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Leaders Of The 3D Printing Revolution

Leaders Of The 3D Printing Revolution
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Blueprint for an artificial brain: Scientists experiment with memristors that imitate natural nerves Scientists have long been dreaming about building a computer that would work like a brain. This is because a brain is far more energy-saving than a computer, it can learn by itself, and it doesn't need any programming. Privatdozent [senior lecturer] Dr. He will be presenting his results at the beginning of March in the print edition of the Journal of Physics published by the Institute of Physics in London. Memristors are made of fine nanolayers and can be used to connect electric circuits. Like synapses, memristors learn from earlier impulses. Andy Thomas explains that because of their similarity to synapses, memristors are particularly suitable for building an artificial brain -- a new generation of computers. Thanks to these properties, synapses can be used to reconstruct the brain process responsible for learning, says Andy Thomas. If the neutral bell-ringing stimulus is introduced at the same time as the food stimulus, the dog will learn.

Welcome to the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG)! — Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision How To 3D Print: Turning Virtual Geometry Into Physical Products 3D printing is poised to revolutionize how we consume and make goods—one day in the future, you might design some housewares on your computer and 3D print them instead of going to IKEA to buy new stuff. One of its design benefits is the technology’s ability to create elaborate forms that would be nearly impossible using traditional techniques like molding and casting. To design something to be 3D printed is to think differently about what you’re creating and how it’s created. By using mesh modeling you can transform a geometric virtual shape into a printed physical form—and this is just the beginning of what this technology can do. “If you understand 3D printing to mean the deposition and/or fusing of material by layer,” says Gil Akos, one half of design studio modeLab, “it really opens up what you could consider 3D printing to be. And then, shifting out of plastics into things like plant matter or even flesh—3D printing skin, things like that.” @stewart23rd

Les différents types de management selon Likert Rensis Likert est un psychologue américain qui a prolongé les travaux de Mayo. Ses recherches sur le thème de l’organisation du travail, parue dans « Le gouvernement participatif de l’entreprise » permettent de distinguer quatre styles de direction dans l’entreprise. En premier, le style autoritaire. Dans ce cas, l’autorité repose sur la crainte ou les sanctions. Le manager prend les décisions puis les annonces aux collaborateurs. De plus, les subalternes ne peuvent prendre aucune initiative. En second, le style paternaliste. Troisièmement, le style consultatif. Dernièrement, le style participatif. En conclusion, il n'existe pas de bon ou de mauvais types de management. Military Researchers Develop Corpse-Eating Robots | Underwire Just as The Matrix ran off human batteries, new battlefield robots could jump-start themselves by eating human flesh. Image courtesy Warner Bros. From the file marked “Evidently, many scientists have never seen even one scary sci-fi movie”: The Defense Department is funding research into battlefield robots that power themselves by eating human corpses. What could possibly go wrong? Since they apparently don’t own TVs or DVD players, researchers at Robotic Technology say the robots will collect organic matter, which “could” include human corpses, to use for fuel. But if you picked up anything on flesh-eating robots over the years you know they’ll ignore that tasty soybean field and make a chow line right to the nearest dead body. Researchers seem to get a kick out of ensuring the demise of the human species, so the project is called the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot, or EATR. See also:

Le problème de la collapsologie (par Nicolas Casaux) « Qualifier la société de thermo-industrielle permet aussi de négliger tout ce qui d’ores et déjà s’y produit en matière de coercitions et d’embrigadement, sans contribuer, ou si peu, à l’épuisement des ressources énergétiques. On passe d’autant plus volontiers là-dessus qu’on y trempe soi-même, à l’Éducation nationale ou ailleurs. Attribuer tous nos maux au caractère « thermo-industriel » de cette société est donc assez confortable, en même temps qu’assez simpliste pour combler les appétits critiques des niais et des crétins arrivistes, déchets ultimes de l’écologisme […]. »— René Riesel et Jaime Semprun, Catastrophisme, administration du désastre et soumission durable, Éditions de l’Encyclopédie des Nuisances (2008). France Culture, Le Monde, Le Point, Les Echos, Libération, Mediapart, LCI, L’Obs, sont quelques-uns des médias grand public qui ont choisi de faire la promotion du courant relativement récent de la « collapsologie ». Reprenons l’examen de la collapsologie. Nicolas Casaux

Creating indestructible self-healing circuits Imagine that the chips in your smart phone or computer could repair and defend themselves on the fly, recovering in microseconds from problems ranging from less-than-ideal battery power to total transistor failure. It might sound like the stuff of science fiction, but a team of engineers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), for the first time ever, has developed just such self-healing integrated chips. The team, made up of members of the High-Speed Integrated Circuits laboratory in Caltech's Division of Engineering and Applied Science, has demonstrated this self-healing capability in tiny power amplifiers. The amplifiers are so small, in fact, that 76 of the chips -- including everything they need to self-heal -- could fit on a single penny. "It was incredible the first time the system kicked in and healed itself. The team's results appear in the March issue of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

Les dispositifs d'aide Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Culture Actualités Liées La Ville de Saint-Étienne reçoit le trophée de la participation et de la concertation Inscrivez-vous à la soirée avec les Goncourt de la Fête du Livre A45 : mobilisation générale ! Vous êtes ici : Accueil > Culture > Saint-Étienne cultive ses talents ! A-Diminuer la taille de la policeA+Augmenter la taille de la police Partage Partager sur FacebookPartager sur Twitter Imprimer Imprimer cette page Les dispositifs d'aide Saint-Étienne est l’une des rares villes en France qui accompagne les artistes dans leur développement de carrière et favorise la professionnalisation à travers différentes aides. Sans oublier l’indispensable accompagnement humain effectué par les chargés de mission de la direction des affaires culturelles qui conseillent les artistes et associations en fonction de leurs besoins. Articles Liés Les lieux à retenir Les partenaires de la 32è Fête du Livre Le off de la Fête Plan du site

First mind-reading implant gives rats telepathic power - life - 28 February 2013 Read full article Continue reading page |1|2 Video: Watch a pair of rats communicate by mind-reading The world's first brain-to-brain connection has given rats the power to communicate by thought alone. "Many people thought it could never happen," says Miguel Nicolelis at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. The feat was achieved by first training rats to press one of two levers when an LED above that lever was lit. An array of microelectrodes – each about one-hundredth the width of a human hair – was then implanted in the encoder rats' primary motor cortex, an area of the brain that processes movement. Next, the team recreated these patterns in decoder rats, using an implant in the same brain area that stimulates neurons rather than recording from them. Implants linked The researchers then wired up the implants of an encoder and a decoder rat. The rats' ability to cooperate was reinforced by rewarding both rats if the communication resulted in a correct outcome. Wake-up call

Les illustrateurs du monde entier s'essayent à réaliser le même dessin en 10 min, 1 min puis 10 sec Voilà un concept qui me plait ! Le Speed Drawing ! Plusieurs illustrateurs du monde entier se sont lancés un défi franchement très cool : réaliser le même dessin en 3 temps : une fois en 10 minutes, bon ici, classique, on prend son temps, en 1 minute, hop hop hop ! Il faut aller vite; et en 10 secondes. Là il faut carburer ! Bien sur ils ne dessinent pas des stylos, des voitures ou des chaises, non c’est quand même plus recherché. Un défi fascinant, lancé par l’illustrateur Mark Crilley qui permet d’apprécier les différentes techniques utilisées. Igor Cheban TheBoxOfficeArtist markcrilley Draw with Jazza Joe Hogan Art Robin Clonts markcrilley HAPPYart Adam Lachmish ChericeCraft Roman Jurinec Source

How Team Obama’s tech efficiency left Romney IT in dust Despite running a campaign with about twice the money and twice the staff of Governor Mitt Romney's presidential bid, President Barack Obama's campaign under-spent Romney's on IT products and services by $14.5 million, putting the money instead into building an internal tech team. Based on an Ars analysis of Federal Election Commission filings, the Obama campaign, all-inclusive, spent $9.3 million on technology services and consulting and under $2 million on internal technology-related payroll. The bottom line is that the Obama campaign's emphasis on people over capital and use of open-source tools to develop and operate its sophisticated cloud-based infrastructure ended up actually saving the campaign money. As we revealed in our recent analysis of the Romney team's tech strategy, the Romney campaign spent $23.6 million on outside technology services—most of it on outside "digital media" consulting and data management. Smart, not perfect The armor-plated cloud Build, borrow, or buy

Les lentilles : le remède à la faim dans le monde - Regarder le documentaire complet Cette modeste légumineuse, cultivée aussi bien en Inde qu'en Éthiopie ou en Amérique du Nord, suscite d'immenses espoirs. Non seulement elle s’acclimate à merveille aux régions arides, mais elle a également la particularité de capter l’azote de l’air pour le stocker dans ses tubercules – ce qui en fait un fertilisant naturel. La lentille regorge par ailleurs de protéines – autour de 25 %, plus que certaines viandes ! –, de minéraux et d'oligoéléments. Il suffit de la compléter d’une céréale, comme du riz complet, pour composer un repas équilibré. Variétés plus robustes Misant sur les nombreux atouts de la plante, des chercheurs du monde entier travaillent à mettre au point des variétés plus robustes, plus productives et plus riches en éléments essentiels, mais aussi à maturité rapide, adaptées à l’alternance des cultures pratiquée par les petits paysans des pays pauvres.
