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C (programming language)

C (programming language)
C is one of the most widely used programming languages of all time,[8][9] and C compilers are available for the majority of available computer architectures and operating systems. C is an imperative (procedural) language. It was designed to be compiled using a relatively straightforward compiler, to provide low-level access to memory, to provide language constructs that map efficiently to machine instructions, and to require minimal run-time support. C was therefore useful for many applications that had formerly been coded in assembly language, such as in system programming. Despite its low-level capabilities, the language was designed to encourage cross-platform programming. A standards-compliant and portably written C program can be compiled for a very wide variety of computer platforms and operating systems with few changes to its source code. The C language also exhibits the following characteristics: The cover of the book, The C Programming Language For example:

Welcome to Dennis Ritchie Personal life[edit] Career[edit] In 1967, Ritchie began working at the Bell Labs Computing Sciences Research Center, and in 1968, he received a PhD from Harvard under the supervision of Patrick C. Fischer, his doctoral dissertation being "Program Structure and Computational Complexity".[6] The C language is widely used today in application, operating system, and embedded system development, and its influence is seen in most modern programming languages. Unix has also been influential, establishing concepts and principles that are now precepts of computing. Views on computing[edit] In an interview from 1999, Dennis Ritchie clarifies that he sees Linux and BSD operating systems as a continuation of the basis of the Unix operating system, and as derivatives of Unix:[8] I think the Linux phenomenon is quite delightful, because it draws so strongly on the basis that Unix provided. Awards[edit] Death and legacy[edit] Other testimonials to his influence followed.[25][26][27][28] Notable books[edit]

Metaprogramming Metaprogramming usually works in one of three ways[citation needed]. The first way is to expose the internals of the run-time engine to the programming code through application programming interfaces (APIs). The second approach is dynamic execution of expressions that contain programming commands, often composed from strings, but can also be from other methods using arguments and/or context.[1] Thus, "programs can write programs." Although both approaches can be used in the same language, most languages tend to lean toward one or the other. The third way is to step outside the language entirely. Approaches[edit] In statically typed functional languages[edit] Usage of dependent types allows proving that generated code is never invalid.[2] [edit] [edit] Macro systems[edit] IBM/360 assembler[edit] Examples[edit] #! This script (or program) generates a new 993-line program that prints out the numbers 1–992. One style of metaprogramming is to employ domain-specific programming languages (DSLs).

C Tutorial C Language Tutorial Table of Contents: This section contains a brief introduction to the C language. It is intended as a tutorial on the language, and aims at getting a reader new to C started as quickly as possible. It is certainly not intended as a substitute for any of the numerous textbooks on C. The best way to learn a new ``human'' language is to speak it right from the outset, listening and repeating, leaving the intricacies of the grammar for later. An excellent textbook on C by two well-known and widely respected authors is: The C Programming Language -- ANSI C Brian W. Dennis Ritchie designed and implemented the first C compiler on a PDP-11 (a prehistoric machine by today's standards, yet one which had enormous influence on modern scientific computation). 1. Let's be polite and start by saluting the world! #include < stdio.h> void main() { printf("\nHello World\n"); } Save the code in the file hello.c, then compile it by typing: gcc hello.c 2. gcc sine.c -lm 3. and the for loop: 4.

Douglas McIlroy His seminal work on software componentization,[1] makes him a pioneer of component-based software engineering and software product line engineering. McIlroy (left) with former colleague Dennis Ritchie at the Japan Prize Foundation in May 2011. Dr. McIlroy earned his Bachelor's degree in engineering physics from Cornell University in 1954, and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from MIT in 1959 for his thesis On the Solution of the Differential Equations of Conical Shells. He taught at MIT from 1954 to 1958. McIlroy joined Bell Laboratories in 1958, from 1965-1986 was head of its Computing Techniques Research Department (the birthplace of the Unix operating system), and thereafter was Distinguished Member of Technical Staff. He was a visiting lecturer at Oxford University from 1967 to 1968. McIlroy retired from Bell Labs in 1997, and serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Dartmouth College Computer Science Department. Quotes[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

iTechMax - Software, Technology, Blogging, Tips and Tricks 15 Programming Skills Most Coveted By Employers More than ever, companies need coders. And while tech firms do the bulk of the hiring, the demand for programmers spans industries and only seems to be growing. From writing basic HTML to building complex logic into mobile applications, the ability to smartly craft lines of code continues to be one of the most in-demand — and often, well-paying — skill sets one can have. (See also: Why This Guy Quit His Sports-Radio Dream Job... So what skills are the most sought after? 15. It may be almost 20 years old, but the object-oriented scripting language is still going strong. Microsoft's server-side Web development framework is more controversial than many of its peers, in part because it's a Microsoft product. AJAX is actually multiple technologies bundled into one. 12. For a 30-year-old programming language, Objective C is looking pretty good. PHP is huge. 10. Python is a general purpose programming language that can be used in a variety of ways. 9. XML is everywhere. 4. 2.

Go (programming language) "Google Go" redirects here. For the computer program by Google to play the board game Go, see AlphaGo. Two major implementations exist: With this type definition, ipv4addr(x) interprets the uint32 value x as an IP address. Simply assigning x to a variable of type ipv4addr is a type error. // ZeroBroadcast reports whether addr is (addr ipv4addr) ZeroBroadcast() bool { return addr == 0xFFFFFFFF} An interface specifies a set of types by listing required methods and their types, and is satisfied by any type that has the required methods. Go critics assert that: The Go authors put substantial effort into molding the style and design of Go programs: Go includes the same sort of debugging, testing, and code-vetting tools as many language distributions. It also includes profiling and debugging support, runtime instrumentation (to, for example, track garbage collection pauses), and a race condition tester. Here is a Hello world program in Go:

File extension database C++ Language This website uses cookies. By continuing, you give permission to deploy cookies, as detailed in our privacy policy. ok Search: Not logged in C++ Language These tutorials explain the C++ language from its basics up to the newest features introduced by C++11. Introduction Compilers Basics of C++ Program structure Compound data types Classes Other language features C++ Standard Library Input/Output with files Tutorials C++ LanguageAscii CodesBoolean OperationsNumerical Bases C++ Language Introduction:CompilersBasics of C++:Program structure:Compound data types:Classes:Other language features:Standard library:Input/output with files Endgame tablebase A typical interface for querying a tablebase An endgame tablebase is a computerized database that contains precalculated exhaustive analysis of a chess endgame position. It is typically used by a computer chess engine during play, or by a human or computer that is retrospectively analysing a game that has already been played. The solutions have profoundly advanced the chess community's understanding of endgame theory. Some positions which humans had analyzed as draws were proven to be winnable; the tablebase analysis could find a mate in more than five hundred moves, far beyond the horizon of humans, and beyond the capability of a computer during play. Tablebases have enhanced competitive play and facilitated the composition of endgame studies. While endgame tablebases for other board games like checkers,[3] chess variants[4] or Nine Men's Morris[5] exist, when a game is not specified, it is assumed to be chess. Background[edit] More recent contributors have included the following people:

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