Home page for Business English Dictionary

This is an exciting new monolingual dictionary of 35,000 business-related words, phrases and meanings designed to be used by business students and anyone using or encountering English in their work. Select "Business English" from the list of dictionaries at the top of any page on Cambridge Dictionaries Online to search this dictionary. Favourite Entries Key Features Help with language The dictionary gives thousands of examples from real business texts, helpfully presented information about grammar, and there is a strong emphasis on collocation. New words Informed by the unique Cambridge Business Corpus, the dictionary includes the very latest business-specific vocabulary. Topic areas Most of the words in the dictionary have a business subject label, such as Marketing, Finance, or Computing. British English and American English Pronunciation Hear the words spoken online with thousands of British English and American English recordings: Also available as a book Other dictionaries
Word Information - an English dictionary about English vocabulary words and etymologies derived primarily from Latin and Greek word origins
English Dictionary
The English dictionary is based on WordNet 1.7.1 (Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved). It contains around 150 thousand terms with examples, synonyms, antonyms, and related words. To use the dictionary, you may search using the search box above or you may browse the word listings by letter of the alphabet below: Other Terms
American Slang Dictionary
A dictionary that explains commonly used American slang words can be a very useful resource for anyone interested in learning more about how language continues to evolve throughout the United States. YourDictionary includes definitions of the most common of these slang words and provides additional usage information in various slang articles. About Slang in Popular Culture Slang is defined as a casual type of language that is playful or trendy. Examples of common slang within the United States include: Since a number of slang terms make reference to sex, violence, drugs, or crime, the use of slang is often seen by many people as an indicator of the speaker’s lower social status. Regional Slang Words Some slang words are commonly used nationwide and appear in nationwide communication such as movies, television and magazines; but, some slang words have not gone mainstream and are used only in certain regions of the U.S. Y'all (South and Texas) - a shorthand way to say "you all." Using Slang
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The roots of online casinos can be traced back to the late 20th century when advancements in internet technology paved the way for the emergence of virtual gambling platforms. Here's a brief overview of the key milestones and developments in the history of online casinos: Antigua and Barbuda: In 1994, the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda passed the Free Trade & Processing Act, which allowed for the licensing of online casinos. This legislation laid the foundation for the legal operation of internet-based gambling businesses. The First Online Casino: The first online casino, "Loonie Online Casinos" was launched in 1994 by Microgaming, a software development company based in the Isle of Man. Rapid Expansion: Throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s, the online casino industry experienced rapid growth, with numerous new operators entering the market.
This guide is designed for anyone who is looking for the origin of words and/or phrases, also called etymology (these terms will be used interchangeably in this pathfinder). Both print-based and Web-based sources are included. Internet Sources | Searching for Etymology | Print Resources Internet Sources In general, web sites on word and phrase origins are good, but not comprehensive: most of them are question services of a sort, and the answers are posted on the site. Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable From the 1894 work of the same name; this is extensively cross-referenced, and excellent for phrases which have their roots in literature or mythology. The Phrase Finder Use this site to find English phrases and sayings related to a particular word, learn the meaning of a phrase, or determine the origin of a phrase. Searching for Etymology Print Resources The Oxford English Dictionary 2nd edition: Oxford University Press, 1995.
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•Oxford (compact) English dictionary • Oxford (advanced learners) English dictionary & American English • Macmillan: English dictionary • Chambers: English dictionary • Collins: English dictionary • Cambridge (advanced learner's dictionary) • Longman: English dictionary • Merriam-Webster (American) meaning , etymology, pronunciation (+ audio) & thesaurus • Learner's dictionary • Visual dictionary by topics • American Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster, 1828 edition • The Century Dictionary (American, 1881) dictionary & encyclopedia: 500 000 meanings • Etymonline: etymological dictionary • Word info: etymology of English words derived from Latin and Greek words • Roget's Thesaurus: synonyms & broaders • Hyperdic: synonyms & broaders, meanings • Visuwords: synonyms (graphical dictionary) • Dictionary.com: American dictionaries: Random House, American Heritage... • Wordnik: American dictionaries: American Heritage, Century... & etymology, examples • rhyming dictionary