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Occupy Toronto Protests The Occupy Toronto movement has set up shop at St. James Park near Church and Adelaide streets, where thousands are participating in a variety of peaceful demonstrations. The crowd departed King and Bay shortly after 11 a.m. to make their way to the previously unspecified location for the occupation, which will continue indefinitely. Thus far the atmosphere has been more enthusiastic than combative, as participants rally against everything from unfettered capitalism and corporate greed to Native land rights. As was anticipated, the causes represented here are myriad, though spontaneous chants identifying the crowd as the 99% have proved something of a unifier. Update (October 16th, 12:00pm): Check out our post on day two of Occupy Toronto for more updates/info. Update (October 16th, 1:30am): Here's what the scene looked like around midnight at St. Update (10:30pm): Video of the percussion group that formed in St. Update (9:30pm): Five things we've learned so far about Occupy Toronto: 1. Hey!

List of unsolved problems in neuroscience Some of the yet unsolved problems of neuroscience include: References[edit] External links[edit] Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don't get it A protester holds a sign at the Occupy Wall Street protest last weekend Douglas Rushkoff says traditional media condescends to Occupy Wall Street movementHe says that's because its 21st-century, net-driven narrative doesn't fit old media modelHe says protest not about end-point, it's about a new discourse on variety of complaintsRushkoff: Protest may be unwieldy, but aims to correct disconnects in U.S. Editor's note: Douglas Rushkoff is a media theorist and the author of "Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age" and "Life Inc: How Corporatism Conquered the World and How We Can Take it Back." (CNN) -- Like the spokesmen for Arab dictators feigning bewilderment over protesters' demands, mainstream television news reporters finally training their attention on the growing Occupy Wall Street protest movement seem determined to cast it as the random, silly blather of an ungrateful and lazy generation of weirdos. Occupy protests spread across U.S. Unions join 'Occupy Wall Street'

8 Books For a Higher Existence Books are magical inventions. By carrying meaning, they gives us glimpses of experience and knowledge from a different world. Phonetic language, being cut-off from time and place, the Now, helps both to encapsulate the ego more, but also to offer guidance to make it poriferous, letting Eros free. Without books we would lose this guidance. And in these times of dire ecological and cultural crisis, we need new ways to respond to the ecosystem that we simultaneous are and are imbedded in. If you’re done reading this list and want to level up more – check out part two! Thus Spoke Zarathustra – Friedrich Nietzsche Thus Spoke Zarathustra is Nietzsche’s most prophetic book in which he offers his teachings through the words of Zarathustra, based on the Persian prophet Zoroaster, who, after spending ten years on a mountain in meditation only accompanied by his Eagle and Serpent, comes down to offer his wisdom to the world. Becoming Animal – David Abram The Story of B – Daniel Quinn

L.A.'s Rocket Pizza Delivers Pies to Occupy L.A. Protestors As hundreds of peaceful Occupy L.A. protestors welcome day three of the grassroots movement, their stomachs refrain from grumbling thanks to one word: pizza. Crooks and Liars, a widely-read liberal blog, added a PayPal button fundraiser on their site and has since raised $8,600 from 300 donors to feed the open mouths of Occupy protestors. Crooks and Liars scours cities where the Occupy revolution is transpiring for local pizzerias that will support occupiers via solidarity pizza delivery. Rocket Pizza Lounge in L.A. has stepped up to the pie and delivered to activists at City Hall. “As long as people are out there sticking up for the 99 percent, I will be finding local pizzerias that deliver,” says Crooks and Liars Managing Editor Tina Dupuy. Other participating eateries include Al Capone's in Boston, Escape from New York Pizza in San Francisco and Liberatos Pizza in New York. We want the change we were promised and never received. "We are leaderless.

Carl Jung and the Artistic Impulse: Madness in the Creative Spirit A brief look at some historical examples of artistic geniuses and it is tempting to believe that there is something approaching madness in the creative spirit.Tweet The artistic impulse permeates throughout history: from the “primitive” cave art of the Upper Palaeolithic through to the introduction of perspective and foreshortening during the Renaissance, rules which would later be subverted beyond recognition by the artists of modernity, who sought to express new ways of seeing and ushered in an era of visual experimentation. Either as creators or consumers, art remains ever-present in the modern world, both a vehicle for expressing our innermost thoughts and desires and a medium through which we can escape into new realities and emotions. What is it that leads us to create art? The Artist as an Outsider The Creative Impulse Jung believed that art itself had no inherent meaning, suggesting that perhaps it is like nature – something that simply “is”. Speaking With A Thousand Voices

Gebodypaint naaktmodel steunt 'Occupy Wall Street' - Foto vorige | foto 1 van 12 | volgende Gebodypaint naaktmodel steunt 'Occupy Wall Street' De protestbeweging 'Occupy Wall Street' houdt nog altijd stand en kreeg ook wat afleiding. Katherine Onarato, een van de honderden 'die hard' demonstranten, ging uit de kleren voor Andy Golub. De controversiële straatartiest werd al een paar keer opgepakt voor openbare zedenschennis. Nu pakte hij uit met een fraaie bodypaint op het naakte lichaam van Onarato.Honderden demonstranten betogen nu al weken aan het Zuccotti Park nabij de beurs in New York.

Introduction To Making Games Part 1: Picking A Game Framework | Jesse Freeman Whether you are a seasoned game developer or just getting started making your own game, chances are you are going to need a good game framework to build upon. A game framework could be as simple as a collection of code packed up into a library in a specific language, like JavaScript, or a more complex system of scripts, tools, and workflow built on a specific platform. Both types are designed to help speed up your game’s development. The last thing you want to be doing, especially when getting started, is reinventing the wheel. Here is a quick rundown of things to look for in a good game framework: Speeds up development by including collision and physics, and handles input Has good documentation and an active community to help answer questions Is easy to pick up and matches your skill level (drag and drop for non-coders and low-level access for seasoned developers) Easy multi-platform distribution, allowing you to get your new game on as many platforms as possible

Occupy Wall Street Protest; Personal Finance Takeaways, etc You are here: Home / News / Occupy Wall Street Protest; Personal Finance Takeaways, etc… ( Last week, one of the most controversial protests began in New York City. The protestors are talking about the applications of financial education. They are sleeping outside, they are being arrested, they are bringing attention to some very sensitive financial conversations and they just might be teaching us all a thing or two about our individual financial ideals. What is the Occupy Wall Street Protest? people that are young and old, of many different cultures and ethnicities, and various gender representations. Takeaways from the Protest Whether you agree or disagree with the message of the protestors there are definitely some things we can learn from them: Find out how things work. Peacefully fight for your rights. Understand that you’ve got the responsibility, and the ability, to change things. Written By Shay Olivarria Official website; Share

Bristol University | Department of Computer Science What is this? Cryptography is a highly interdiscplinary area; calling on expertise in Pure Mathematics, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. At Bristol we cover the full range of these topics and as such our students come with a variety of backgrounds and need to understand a diverse range of topics. To aid you, below we have collected a set of 52 short points of things we think that at the end of the first year of a PhD all students should have some familiarity with. If at the end of the first year you know the answers to ninety percent of the things we list then you should find that you will get more out of the conferences and talks you attend in your second year. By each section we give a reference to places where the definitions can be found, or where to start your reading. Computer Engineering ([E]) What is the difference between the following? Further Reading
