Writing a book with students « Teaching using web tools Why write a book with your students? In the last years I have been fortunate to attend many different conferences and listen to many great speakers talk about what needs to change in the classroom. They often talk about how important it is to find a project that is relevant to the students and has value outside the school. (authentic learning) After teaching without a textbook for several years, using social media to connect with teachers and experts in different countries, it occurred to me; why not write a book for teachers describing how we work in our class? Why not have the students write about how they like to learn, as a nice change to all the books written by teachers and educational experts? And idea materialises After pitching the idea to one student who (luckily) really liked it, we quickly had half the students onboard and more followed suit. The book – and website Publicity equals success? Like this: Like Loading... Categories: Using ICT in school, Web 2.0 in teaching
Son of Citation Machine Make sure that titles in APA citations are properly capitalized. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word or any proper nouns. Notes about MLA Style: MLA is a style of referencing, primarily used in humanities, especially in the writing of language and literature. It is used by numerous other disciplines and MLA Style Overview Works Cited lists are generally included in research to allow readers to locate sources themselves. Last name, First name Middle Initial. Citations are listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name.If there are multiple sources by the same author, citations are listed in alphabetical order by the title of the work.According to the MLA Handbook, a URL is not required for web sources. MLA Citations for Books with One Author Structure: Last, First M. Example: Collins, Suzanne.The Hunger Games. Don’t forget, Citation Machine allows you to generate MLA citations for books quickly and accurately. MLA Citations for Books with Two or More Authors Example:
Browse by series "Computer Literacy Workshops and Lesson Plans – CBAL" Displaying Results 1 to 10 of 19 [ 1 2 ] Next Page 1. Caring for Your Computer - Lesson Plan (2011) Series: Computer Literacy Workshops and Lesson Plans – CBAL Authors: Keri Russell, Margaret Sutherland Collection: Learning Materials This document, revised in 2012, offers the outline for a three-hour lesson on caring for a computer. The lesson plan includes a detailed description of specific learning tasks; an estimate of time needed for each task; and a list of required resources. This document has been licensed under Creative Commons, a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of works available to share legally. Funders: New Horizons for Seniors Program, Government of Canada Added: 2012-09-20 View complete record details... 2. This workbook has been developed to accompany the lesson plan contained in “Caring for Your Computer,” published by Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL). The workbook was updated in 2012. Added: 2012-10-01 View complete record details... 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.
5 Easy Ways to Incorporate Writing in Your Classroom - Teach 4 the Heart Earlier this week I explained 4 advantages of incorporating writing in any classroom. I bet many of you were thinking Sure, that sounds great, but it also sounds like a lot of work. Thankfully, that’s just not the case. Including writing in your classroom can be really easy. And it doesn’t have to take much time either. The key is to realize that you don’t have to grade the writing. Here are 5 easy ways to incorporate writing into your classroom. These methods are adapted from Content-Area Writing: Every Teacher’s Guide 1. What is the most important thing you learned in class today? 2. 3. 4. 5. As you can see, these methods don’t need to take a lot of class time, and they don’t require much preparation. I describe more of these methods in my e-book Create Your Dream Classroom. How have you used writing to help students better understand your subject? Photo by ccarlstead
Paper Rater: Pre-Grade Your Paper | a.k.a. Paper Grader Last Updated Date: February 14, 2024 Welcome to the e-commerce shops, digital platforms, websites, applications ("apps"), widgets, blogs, or other online offerings owned or operated by Learneo, Inc.; and any of their affiliates or subsidiary companies (collectively, “Student Brands,” “we,” “our,” or “us”), including but not limited to bartleby.com (“Bartleby”); studymode.com, cram.com, paperrater.com, and all other online offerings (collectively, the “Services”) that post links to these Service Terms (the “Service Terms”). Your use of and access to our Services is governed by these specific Service Terms and the Learneo Terms of Service available here (the “Learneo Terms of Service”) (collectively, as amended from time to time, the “Terms”). Please review the Terms carefully before using the Services. By using or accessing the Services, you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Terms. 1. Ownership. 2. User-Generated Content. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
English as a Second Language Short Story Ideas and Creative Writing Prompts Here are lots of short story ideas that you can use as writing prompts. Use these story starters on their own or to get ideas for the CWN online writing courses. You'll also find links to more creative writing prompts at the bottom of the page. Any of these ideas can be used either humorously or dramatically... or you can try both. Do you like this page? Story ideas - three elements Choose a set of three elements and write a story that contains all three of them! Extreme challenge: combine three of the elements with one of the other short story ideas on this page. A stolen ring, fear of spiders, and a sinister stranger. More short story ideas Challenge: 4 stories in 4 weeks using these short story ideas. Extreme challenge: Why not write a book of short stories? A babysitter is snooping around her employer's house and finds a disturbing photograph... Even more short story ideas Your character starts receiving flowers and anonymous gifts. And still more short story ideas
Wild Orchid Crafts, Mulberry Paper Flowers and Craft Embellshments Creating characters and setting | Mitt öppna klassrum Förmågor: Ni kommer att få arbeta med att utveckla ert skrivande, läsande och strategier för detta inom engelskan. Skrivandet kommer ni få utveckla genom att läsa och skriva om karaktärer och miljö i gestaltande form. Att göra: Vi börjar med att läsa olika miljöbeskrivningar. Här finns en bild för att hjälpa er på traven med personbeskrivningarna och vilka delar man kan beskriva: Vi kommer sedan titta på ett filmklipp ur Divergent samt att jag högläser en del av texten högt för er. Utdraget handlar om personen Four och hans rädslor. Ni ska sedan få en skrivuppgift kopplad till detta. Här är skrivuppgiften: Four har fyra rädslor därav hans namn. Ni kommer få arbeta med kamratbedömning av texterna. Bedömning: Hur du bidrar i samtalen och utvecklar innehållet i dem. Hur du tolkar budskap i text/vidgad text (film). Hur du utvecklar och utrycker dig i dina skriftliga svar i skrivuppgifterna ovan. Hur du visar på strategier och använder dig av dem. Hur väl du ger och använder dig av kamratresponsen.
How to Write Logical Sentences and Avoid Faulty Comparisons - Free College Composition Video Last revised: March, 2014 Acceptance of Terms Please read this Terms of Service Agreement ("Terms of Service", "Terms of Use") carefully. These terms apply to Education Portal and its related websites owned and operated by Remilon, LLC ("Education Portal,", "Site", "Sites", "our", "us"). YOU AGREE THAT BY USING THE SERVICE YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU ARE LEGALLY ABLE TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT AND YOU CERTIFY TO EDUCATION PORTAL THAT: (i) you are at least eighteen (18) years of age, or an emancipated minor, or possess legal parental or guardian consent. Privacy Policy Education Portal respects your privacy and permits you to control the treatment of your personal information. Terms Applicable to All Services Our Service is an educational website that provides online courses, subscription memberships, and content about degrees, schools and careers where you can learn and research and compare educational programs (collectively, the "Service"). User Accounts a. i. b. i. c.
PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative How to Write a Ghost Story - Picture the Dead — Ghost Posts Having trouble coming up with a perfectly terrifying scenario? We’re here to help. Download a pdf of this writing exercise that we created for Don’t Forget To Write: 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons for the Secondary Grades. This awesome book offers writing lesson plans from the imaginative and highly acclaimed 826 National writing labs. Created as a resource to reach all students (even those most resistant to creative writing), these writing lessons are written by experts—and favorite novelists, actors, and other entertainers pitched in, too. 826 National is a nonprofit organization committed to supporting teachers, publishing student work, and offering services for English language learners. You can find Adele lurking here, scheming against archvillains: 826NYC And catch Lisa skulking here, collecting peg-legs: 826Valencia 1. It’s fine to start with an ooky-spooky house. 2. 3. Download “How to Write a Ghost Story” PDF
1001 Story Ideas | Writepop - Science fiction stories, humor, and writing about writing A thousand lifetimes in space – Living on a generation ship 1,000 human beings are selected to board a spaceship headed for the stars. The trip is so long that they will die in space, but their descendants will reach a new planet. To save room on the generation ship, the original population of the ship is all women, with children to be produced by artificial insemination.
iTeenWrite – Inspiring teens to reach their creative potential