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Insanity Workout Drop serious pounds and sculpt sexy curves with Insanity, the DVD craze that lives up to the hype. The magic behind the routine comes from plyometrics: explosive, full-body exercises that rev your heart rate and ratchet up metabolism to torch megacalories and build lean muscle. We asked Insanity creator Shaun Thompson for his top multitasking moves to help you get an insane body in only 20 minutes. You'll need: Zilch.

7 track exercises to make you stronger and faster 7 track exercises to make you stronger and faster The speed 7 There is a way to accustom your body, to strengthen it so that speedwork is more negotiable. The 10 Best Foods for Your Looks - Lifestyle You can slather yourself from your forehead to your pinkie toe in organic lotions, but if you think that alone will make you glow, we have some bad news. From its well documented health benefits to its undeniable impact on physical beauty, good nutrition is the pillar of every kind of healthy lifestyle. That doesn't mean you need to swear off bacon and beer or anything. The trick is finding the right balance. But with new studies coming out every month about what we should put in our mouths—not to mention the unending discovery of mysterious superfruits from deep in the forests of wherever—it can be hard to keep track of what, exactly, we should be eating. To simplify things, here's a can't-go-wrong shopping list.

77 Healthy Crock-Pot Recipes Crazy schedules, long work hours, and tempting takeout menus make it tough to even think about cooking most nights during the week. Despite the inconvenience, firing up the stove or oven is almost always cheaper and healthier than ordering in or eating out. How about a compromise? Making dinner with a slow cooker — Crock-Pot is the go-to brand in the U.S. — is an easy way to get in all those vitamins and minerals without slaving over a hot stove for hours at a time. The 29 Hardest Ab Exercises Travis McCoy/ Overview Think you’re hardcore -- or that you have a hard core? Prove it! These 41 midsection-mangling moves are some of the most advanced on the planet. They’ll help strengthen your torso from a variety of angles and in a variety of ways so you’ll be ready for all the movements initiated by your core -- which is just about every move you make!

Videos Reach Your Fitness Goals Search Exercises of 52 Next ▸ 100 Simple Nutrition Tips “Man Is What He Eats” – Lucretius Good nutrition is one of the most important factors for good health. You can dramatically improve your health by doing simple adjustments to your eating habits. You’ll notice a big difference in your energy levels if you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low- or non-fat dairy. Make A Smoothie That Can Both Slim You Overnight And Help You Sleep photo credit Yes, you read that right. But don’t take our word for it – the original recipe is by the famous Dr.

The Complete Guide to Workout Nutrition [Infographic] Check out Greatist's other Infographics and ADD this Infographic to your Website/Blog: Simply copy the code below and paste it into the HTML of your blog or website: <a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" width="600" height="5701" border="0" style="border:none" /></a><p>Get <a href=" and fitness tips</a> at</p> Love this graphic? Buy the poster through Greatist's online store! The Ultimate Guide to Workout Nutrition

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101 Revolutionary Ways to Be Healthy Do the healthy thing, even when it's challenging, inconvenient or considered weird. Take pride in that. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's smart or good for you. Enlist fellow trend buckers and create a trend of your own. Use your healthy frustration about the unhealthy status quo to spark creativity and determination. Look for signs of progress (beyond pounds lost) and rejoice when you find them. The 50 Best Snack Foods in America 50. Best Fiber Bar: Fiber One Chewy Bars Oats & Peanut Butter Per bar:, 150 calories, 4.5 g fat, 9 g sugars, 3 g protein, 9 g fiber With about a third of your day’s recommended fiber intake, this is the ideal snack for those days when your produce and whole grain intake are below par. 49. Running Shoes Infographic: How to Choose the Right Running Shoes for You The information in our How to Choose Running Shoes infographic can help you make the right decision when choosing running shoes—we'll lead you through the bigger details to consider when it's time to buy. Shopping at the store? Print out the infographic and bring it along!

The Key to Fast Belly-Fat Loss - Fitness Think it's impossible to exercise for less time and lose more fat? It's not — if you do the right moves. By Annie Hauser, Senior Editor FRIDAY, July 6, 2012 — Sprinting, not jogging, might be the key to fast abdominal and visceral fat loss, researchers at the University of South Wales found in a study published in the International Journal of Obesity.
