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GreenTech - TechCrunch

The Carbon Capture Report TechCrunch Pinhead Swoons: A Cabinet Made Of 80,000 Bamboo Skewers | Co.Design Sebastian Errazuriz's Magistral Cabinet isn't just a cabinet, it's a freaking weapon. Covered in 80,000 bamboo skewers, it's ready to stab its army of quills into any nosy houseguest, any transgressor of the properly placed dinner plate. Okay, so the skewers aren't exactly sharp. Still. Would you try to steal china out of something that looks like Pinhead? Of course not. Errazuriz tapped 12 woodworkers to construct the cabinet. Errazuriz is a New York designer who clearly has a thing for shock and irony. [Images via Designboom] Ecosystem services Humankind benefits in a multitude of ways from ecosystems. Collectively, these benefits are known as ecosystem services. Ecosystem services are regularly involved in the provisioning of clean drinking water and the decomposition of wastes. §History[edit] The notion of human dependence on Earth’s ecosystems reaches to the start of homo sapiens’ existence, benefiting from the products of nature to nourish and shelter from harsh climates. In 1956, Paul Sears [7] drew attention to the critical role of the ecosystem in processing wastes and recycling nutrients. The ecosystem services concept keeps expanding and includes socio-economic and conservation objectives, which are discussed below. §Definition[edit] There is discussion as to how the concept of cultural ecosystem services can be operationalized. §Four categories[edit] Detritivores like this dung beetle help to turn animal wastes into organic material that can be reused by primary producers. §Supporting services[edit] §Examples[edit]

Les news Planète Une nouvelle mygale, aussi grosse qu'un visage, découverte au Sri Lanka Une nouvelle variété de mygale géante dont la taille approche celle d’un visage humain a été découverte au Sri Lanka par des scientifiques. Elle a... Vous aimez nos contenus ? Recevez gratuitement la meilleure news et vidéo du jour, et profitez des conseils de Consogazette pour améliorer votre pouvoir d'achat Les derniers rhinocéros du parc Limpopo du Mozambique tués par leurs propres gardes Des braconniers, aidés par des garde-chasses, ont abattu les derniers rhinocéros qui vivaient dans la partie mozambicaine du parc transfrontalier du Grand Limpopo. Mauritia, un "micro-continent" caché à des milliers de mètres sous l'Océan indien Selon une étude publiée dimanche, un "micro-continent" préhistorique baptisé Mauritia se cache à plusieurs milliers de mètres sous l'Océan... Une bactérie inconnue découverte dans un lac caché sous l'Antarctique Une compagnie minière compte détruire 1,6 million d'hectares de forêts en Indonésie

Dropbox Lied to Users About Data Security, Complaint to FTC Alleges | Threat Level Dropbox, the wildly popular online storage system, deceived users about the security and encryption of its services, putting it at a competitive advantage, according to an FTC complaint filed Thursday by a prominent security researcher. The FTC complaint charges Dropbox (.pdf) with telling users that their files were totally encrypted and even Dropbox employees could not see the contents of the file. Ph.D. student Christopher Soghoian published data last month showing that Dropbox could indeed see the contents of files, putting users at risk of government searches, rogue Dropbox employees, and even companies trying to bring mass copyright-infringement suits. Soghoian, who spent a year working at the FTC, charges that Dropbox “has and continues to make deceptive statements to consumers regarding the extent to which it protects and encrypts therir data,” which amounts to a deceptive trade practice that can be investigated by the FTC. Dropbox dismissed Soghoian’s allegations. to:

Environmental News Network -- Know Your Environment payant Natural Innovation Terretv - La télé web des générations futures 3 Bürgerdialog - Institut für Stakeholder-Dialog „Ein wirkliches Gemeinwesen entsteht, wenn nicht bloß die Unterschiede respektiert, sondern die Vielfalt verehrt wird.” Dialog als Chance. Für Stadtteile, Gemeinden, Regionen, Deutschland. Dialog fördert die Einfühlung in Andere. Öffentlicher Dialog ist Wirtschafts-, Kultur- und Demokratieförderung Wie viele Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten sich schon in einem einzelnen Stadtviertel versammeln. Unsere Beiträge zum öffentlichen Dialog: Beratung zu den Möglichkeiten und Zielen von Dialogprozessen und infragekommenden DialoginstrumentenDesign einzelner Veranstaltungen und langfristiger ProzesseModeration von DialogveranstaltungenBegleitung bei der internen und externen Kommunikation des Dialogs

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