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Using Color in Maps

Using Color in Maps

Projections and Distortion in the News A colleague today brought in a newspaper clipping from the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal for 13-14 April, 2013. It was a map depicting the extimated range of North Korea’s Musudan missile. A couple of things were immediately interesting about this. First, the buffered area did not appear to actually be circular. Working with GIS, I am well aware projections will make us all SADD. The odd position of Alaska could be accounted for if the analyst used a local projection, one centered on Korea. When my colleague brought this to my attention a few minutes ago, he simply asked, “Does this seem right to you?” The slight elongation of the shape toward the north indicates a local projection was used. Next, we grabbed a country feature class from ArcGIS Online so we could not just buffer a point, but the whole country of North Korea. Before running the buffer tool, we also first made sure the country feature class had a geographic coordinate system.

Map design: a list of helpful online resources Whether they’ve been making maps for 20 years or two weeks, just like any designer, cartographers need inspiration when starting their latest project. Inspiration can come from many places and take many forms. Here at Ordnance Survey we use a range of resources and we want to share some of them with you. In this post we list several online resources that can help with your latest map design; from choosing the right colour palette to selecting great fonts. Although by no means a definitive list, these are some of the tools and resources that we refer to and use regularly and we have sorted them into four categories: colours, fonts, symbols and map inspiration: Colours The use of colour is very often fundamental to the success of a map. ColorBrewer 2.0 is a great tool for selecting colour schemes that are specific to maps, especially helpful when mapping various classes of data. is a nice, easy-to-use colour picker that returns a hex code. Fonts 1001 Free Fonts

The National Map Criar e mapear trilhas, caminhos e estradas com sobreposições do GPS do seu celular - Gmapas Mapear suas trilhas e/ou caminhos favoritos no Map Maker ás vezes pode ser complicado por inúmeros fatores, o mais comum é a trilha não ter uma linha clara na imagem para ser mapeada, principalmente se a trilha for muito estreita ou em mata fechada. Se voc vai fazer uma trilha, você pode salvá-la em seu aparelho celular e depois envia-la para o Map Maker para disponibilizar para todos os usuários do Google Maps. O que você vai precisar - Conta Google A conta Google é necessária para você exportar sua trilha salva no seu aparelho celular para o Google Maps ou exportá-la para o Google Docs/Drive. Mais informações sobre conta Google clique aqui. - Celular com GPS e com o sistema operacional Android (do Google) O GPS é necessário para efetuar uma localização precisa das coordenadas de sua trilha. - Aplicativo para celular (apps) Minhas Trilhas do Google Maps Este aplicativo vai gravar suas trilhas com o GPS do seu celular. 2 - Ao final de sua jornada, salve sua trilha. O que você deve saber

Diseño cartográfico | Ecoter SC - Ecología y Territorio Como dice Wikipedia, la cartografía es la ciencia encargada del estudio y elaboración de mapas. Los mapas, por su parte, son una representación generalizada y precisa de fenómenos localizables en el espacio. Desde nuestro punto de vista, la elaboración de mapas es una ciencia que incluye a partes iguales, técnica, análisis y diseño. Los mapas son documentos importantes y de gran relevancia para la toma de decisiones territoriales y un instrumento de gestión necesario en la sociedad actual, independientemente de su formato. Por ello, a la hora de elaborar un mapa hemos de tener muy claros los objetivos de su realización, el propósito de su representación y a quién va dirigido. El conocimiento de los SIG, el buen gusto y el correcto uso de las variables cartográficas nos permitirá conseguir que nuestro mapa sea un documento válido. Dejemos de ser sólo analistas SIG y convirtámonos también en Cartógrafos. Color Use gudelines: Esquemas de color, tipos y combinaciones en nuestra leyenda.

Photo mapping Available languages — For tracing aerial photos, see Aerial imagery. Photo mapping, a popular mapping technique, can be a great timesaver - it can be far quicker taking photos of street signs or points of interest than either to write it down, typing on a smartphone, or using waypointing on a GPS gadget. What's more, smartphones and cameras can often add GPS coordinates, making it easy to match up the photos to the exact position they were taken. Simple photo mapping Use your camera to help you remember stuff. You don't need to use GPS and other advanced tricks described on this page. Orientation Even if you have a GPS track, it can be difficult to determine the way you were facing when taking a photograph. Geo-located photos Smartphones and some cameras come with in-built GPS (and some GPS units come with in-built camera) so these devices will typically write geolocation data to the image file's metadata (EXIF) each time the shutter is snapped. What if you're using a camera without GPS?

SIGdeletras: Cartotecas Como ya comenté en una entrada pasada, el próximo día 12 de Julio tendré la oportunidad de participar en Carmona en el curso “Patrimonio Histórico: recursos en Internet” organizado por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide @olavidecarmona Estoy preparando la documentación para el curso y uno de los apartados en los que centraré mi charla-taller es en la identificación y uso de recursos digitales y páginas web que ofrecen al usuario cartografía histórica en formato digital. La cartografía histórica como elemento patrimonial puede ser como tal un objeto de estudio. Es también una fuente relevante de información para investigaciones históricas o/y geográficas donde la variable espacial tenga un papel relevante. A pesar de esto, y espero que gracias a vuestras aportaciones, creo que podría enriquecer bastante la experiencia de los alumnos con otros ejemplos locales, autonómicos o internacionales, con independencia de su escala. Antes de nada...

Mapping Weekend Howto What is a mapping party? A mapping party is where a group of openstreetmappers and novices descend on an area to map it exhaustively, usually over a weekend. It's a very social event where people can meet up and talk (usually at a pub) in between mapping sessions. A mapping session consists of dividing up an area between participants and mapping it, be that by car, cycle or walking. For more description of what a mapping party is, see the Mapping parties page There have been many mapping parties so far, all over the world!... Getting Started For a successful mapping party you need three key ingredients: a place, some people and a date. When Once you have a rough venue ('London' or 'Berlin') and a couple of people, then put up a wiki page with all the details and confirming the date. Planning Here's a checklist of things to do in advance Time Announce your event at least two months ahead of time. Place Other Start the wiki page. At the event GPS units Publicity Internet Promotion Press Release Links

Derek Watkins
