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IVMOOC: Information Visualization

IVMOOC: Information Visualization

Choice of Chart A few years ago Dr. Andrew Abela published a good Diagram helping to decide about which chart are a better fit for a given data and problem at hand (please click on image below to see it in full size). Choosing a good chart by Dr. Abela (In Color) Dr. Abela also published interesting thoughts about visualization taxonomies and recommended this 3 years old book by Dan Roam, who also published this Visual Thinking “Codex”: Visual Thinking Codex by Dan Roam Good people at Juice Analytics converted Dr. Permalink: Like this: Like Loading...

a Google example: preattentive attributes The topic of my short preso at the meet up last week in Mountain View was preattentive attributes. I started by discussing exactly what preattentive attributes are (those aspects of a visual that our iconic memory picks up, like color, size, orientation, and placement on page) and how they can be used strategically in data visualization (for more on this, check out my last blog post). Next, I talked through a Google before-and-after example applying the lesson, which I'll now share with you here. First, a little background: In 2010, my colleague Neal Patel undertook research on managers at Google. When Neal's research was complete and it was time to begin to socialize the study and findings, he and I locked ourselves in a room filled with whiteboards and began to brainstorm. One of the early iterations looked like the following (note that I've generalized the visuals significantly to be able to show them here). Findings Next, comes the graph. This is a nice looking visual.

8 Universal Web Design Principles You Should Know The design of your website is more important for conversions than you think. You can implement any conversion boosting tactic in the world, but if it looks like crap, it won’t do you much good. Design is not just something designers do. Design is marketing. Design is your product and how it works. The more I’ve learned about design, the better results I’ve gotten. Here are 8 effective web design principles you should know and follow. Effective Web Design Principle #1: Visual Hierarchy Squeaky wheels get the grease and prominent visuals get the attention. Exercise. Without knowing ANYTHING about these circles, you were easily able to rank them. Certain parts of your website are more important than others (forms, calls to action, value proposition etc), and you want those to get more attention than the less important parts. Hierarchy does not only come from size. Start with the business objective You should rank elements on your website based on your business objective. Exercise. 1. 2. 3.
