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Créer un blog gratuit ou un blog pro sur Hautetfort Accueil Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre voo2do - simple, beautiful web-based to-do lists 13 ways Twitter improves education Twitter can easily be dismissed as a waste of time in the secondary school classroom. Students will get distracted. Students will see tweets they shouldn't at their age. Here's some ammunition for what often turns into a pitched, take-sides verbal brawl as well-intended teachers try to come to a compromise on using Twitter (in fact, many of the new Web 2.0 tools-- blogs, wikis, websites that require registrations and log-ins, discussion forums. You learn to be concise Twitter gives you only 140 characters to get the entire message across. At first blush, that seems impossible. Twitter isn't intimidating A blank white page that holds hundreds of words, demanding you fill in each line margin to margin is intimidating. 140 characters isn't. Students learn manners Social networks are all about netiquette. Students learn to be focused With only 140 characters, you can’t get off topic or cover tangential ideas. Here’s an idea. Students learn to share Writers call this the title. Yes. Why?

Réseau social très populaire qui permet de partager des informations. Gratuit. by chloepelletier Dec 8

Pour se connecter et aller sur son compte Facebook. by mariejoseechabot Dec 3
