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9 Fresh Free Fonts

9 Fresh Free Fonts
Here at WDL we love to keep our readers updated, especially when it comes to fresh free fonts. Today we gathered 9 new free fonts to keep your design library updated and fresh. V.GER Grotesque Matchup RIDGE Typeface KanKin Myra Mathlete Moonshiner Grand Hotel Vincent

Jumpstart Your WordPress Career - Your Essential WordPress Toolkit [Video] The Business of WordPress Design using WordPress – Video Three Hi Gang! In this video we’re going to put together the five essential tools you need to succeed using WordPress. Fortunately, they are all free or of little cost, so you don’t have to have much money to get started. The important thing to remember when assembling your own toolkit is the fact that there are no “proper” tools. Don’t be afraid to experiment to see what works best for you. Your Essential Tools Are: WordPress – available from or in your hosting packageHosting or Desktop Environment – LabZip or Bitnami.Firebug – available from Text Editor – like SublimeText, Notepad++, TextWrangler.An FTP Client – available at FileZilla Project. What are you waiting for? Cheers! If you enjoyed this article, get email updates (it's free).

Logos: Inspiring Examples and Related Books Back in November, we published an article with a few recommendations of books for you to read. After the article a lot of people got in touch with me asking for logo design related book recommendation, and this is why I decided to do this article. Today we will show you a list of inspiring logos and will also add some book recommendation on the matter. Since I don’t design logos, I have to let you know that I didn’t read any of these books, I’m recommending them based on research and suggestions from designers I know, so if you have suggestions, feel free to add a link on the comments area. The logos we selected are inspiring for many reasons, from impressive type, to beautiful colors and clever negative space use. There are several beautifully designed logos here. Logo Design related books: Logo Design Love: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities by David Airey Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills by David Sherwin About the Author Related Posts 642 shares

21 Fresh Examples of Websites Using HTML5 After all the buzz involving the HTML5 CSS3 duo, it is nice to check how websites are using all the good practices you can get from HTML5. When the buzz around the subject started, we could see a lot of websites totally animated. Now, after all the benefits of HTML5 settled, we can see websites taking advantage of it to create smooth transitions, nice image sliders and subtle animations. Zipper Galeria Magic Leap The Good Man Shiftbrain Oscar Charlie Handy Test The Trip WebKnit Jib Pierrick Calvez Studio I Shot Him Mode87 Studio 1 Architects Let’s Travel Somewhere iconmonstr National Academy Museum Fat Media Kalixo Ciroc Mixology Networking Providers About the Author Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Related Posts 642 shares 11 Inspiring Typography Focused Web Designs We all know that typography is a very important element of a good design. Read More 694 shares Examples of Well Designed Contact Pages

Dark Footers in Web Design There are loads of great footer examples in web design. These are some of the most common interface features which you will find on practically every website. Modern designers know which types of content surface well in the footer. You can now design influential areas for page links, credits, website info, and other crucial details. I want to use this article as a deeper look into footer designs. Pulling Dynamic Content The idea of pulling new dynamic database content into your footer isn’t brand new. You can find all of their newest blog posts, along with tweets and a recommended product(ebook) column. Also notice how elegant the links appear when you mouse over them. Blending Footer Widgets One other exceptional trait I have noticed in footer design is blending into the layout. This is perfect for dark-themed layouts who already know what type of content is available. Security Info You will notice a lot of company policy statements and security badges on ecommerce websites. Digimurai

Create image with text on the fly with PHP Hi guys, this is a little tut,on making images with text inside with php. You've all seen this on facebook when email address was in a image. This code uses GD library of functions for image manipulation. What u need: a transparent png image with nothing inside. if u don't know how to create one... //This are the variables send to the image $a = $_GET['a']; $b = $_GET['b']; //equation $string = $a." + ". $font_size = 5; //RGB txt color black $txt_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); //this is the place where first horisontal pixel will start //this is generic code from php manual, play with it to get required position $horisontal_start = (imagesx($im) - 7.5 * strlen($string)) / 2; //vertical midddle of the image $Vmiddle = imagesy($im)/2 - imagefontheight($font_size)/2; //create a string inside the png image imagestring($im, $font_size, $horisontal_start, $Vmiddle, $string, $txt_color); //create image imagepng($im); //destroy image - u dont want to save the image imagedestroy($im);

JS Snippet: Checkboxes In this lesson we are building a couple of handy Javascript functions for handling checkboxes on your websites. Text version of the script is available below, enjoy <body> <h3>Which programming languages do you like best? PHP MySQL Multiple Choice Quiz Part 7 PHP MySQL Multiple Choice Quiz Part 7Instructional Article Written:Saturday January 12, 2013Author: Isaac Price In this seventh installment of how to make a quiz with PHP MySQL and Javascript we will go over sessions and arrays and continue working on quiz.php. Source Files: Comments Jan WebSunday January 13, 2013 12:42:44 AM Can we get the source code? Isaac PriceSunday January 13, 2013 01:43:58 AM It's not showing because the series is not yet complete. Damon BoneSunday January 13, 2013 08:37:42 PM People why can't you follow along with the video and 'PAUSE' the dang thing and do a little typing?? Please log in to make a comment

Spam bot defence Hi all, last week i had a problem with spam bots that i choose to tackle. I have a guestbook in witch everyone can write in, and after one year i had 1000 spam posts from bots. Posts must be approved by admin to be shown. Guestbook originally had a input box with "remove this text" inside, and a posting time limit(one post per session every 2min)...that worked for about 3 months. Than spam started, mostly from same bots. My next implementation of security was a equation like here, but it really didn't do much good, it reduced the rate, but still... So i researched the web for solutions: Captcha hidden fields random field names are you human and i found an API from I hate captcha, it is so irritating, and after i found out that u can buy library with solved captcha i decided definitely not to go that way. so this is my solution: BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF PHP LOGIC AND MYSQL REQUIRED FOR UNDERSTANDING a standard form with any number of fields, but with 2 important: here is the code:

15+ Free Patterns for your Designs Here at WDL we love to gather good resources for our readers, specially because we know that having a solid library to count on is really important to every designer. Today we will show you 15+ free patterns to give your next project a nice and subtle touch. From backgrounds to specific areas of a layout, patterns can add a lot of personality to a design, so check them out. Subtle Light Tile Pattern Vol5 Wood Pattern Background Maze White Subtle Grunge Honey I’m subtle Grey Jean White wall 2 Lined paper About the Author Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Related Posts 591 shares 8 Must Have Free Fonts for your Designs Need some fresh fonts for your new projects? Read More 441 shares 9 Free Icon Sets to Diversify your Library Every designer needs to be ready to go wherever their projects take them.
