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How to build a website for the iphone with orientation detection

How to build a website for the iphone with orientation detection
Well, we did promise we'd get around to a tutorial eventually, so here you have it! The Engage Interactive school for all things internet proudly presents: How to build a website with orientation specific content especially for the iPhone! This tutorial will cover the basic setup and creation of a web page for the iPhone that will detect and change the content based on the phones orientation. You will need some way of viewing your files on the iPhone or you wont see the fruits of your labour. We'd suggest uploading it to a location on the web and browsing to it on the phone. Other than that everything else can be done with any old text editor. I completely forgot to mention how to detect the iPhone on your normal website and send it to your iPhone version. Setting up your page <head><title>Engage Interactive</title><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0;"><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="images/template/engage.png"/></head><body></body>

Nokia and RIM Are Not the Same The share prices of Nokia (NYSE: NOK) and Research In Motion (NASDAQ: RIMM) show that investors do not see the two companies as being in the same predicament. RIM’s stock price has dropped more quickly and drastically over the past 10 months. RIM is trapped in the smartphone business, in which it has become a failure. Nokia still has a relatively successful low-end handset business. According to a report on first-quarter 2012 cellphone and smartphone sales from research firm Gartner, Nokia dropped behind Samsung as the world’s largest maker of handsets. Gartner’s measure of smartphone share showed Samsung at 29.1%. Nokia may never again be a force in the smartphone market. RIM lacks a similar business to fall back on. Douglas A. TREND TRACKER: Get Rich When the Web Goes DarkIt's time to say "goodbye" to your Internet!

Using mobile-specific HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Mobile web part 5) | David Calhoun's Blog (updated June 27, 2011) Mobile-specific HTML Viewport tag Use the viewport tag to properly fit the content to the screen: Tel scheme (to initiate phone calls) <a href="tel:18005555555">Call us at 1-800-555-5555</a> Sms scheme (to initiate text messages) iOS-specific HTML (some work on Android as well) You also have access to several Apple-specific tags to use in your iOS applications (iPhone, iPad, and don’t forget the iPod Touch!). Turn off autocorrect, autocomplete, and autocapitalize And also some handy attributes to turn off annoying autocorrect features: Mobile-specific CSS Mobile browsers are now starting to support these basic CSS properties better. Also, iOS 5 has additional CSS to give the native scrollbar and momentum/intertia to elements with overflow:scroll: Media queries enable you to target specific features (screen width, orientation, resolution) within CSS itself. @media all and (orientation: portrait) { body { } div { } } Here’s a few examples of using inline CSS: Miscellaneous CSS

Conoce las mejores ofertas de telefonía móvil para este verano – Servicio de telecomunicaciones – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de Servicio de telecomunicaciones en lainformacion Vodafone se alinea con Telefónica contra el "uso ilimitado" de las tarifas planas Como todos los años, los operadores de telefonía móvil en España han dado la bienvenida al verano con unas tarifas móviles rompedoras. En esta ocasión, se llevan los descuentos y regalos en megas, las llamadas a cualquier operador pagando solo los establecimientos de llamada, los sms baratos… Descubre cuál es la tarifa más rompedora de tu operador y las que está ofreciendo la competencia, por si, además de renovar el vestuario, te compensa cambiar de oferta e incluso de compañía. 1. La apuesta del operador líder del mercado se centra en ampliar la oferta de datos a sus clientes. Según la compañía, el cliente puede elegir entre las diferentes Tarifas Habla y Navega (las ofertas Habla y Navega 21, 25, 30 y 40) y, en función de ello, tendrá más o menos megas para navegar. En el caso de que el cliente también tenga contratada una línea de ADSL, tendrá un descuento de 5 euros al mes. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Prepara tu sitio para iPhone Impresionante la recopilación realizada por Cats who code sobre códigos con los que adaptar tu sitio a la visualización en iPhone. Como creo que es de un gran interés para desarrolladores y usuarios avanzados y que, por supuesto, son aplicables a WordPress, aquí los tienes con alguna adaptación a nuestro entorno: Detectar iPhones e iPods usando Javascript Al desarrollar para iPhone o iPod Touch lo primero que hay que hacer es detectarlo para que, luego, le apliquemos códigos o estilos. Fuente: Detectar iPhones e iPods usando PHP Aunque el código anterior funciona de maravilla puede que Javascript esté desactivado en el iPhone. Definir el ancho de iPhone como viewport En muchas ocasiones visitas una web con tu iPhone y la ves en miniatura. Fuente: Insertar un icono específico para iPhone Evitar que Safari ajuste el tamaño de texto al rotar Usar enlaces especiales

Top Trends of 2012: The Continuing Rapid Growth of Mobile In our half-yearly review of the top Internet trends of 2012, there's been a common theme: mobile is the main driver for all of them. The Visual Web (Instagram, Pinterest and similar image-focused apps), the Consumer Cloud (Evernote, Dropbox, iCloud and others), social video apps (Socialcam and Viddy) and video on tablets (BuzzFeed, Flipboard and others). Each of those trends are popular in 2012 because of smartphones and/or tablets. According to StatCounter global statistics, mobile traffic jumped from about 4% of all Web traffic at the end of 2010 to over 10.5% now. It's difficult to choose just a few examples of how mobile has rapidly grown in 2012, but we can clearly see the influence of mobile this year in three of the biggest Internet companies. Google's Mobile Content Play What used to be known as the Android Market was re-branded at the end of June to Google Play. Almost every announcement at the Google I/O keynote [...] tied directly to Google Play.

Matteo Spinelli's No tapetão « Link O alvo principal é o Google, na mira de Apple e Microsoft. A empresa que criou o Android acusa a guerra das patentes de travar a inovação Por Filipe Serrano Guerra das patentes – clique na imagem para ampliá-la. Desde que o Google resolveu se aventurar em mais uma área que não era até então a dele, as empresas que hoje disputam as lucrativas vendas de smartphones travam uma Guerra Fria entre si, com acirradas disputas judiciais ou acordos bilionários. A disputa se resume aos três grandes da tecnologia – Google, Apple e Microsoft – direta ou indiretamente e, há pouco menos de um ano, passou a acontecer em tribunais e agências de regulação nos EUA. De um lado, o Google busca um mercado novo, aliado a parceiros como Samsung e Motorola. A briga chegou a tal ponto que hoje, quando você compra um celular Android, parte do dinheiro pode ir para os concorrentes. A ação da Apple é ainda mais agressiva. O Google perdeu a chance de se proteger contra processos diretos ou indiretos. Não deu certo.

HTML5 Application Cache How To There are a lot of great blog posts, articles, and videos about HTML5 Application Cache, but because it’s fairly new and the spec is still evolving, it’s hard to get your head around all of the intricate details. What is it? The Application Cache is a new HTML5 capability that is different from the normal browser cache that we’ve had for years. The normal browser cache maintains copies of recent files that you have accessed and keeps copies of those files on your computer so that when you need the same file again, it won’t have to re-download it. Try it now with an offline-enabled website: Go to using Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Opera. Looking under the hood from Chrome browser: If you are using Chrome, you can check out what was downloaded at You can also see the files being downloaded from Chrome’s JavaScript console: The console after hitting the same site for a second time: More information about cache-related events is below.

50 really useful iPad 2 tips and tricks An absolute gem of an article by John Brandon and Graham Barlow from MacLife on 30th March over at TechRadar. This is going to become my iPad manual from here on in. Customised iPads for all iPad 2 tips and original iPad tips - get 'em here! iPad 2 review It's also fully capable of running the latest version of Apple's iOS operating system and great apps like iMovie and GarageBand. 1. iOS now supports folders. 2. Double-clicking the Home button shows you all the apps that are running on your iPad in a bar along the bottom of the screen. 3. The internet got mightily upset when Orientation Lock was replaced with Mute on the iPad during the last iOS update. 4. If you're carrying around sensitive data, you can now enable a feature that'll erase all the data on the device if someone inputs the incorrect passcode 10 times. 5. First, turn on Home Sharing in iTunes (Advanced menu) and on your iPad (Settings > iPod and enter your Apple ID). 6. Have you ever played Tap Tap Revenge on the iPhone?

Developing an iPhone App using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PhoneGap – From Concept to App Store | Blog Hi. I'm a front-end web designer/developer by trade. When I first heard that I could develop iPhone apps using my existing skills (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), I couldn't wait to get stuck in. Having just got my first app, Speed Distance Time Calculator into the App Store, I thought I'd share an overview of my journey, right from coming up with a concept, through to going live in the App Store. I feel this sort of overview would've been very helpful to me before I started. I'll discuss the technologies and resources I used to build a web-app, how I converted the web-app into a native app, submission to iTunes and many of the stumbling blocks and realisations I had along the way. I cycle a lot. Given this, the concept for my first app was a no brainer - a speed distance time calculator which would satisfy the needs of many people and support as many units of speed and distance I could think of. The first thing I did was design the app. iOS4 GUI PSD Design Safari - iPhone User Agent Landscape mode

Learn from your customers for usable Web apps Imagine the following scenario: You go shopping to buy a loaf of bread. The shops look gorgeous, decked out in vivid colors and stunning artwork. Trouble is, you can't always tell from the window displays what sort of products are on sale inside. Eventually, you find a shop that looks promising and ignore advice that this store's expertise is with a gadget you don't own. You find the front door and wander in. Now you enter a maze of aisles containing products organized in an apparently random manner. Before paying, you attempt to ascertain that you can use your credit card safely, but the inscrutable small print has more to say about your legal obligations than reassurance about your security. This is a Nightmare on Web Street! Why does this happen? OK, it's a caricature. Online shoppers are less interested in a groovy multimedia experience than in finding, understanding, and buying products quickly and easily. The customer's perspective "This is too stupid for words."" Back to top a. a.

BAAP Mobile Version The BAAP Mobile Version is a complete toolkit to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog. It includes a mobile switcher to select themes based on the type of user that is visiting the site, a selection of mobile themes, extra widgets, device adaptation and a mobile administration panel to allow users to edit the site or write new posts when out and about. Features include: A mobile switcher which automatically suggests desktop or mobile presentation, but lets users switch to the other if required (and remembers their choice).A set of advanced themes for Nokia and WebKit devices, designed by Forum Nokia. Enjoying your site and blog in mobile.

Identité(s) Numérique(s) Mobile(s) [EnsadLab] How to Write an iOS App That Uses a Web Service If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or follow me on Twitter. Thanks for visiting! Web Services + iPhone Apps Rule! As an iOS developer, you often need to use a web service from your app. Sometimes you need to use a web service that someone else has written, and sometimes you need to use one of your own! In this tutorial, you’ll get hands-one experience with using web services, by writing an iOS app that communicates with a simple web service that allows you to redeem promo codes to unlock extra content. This tutorial is the second and final part of a two part series on custom web services. You don’t necessarily have to set up the web service yourself for this tutorial – you can use the one I’ve already set up if you’d like. This tutorial assumes you have basic familiarity with programming for iOS. The Choice This tutorial requires you to create a new View-based application and integrate three frameworks into it: the JSON framework, ASIHTTPRequest, and MBProgressHUD.
