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The Boot to Gecko Project

The Boot to Gecko Project

Open Web Device Telefónica - Press Office - News - Telefónica and Mozilla pioneer first Open Web Devices - Enabling HTML5 devices running on the Open Web which can deliver smartphone capabilities at feature phone prices. - Capabilities being submitted to W3C for standardisation and to be made openly available. - Opens up new opportunities for application developers and drives forward HTML5 as a cross-platform standard. Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, 27 February2012–Telefónica Digital and Mozilla today unveiled an ambitious strategy to create a new mobile platform that will deliver the first HTML5 based devices running on the open Web. The Open Web Devices platform (OWD), which will launch in 2012,is an important step forward in the establishment of HTML5 as the next major ecosystem for smartphones, and will enable the delivery of smartphone capabilities at low price points. Despite the significant gains in performance for Web Technologies on mobile devices, HTML and JavaScript-based applications have had limited access to the device’s underlying capabilities. About Telefónica Digital

Add-on ‘Pick of the month’ - Rock Your Firefox The Web is the platform, and you can hold it in your hand | Beyond the Code A few months ago, maybe a year and a half ago, I had a long discussion with a good friend of mine. He challenged me, “Mozilla has brought back choice in the Web browser space. It’s great: there are four major browsers and three of them are (mostly) open source. Each of them is investing in Web standards. At the time, I did not have a lot to respond. B2G Home screen Some Mozillians and Web developers may wonder why Mozilla is doing more in the mobile space. 1 – More and more, this is where the action is. 2 – The existing mobile platforms are a lot more closed than what we would like. What has made the Web what it is now is openness, the ability to view the source code, learn from it and build something else, without asking permission. Here is the proof: B2G Home screen with view source

Firefox OS: 5 fatos sobre o sistema operacional baseado em HTML5 Quando esteve no Brasil, CEO da Mozilla tirou dúvidas sobre privacidade, integração, capacidade de processamento, featurephones e desenvolvedores. Acompanhe A Mozilla anunciou nesta semana o Firefox OS, nome dado ao projeto Boot to Gecko, que é focado na criação de um sistema operacional móvel completamente baseado em HTML5 para quebrar as amarras que hoje são vistas em plataformas proprietárias, como Android e iOS. A ideia principal é democratizar o uso de aplicativos. Assine a Newsletter do IT Web Siga o IT Web no Twitter Curta, no Facebook, a Fan Page do IT Web Na mesma semana, fabricantes de dispositivos TCL Communication Technology (sob a marca Alcatel One Touch) e ZTE anunciaram no mesmo dia sua intenção de fabricar os primeiros aparelhos com o novo SO Firefox, usando processadores Snapdragon, da Qualcomm Incorporated. “Onde você quer viver sua vida online? O que você acha? Saiba mais: Sistema operacional móvel da Mozilla já tem nome: Firefox OS

A handful of Firefox tweaks that will double your browser speed Firefox users take note: You need to do this. Now. As in, this instant. Reduce the amount of RAM Firefox uses for its cache feature 1. Increase the Speed at Which Firefox loads pages 1. 2. This means it will make 8 requests at once. 3. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. network.dns.disableIPv6: set “false” “content.notify.backoffcount”: set “5“; (Five) “plugin.expose_full_path”: set “true”. Reduce RAM usage to 10MB when Firefox is minimized: This little hack will drop Firefox’s RAM usage down to 10 Mb when minimized: 1. Like this: Like Loading... Related

Télécharger et tester Boot2Gecko (Mozilla OS) Pour ceux que ça intéresse, sachez que Mozilla a mis en ligne des versions de dev de son "Mozilla OS", alias Boot2Gecko (B2G) pour Windows, Mac et Linux. Seul truc à savoir, il faudra installer Gaia pour que ça fonctionne. Je me suis fait une petite install sous Linux, et voici comment faire. Tout ceci se fait (sensiblement) de la même façon sous Windows et Mac OSX Voici comment faire... Ensuite, téléchargez B2G et décompressez-le quelque part. Ensuite, en ligne de commande, tapez ce qui suit... git clone make -C gaia profile Placez-vous ensuite dans le répertoire où vous avez décompressé B2G et tapez la ligne de commande suivante, en remplaçant /home/korben/ par le chemin où vous avez placé gaia. . (Sous OSX, ce chemin aura plus des allures de /Users/korben/Desktop/B2G/gaia/profile/) Et voilà, vous devriez voir sous vos yeux ébahis Boot2Gecko fonctionner. Source Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Firefox OS vai rodar apps de iOS e Android - Tecnologia pessoal São Paulo – O Firefox OS, sistema móvel produzido pelo time da Mozilla, vai rodar apps desenvolvidos para as plataformas móveis Android e iOS. Cerca de 75% dos programas desenvolvidos para as duas plataformas são escritos em HTML5. E como o Firefox OS tem capacidade nativa para rodar programas feitos nessa linguagem, os desenvolvedores poderão portar, com facilidade, os apps para a plataforma da Mozilla. Em entrevista ao site TechRadar, o diretor de produtos e inovações da Telefônica, Carlos Domingo, explicou que essa compatibilidade ajudará o Firefox OS a ter muitas aplicações assim que chegar ao mercado brasileiro – em meados do próximo ano. A Telefônica é parceira da Mozilla no desenvolvimento do sistema operacional. O Firefox OS usa o Linux como estrutura, assim como o Android.

All you need to optimize Firefox for Better Performance: 33 Tips- Tweaking Firefox to have a better performance is an exciting experience. I know you may have added a lot of extensions to your Firefox (your internet OS!) and can’t live without them. So if I say disable them to have a faster Firefox, you would ignore this article entirely! But wait a minute, there are more effective ways to improve Firefox performance that don’t need to talk about your add-ons only! In this article, I’ve introduced lots of tips, tweaks and plugins which will affect on your Firefox memory usage, startup time, and its general performance. Please don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS feed and Follow us on twitter Before getting started Make a backup about:config Before getting started it’s always recommended to make a backup of your Firefox settings (about:config) in case you need to revert to the default: In Windows XP: Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile ID>.default\ In Windows Vista: Create new profile to examine 1. 2.

Mozilla : « Firefox OS recense une infinité d'applications » Mozilla s’est entouré de nombreux partenaires pour le lancement de Firefox OS, une démarche inhabituelle… Fédérer les partenaires est une condition du succès de Firefox OS. Il faut des partenaires qui connaissent le marché, qui ont des boutiques, qui donnent l’accès au réseau… tout ce que Mozilla ne peut pas faire. Et leur grand nombre [23 aujourd'hui, NDLR] démontre que toute l’industrie soutient notre initiative. Mozilla a-t-il vocation, à terme, à concevoir ses propres smartphones ? On a un partenariat avec Geekphone pour fournir des téléphones aux développeurs, mais nous n’avons pas l’optique de cannibaliser les constructeurs et opérateurs. À ce sujet, les terminaux seront bientôt proposés à la vente depuis le site de Geekphone. Parmi les opérateurs partenaires, aucun n’est français. L’optique de Mozilla avec Firefox OS est d’attaquer le marché par le bas. Il faut regarder ce que veulent les opérateurs. Ce que propose Mozilla fait que les opérateurs nous écoutent. Non.
