. 2.0 Species Definitions A discussion of speciation requires a definition of what constitutes a species. 2.1 The Folk Concept of Species Naturalists around the world have found that the individual plants and animals they see can be mentally grouped into a number of taxa, in which the individuals are basically alike. 2.2 The Biological Species Concept Over the last few decades the theoretically preeminent species definition has been the biological species concept (BSC). 2.4 Phylogenetic Species Concepts

Creationist claims Creationist claims are statements made for the ostensible purpose of providing evidence for creationism, but nearly always are in the form of evidence against the theory of evolution. While creationists' arguments in many cases at first appear to be verified intuitively, they without exception contain one or many logical fallacies and mistakes of fact. An example of a creationist claim is that there is a lack of support for evolution among scientists. This claim has for example been articulated, "Interestingly, ever since Charles Darwin's book The Origin of Species was published in 1859, various aspects of the theory have been a matter of considerable disagreement even among top evolutionary scientists Hundreds more claims have similarly be countered by examination of them. [edit] Common "major" arguments RationalWiki has collected various often-used claims, and provided counter-arguments to each. [edit] "If man arose by chance, life would have no purpose or meaning." [edit] Responses

Truth or Fables Human Genome Shows Proof of Recent Evolution, Survey Finds The findings, along with other recent studies, begin to provide a kind of genetic narrative of recent human evolution. Joshua Akey, a genetics researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle, says selection-driven changes recorded in the genome provide tantalizing clues about past challenges faced by humans. "Recent human history was a time of rapid change in population size, diet, pathogen exposure, and culture," Akey said. "These are all potentially strong selective forces, which Dr. Pritchard and his colleagues appear to have captured in their analysis." For example, major changes in diet occurred as nomadic hunter-gatherers slowly shifted to a settled agricultural existence. Pritchard says this transition left a legacy of strong selection on genes associated with the processing of carbohydrates and fatty acids. The clearest example—one previously known about by researchers—is the gene that allows for the digestion of milk into adulthood. Physical Differences Disease Selection

FABNAQ FABNAQ (Frequently Asked But Never Answered Questions) Copyright © 1992 by Tom Scharle 1. Is there any reason to believe in your theory rather than some other version of creationism? 1a. 2. 2a. 3. 3a. 4. 4a. 5. 5a. 6. 7. 7a. 8. 9. 9a. 10. 10a. 11. 12. Home Page | Browse | Search | Feedback | LinksThe FAQ | Must-Read Files | Index | Creationism | Evolution | Age of the Earth | Flood Geology | Catastrophism | Debates
