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Etude sur les nouveaux joueurs, les nouveaux jeux Depuis maintenant cinq bonnes années, le jeu vidéo change de visage petit à petit. Que ce soit du côté de la dématérialisation, des nouvelles manières de jouer mais également des nouveaux joueurs qui arrivent, l’industrie a très rarement subi de telles modifications. I. Le marché s’ouvre à de nouveaux joueurs Qui aurait pensé il y a une dizaine d’années que les femmes représenteraient une grande partie des joueurs aujourd’hui ? Qui aurait pensé que les seniors et le 4e âge s’essaieraient un jour aux jeux vidéo ? A. Bien avant l’arrivée de tous ces nouveaux joueurs dans l’industrie, le jeu vidéo était perçu par beaucoup (et malheureusement encore aujourd’hui) comme étant malsain. Les gamers – de l’anglais « joueur » - sont donc des personnes passionnées par le jeu vidéo. B. Mais ce temps est bel et bien révolu. Cette transition reste idéale pour montrer que l’arrivée des femmes sur le marché du jeu vidéo a permis à celui-ci de s’adapter à de nouvelles cibles. C. D. E. II. A. B. C. D.

Be Your Own Boss -By Dan LuVisi I want to tell you guys a story. I've told this journey of mine at several workshops, from Gnomon Workshop, to some colleges, and in Portugal at the Trojan Horse Was a Unicorn event (which I suggest you sign up for this year, as it's fantastic). I'll be giving this speech at OFFF in Barcelona, Spain this year, so please come by if you're a reader of this blog.For those that can't attend, here is Part 1 of this speech. One day I woke up, and I decided I was going to make a book. This wasn't pre-meditated, and I had no idea what that book was. I had just come off a pretty ruthless tour of work, with a client who I'd like to believe could be a perfect dictator. Barely any money in my pocket, I told my business partner Stephan that I wanted to make a book called Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter. Towards the end of 2008, I took a risk. Let's back up. I'm a child of ADD. I was always lost, trapped in others worlds. But then it hit me: To be continued...

Super Mario Bros 3 Level Design Lessons « Significant Bits I recently decided to play through the All-Stars version of SMB 3 without using any Warp Whistles. SMB 3's playful title screen has Mario & Luigi messing around with a bunch of enemies and powerups. The sequence is fun to watch, but it also serves as a great preview of numerous game mechanics. I suspect that the majority of people who replay the game are familiar with the secret and use it to skip to the last world. This also means zooming past a plethora of well designed levels. A lot of small, geometric stages later, here’s an overview of what I found to be the most notable points in the first world: 1). As with the original Super Mario Bros., the “?” In addition to being positioned over Mario’s head, a slowly approaching Goomba encourages the player to jump up and discover that hitting the blocks from below can yield rewards (in this case, some Coins and a Super Mushroom). 2). If the Koopa Troopa is touched while in this state, it quickly slides away from Mario. 3). 4). 5). 6). 7). 8).

Gurney Journey THE ART CENTER / Sharing Ideas And Tips From Artist To Artist Someone asked a question about the process of painting a character, so I'll take a stab at that one. There are many processes that each have their strengths, but for the sake of learning this is what I'd suggest. This process is based around the way 3d rendering programs work, using separate passes and combining them together for the final effect. Separating the processes in this way helps you think through what needs to be done. First of all, start with a sketch. Don't try to design a character as you paint, unless you are really advanced and probably not even then. Pick up the lines as a layer, and switch the layer type to multiply or Gel if you're in Painter. These next steps can almost be done in any order. On a separate layer, paint the occlusion in. Now, on a new layer, paint in a single light source. Here is what the lighting layer and the occlusion layer look like when they're both visible on a blank background.

Quickposes: pose generator for figure & gesture drawing practice
