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A New Method to Track Keyword Ranking using Google Analytics

A New Method to Track Keyword Ranking using Google Analytics
In the past I’ve written about different ways to customize Google Analytics for SEO. This post is all about a new way to track keyword ranking using Google Analytics. A little background… There are lots of paid tools that will track where your content ranks in your search results. Actually, he had a brilliant idea: measuring the individual keyword rank, group keywords together into indexes and then track the average rank of those indexes over time – all with Google Analytics. Track the SEO rank of keyword groups, or indexes, using Google Analytics.Image courtesy of AJ Kohn. Here’s how AJ describes a rank index: A rank index is the aggregate rank of a basket of keywords that represent a type of query class that have an impact on your bottom line. After a little brainstorming and testing we think we have a method to do this and would love your feedback. How This Works Here’s the general idea: 1. That’s it. Let’s dig into some of the details of how this work. The Code Let me say that again.

New Ways To Track Keyword Rank (for Free) Tracking keyword rank is as old as the SEO industry itself. But how you do (and use) it is changing. Are you keeping up? This post covers how I create and use rank indexes and introduces a new and improved way to track rank in Google Analytics. Rankaggedon In December of 2012 both Raven and Ahrefs made the decision to shut down their rank tracking features because they violated Google's Terms of Service. The debate about why Google began to enforce the TOS (I think it has to do with the FTC investigation) and the moaning about how unfair it is doesn't interest me. Every obstacle is an opportunity. Is Rank Important? To be honest, I don't use rank that much in my work. Yet, you'd have to be soft in the head not to understand that securing a higher rank does produce more traffic. But rank is the extrinsic measurement of your activities. Rank Indexes So how do I use rank? Usually a rank index will contain between 100 and 200 keywords that represent that query class. Executives Love Indexes

4 KPI pour mesurer le succès de votre stratégie SEO De par sa nature évolutive et volatile, le SEO est une pratique marketing Web qui peut parfois sembler difficile à mesurer. En effet, avec les nombreux changements d’humeurs de Google, qui apporte en moyenne 50 modifications par mois à son algorithme, les webmestres Internet et professionnels marketing ont souvent de la difficulté à identifier le retour sur les actions qu’ils effectuent au niveau de leur référencement Internet. Heureusement, l’internet étant le média le plus facilement mesurable grâce, entres autres, aux nombreux outils analytiques disponibles sur le marché, il est possible d’identifier des KPI (key performance indicators) qui identifieront de façon claire et concise si vos efforts de référencement internet rapportent. Voici donc 4 KPI que vous pouvez implanter dès maintenant dans votre campagne SEO, et ainsi prouver à votre patron ou client que vos actions ont des résultats KPI #1 : Conversion des mots-clés naturels KPI #2 : Les pages de destination Conclusion

Easy Ways SEO Can Kill Your Site The SEO did it. In the cubicle. With the rusty 302 redirect. At Pubcon Vegas, Matt Cutts announced the link disavow tool. Some say to use it & have proof it works, some say you’re providing the enemy with information & doing the gruntwork for them. It seems like a last resort for many sites, but I wanted to look at the disavow tool from a different angle; just another way to significantly hurt your site. Starting with the disavow, I’ll touch on some of the top ways a site can effectively be killed off with ease or by accident. At one point, SEER relaunched our blog, but during the relaunch we did something by mistake with the canonical tag. This, combined with the relaunch & new URL structure effectively started deindexing any post that wasn’t on the blog homepage. Summary: If you’re implementing a canonical tag, make sure there’s a good reason for it and that it’s being used properly. Don’t use the tool unless you are sure you need to use it. Adam’s Quick Check: 1. Disaster Scenario: 1.

Analyser l’indexation sur Google A l’heure où Google indexe tout et n’importe quoi (JavaScript, activation de formulaires ….), il peut te paraitre ridicule de parler d’indexation. Il est cependant parfois nécessaire de reprendre les bases, par exemple en lisant le livre « réussir son référencement web » ou en prenant un peu de recul par rapport à la discipline du référencement naturel qui est à la fois tellement simple et en même temps si complexe… « Back to basics » donc avec des éléments qui me paraissent peu connus sur l’analyse de l’indexation de ses contenus dans Google et surtout des enseignements que l’on peut tirer de ces analyses. Comment mesurer l’indexation sur Google: la commande « site: » et ses limites Traditionnellement, la mesure de l’indexation de ses contenus sur Google est faite grâce à la commande « » dans Google. Oui mais voilà…. , la représentativité de cet indicateur est relative puisqu’un crawl du site avec un outil tiers te donnera environ 500 page HTLM de contenu indexable.

Boost Your Blog Traffic by Submitting to These 12 Directories Boost Your Blog Traffic by Submitting to These 12 Directories Posted by Pat Owings on Sun, Nov 25, 2012 @ 07:05 AM So you've written fabulous content that's relevant to your buyer personas and sales funnel. You've ensured your formatting is optimized for SEO, hit publish and shared on social media. There are an estimated 42 billion blogs in the world - even the best content can use some help getting noticed. 1. One of the world’s leading blog search engines and directories, Technorati indexes over a million blogs. 2. Described as the “world’s largest blog directory,” creating a listing here is fast, free and easy. 3. Tens of thousands of bloggers are members of Bloggernity, with new sites added all the time. 4. A much-smaller blog directory, search existing content categorized on Blogadr by category or country. 5. Described as an “online marketing platform,” this site offers more services than just free directory submission. 6. 7. 8. 9. dMoz 10. 11. 9Rules 12.

Guide Google Analytics WordPress & Référencement naturel Mes servicesWordPress - Référencement Hébergement WordPress Vous êtes ici : SeoMix » Guide Google Analytics Guide Google Analytics Naviguez parmi les différentes rubriques du Guide Google Analytics avec le sommaire de gauche. Concepts de webanalytics <img width="200" height="200" src=" class="hlistimg wp-post-image" alt="Détecter un profil Analytics qui ne fonctionne plus" /> 6 astuces pour Google Analytics 6 astuces pour améliorer votre analyse du trafic sur Google Analytics: tri pondéré, exclusion d'IP, affichage des donnée... <img width="200" height="200" src=" class="hlistimg wp-post-image" alt="Le taux de rebond d&#039;Analytics doit être modifié !" Fonctionnement de Google Analytics Filtres Analytics CPC et Adwords Les outils complémentaires Les autres logiciels Vous aimez ce guide ? WordPress

21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic (Updated 2012) It's easy to build a blog, but hard to build a successful blog with significant traffic. Over the years, we've grown the Moz blog to nearly a million visits each month and helped lots of other blogs, too. I launched a personal blog late last year and was amazed to see how quickly it gained thousands of visits to each post. There's an art to increasing a blog's traffic, and given that we seem to have stumbled on some of that knowledge, I felt it compulsory to give back by sharing what we've observed. NOTE: This post replaces a popular one I wrote on the same topic in 2007. #1 - Target Your Content to an Audience Likely to Share When strategizing about who you're writing for, consider that audience's ability to help spread the word. If you can identify groups that have high concentrations of the blue and orange circles in the diagram above, you dramatically improve the chances of reaching larger audiences and growing your traffic numbers. #3 - Make Your Blog's Content SEO-Friendly

Why Content Goes Viral: the Theory and Proof The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Not all great content goes viral, but (with the exception of awesomely terrible videos) content that does go viral is great. No one can guarantee that any piece of content will take the web by storm, but we can make sure that a piece of content has what it takes. Long-time citizens of the web can often tell from a first-reading or viewing that a piece is going to explode, but why? Write long, in-depth posts In a scientific, statistical look at what makes content most shareable online, two University of Pennsylvania professors looked at the New York Times’ most emailed list to see if they could determine what cause people to share article. The first finding is that longer articles tend to be shared far more often. Correlation isn’t causation (sorry, the phrase is cliché for a reason), and it’s possible that there’s something else at work here. Known authors On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest. This is the secret to the power of your title and why it so highly determines the effectiveness of the entire article. The reality though is that the headline is just the start!… you want your visitor to stay and read the whole article rather than bounce out to another website in an era of ‘click and go’. We live in the era of ever decreasing attention and the art of keeping the reader engaged has now become an ongoing creative and scientific experiment of verbal and visual seduction. The Age of Skimming So writing that awesome headline has made the reader turn up but then you have to continue to entice, tease and intrigue the reader with the promise of more information, possible entertainment or a solution to the problem so that they will read on. People are Seeking Answers Readers are seeking solutions and answers to their problems. The Headline is the Start of the Seduction The Intro 1. 2. 3.

Common Blogging Mistakes: Editorial Guidelines for Bloggers Whether you want to make sure your own blog can be found in the search engines or you want to be a popular guest blogger, avoiding these most common mistakes is important: 1) NEVER Publish Your Guest Post Unless Specifically Requested to Do So WordPress has a serious deficiency in that contributor status is insufficient for providing guest posts because you will not be able to upload images. Author access, though, is a dangerous option because unless the blog installs and properly configures several plugins to prevent it, guest authors have the ability to publish their guest posts. Guest Authors should NEVER publish their posts on someone else’s blog unless specifically asked because they need to be formatted, SEOed and edited according to the standards of each blog. WHEN your post gets published can greatly affect how much exposure it gets. As a guest writer, it is not your place to publish. 2) Do Not Use Word Processor Formatting Functions 3) NEVER, EVER use the underline function in Word
