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How Great Leaders Communicate

How Great Leaders Communicate

How to Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths The Conscious Lifestyle: A Leader Must Be Aware Great Managers, Great Leadership; Think of Them as Engagement Maestros A new VP rides into town for the holidays! This past week in New York, as in other cities, there were Christmas parties all over town. In this case, the department got together with drinks, food and holiday festivities. It was a festive occasion with everyone engaged and having a heck of a time. A Gen Y person that I know is not satisfied with her job and works for this company. However, internally she had already been identified as a superstar by all. Ask the right questions The problem is that she wants more work to do and really wants to get involved in more challenging assignments. The VP came along and the two of them have a great discussion. The morning after the party, she walks in oblivious to any of this until one of the managers pulls her aside and gave her the backtalk. The impact of leadership The VP was impressed with the conversation, and more importantly, with the feedback from the managers. And THAT is what manager engagement is all about. Managers control engagement

7 Ways to Manage Email So It Doesn't Manage You The Conscious Lifestyle: A Leader Must Look and Listen and Know How to Resolve Conflicts (Part 2) The One Thing Your Team Wants You to Stop Doing - Vineet Nayar by Vineet Nayar | 7:00 AM December 21, 2012 The other day, on the sidelines of a conference, a bright young manager sought my advice. “I’ve tried using different leadership styles, but I can’t seem to dispel my team’s sense of disengagement,” he confessed. “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.” “Why don’t you ask your team?” I asked him. The reply surprised him, but there’s no point in complicating leadership. On a hunch, I decided to conduct a flash survey of my social media universe. The number of responses that poured in shocked me. Don’t obfuscate; tell it like it is. No rose-tinted spectacles for today’s employee; they have the pluck to look at their failures and successes and have little patience for circuitous comments. Stop telling me what I know. I could hear my kids’ voices in some of these comments. Don’t stray; walk the talk. Stop playing favorites. Don’t be a boss, be a leader. These aren’t isolated cases.

Millennials Come of Age as America's Most Stressed Generation 4 Leadership Lessons From Abraham Lincoln In a scene from the Steven Spielberg movie Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln tells her husband: "No one is loved as much as you by the people. Don't waste that power." Spoiler alert: He doesn't. While the movie focuses on the passing of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery, it also gives a lot of insight to Lincoln's strong leadership skills -- those things that have made him so admired. While you may not be leading revolutionary change in the country, here are four leadership lessons from our 16th president on how to lead revolutionary change at your startup or small business. 1. Rick Lepsinger, president of the New York City-based leadership consulting firm OnPoint, agrees: "Don't hire in your own image," he says. Lepsinger suggests that leaders not allow conflicts to fester, but bring them to the surface as soon as possible. Related: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Leadership Style 2. 3. 4. Related: How to Earn Your Employees' Respect

10 Things To Do Every Workday
