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The Anatomy of Web Typography Every conceivable feature of typography can be referred to by its name. Whether you're talking about the typeface itself, or the arrangement of type within a layout, there's a huge glossary of terms which can help you describe things properly. Let's take a look at the elements of typography which are important to you, as a web designer. .tutorial_image img {height: auto;) There are two essential aspects of typography which directly concern web designers: those which influence your choice of typefaceand those which you can manipulate (often through CSS). It's therefore pretty darn important that you're able to articulate (to clients, or team members) your typographic opinions and decisions. Certain fundamental typographic properties can be manipulated with CSS. You'll often hear discussion about the definition of font versus typeface, so it's important that you know the difference. (You hovered over that, didn't you?) A typeface is what the designer creates; the design.

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto We follow these principles: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Build projects around motivated individuals. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. Working software is the primary measure of progress. Agile processes promote sustainable development. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

8 Common Design Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)   - The Shutterstock Blog What makes a design good or bad? True, it’s subjective to some degree — but ultimately, good graphic design will inspire responses and clearly communicate visual information. Bad design, on the other hand, will impede and muddle that communication. Here are 8 common pitfalls of design and how to easily avoid them: 1. Perfect symmetry Balance is one of the fundamental principles of design. 2. Proximity is another major design principle. 3. Repetition lends a sense of unity and consistency, and it also improves readability. 4. A common newbie design mistake is to center-align chunks of text. It’s best to use left- or right-alignment. 5. Reading multiple long lines of text can cause eye fatigue. 6. Kerning simply refers to the individual spacing between two letters. 7. Contrast is an important, powerful design rule. For example, the last thing you want on a landing page or brochure is a chaotic mélange of excessive fonts. 8.

Mind Mapping Software - Create Mind Maps online Fabricantes de etiquetas autoadheribles y sin adherible en Mexico |.MegaLabel. Aun cuando Mega Label produce etiquetas sin adhesivo, nuestra especialidad se enfoca a etiquetas autoadheribles mayormente usadas en la actualidad tanto para procesos de etiquetado manual como automático. Como una guía básica acerca de las consideraciones que habrá que tomar en cuenta para la selección de una etiqueta autoadherible, a continuación proporcionamos información sintetizada que puede ser de utilidad. Una etiqueta auto adherible tiene una construcción típica que consiste de: Superficial: Material básico del que está hecha la etiqueta (papel o película plástica) y sobre el cual se llevará a cabo la impresión. Adhesivo: Sustancia que tiene la capacidad de mantener unidas dos superficies, aprovechando las propiedades de tensión ó energía superficial de los componentes de la unión. Respaldo (liner): Soporte de material siliconado donde queda adherida la etiqueta durante su proceso de conversión y que permite el transporte y la fácil remoción de la misma. MATERIALES (Superficiales)

SimpleCrew 20 diseñadores gráficos que usted debe conocer | ZENTRA agencia creativa perú El diseño gráfico en comparación con otras áreas del diseño, es una profesión bastante nueva, que sólo ganó relevancia profesional real en la década de 1950 y 60. Hay muchos estilos de diseño gráfico, y con ello también varias formas de mostrar y transmitir información. En esta lista tratamos de darle una visión transversal de estos diferentes estilos y los diversos pioneros de esta profesión. Estos son los hombres y mujeres del diseño gráfico, del pasado y presente, a quienes creemos que usted debe conocer. Piense en esta recopilación como un punto de partida para cualquiera que quiere saber más sobre un campo muchas veces incomprendido. 20. Nacido en Londres en 1972, Eddie Opara estudió diseño gráfico en el London College of Printing y la Universidad de Yale. 19. Nacido en Austria, Sagmeister se trasladó a Nueva York en 1987 para asistir a Pratt con una beca Fulbright. 18. Chip Kidd es un escritor y diseñador que trabaja en la ciudad de Nueva York. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 09.

HOW TO: Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile's New Skills Section Sharlyn Lauby, SPHR, CPLP, is the HR Bartender, whose blog is a friendly place to discuss workplace issues. When not "bartending," Sharlyn is president of Internal Talent Management, which specializes in leadership training and human resources consulting. Keeping your social media profiles updated is a key component to your success. If you want potential opportunities to come your way via social media channels, then your profile has to be current. This is especially true if you are using social media as part of your strategy to get a new job. Since 2002, LinkedIn has been building the world’s largest professional network on the Internet. LinkedIn recently introduced a new section to user profiles, which helps you organize your skills and assets. When LinkedIn introduced this new section, the immediate thought would be that showcasing these areas on your profile would move you up in LinkedIn search queries — and it very well may do that. Think Like a Recruiter Don't Fake It Sharlyn Lauby

11 Thoughts: An Introduction to Photographic Composition Composition noun com·po·si·tion \ˌkäm-pə-ˈzi-shən\ : the way in which something is put together or arranged : the combination of parts or elements that make up something Welcome to the wonderful world of photographic composition! In its most general terms, photographic composition is the art of composing an image through framing. And there exists the problem. How is it that one thing that almost everyone agrees is critical to the success of a photograph is completely subjective—an art unto itself—and is sculpted by rules that everyone agrees should and can be broken regularly, with great success? There is no way I can answer that question, but instead of giving you the same old, predictable introduction to composition as others, permit me to share some meandering thoughts about the subject. 1. Other visual arts start with a blank “canvas”… in photography, the canvas is preëxisting; it is our job to frame and eliminate elements. 2. How do you change what is already in front of you? 3. 4.

101 Useful Resources for Online Entrepreneurs Every day more and more entrepreneurs are building successful businesses using the internet. There is an abundance of opportunity online and depending on the venture, there is often less cost and risk involved when compared with traditional businesses. There is also a wealth of resources available to help the online entrepreneur to run a business more effectively and more profitably, and we list many of those resources here. Communications / VoIP The internet brings great opportunities to do business all with people from all around the world, and fortunately there are also a number of resources to help with the communication that is necessary. 1. Data Backup Anyone that has important of sensitive information on their computer needs to have a system in place for backing up the data. 1. Invoicing If you are sending and tracking invoices to customers, you may be able to save some time and make the process more efficient by using a program that is specifically designed for this purpose. 1.
