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Phixr What is Pluralism? The plurality of religious traditions and cultures has come to characterize every part of the world today. But what is pluralism? Here are four points to begin our thinking: First, pluralism is not diversity alone, but the energetic engagement with diversity. Diversity can and has meant the creation of religious ghettoes with little traffic between or among them. —Diana L. Formative graffiti "Panic Room" by Tilt Hôtel "Au vieux panier" Tilt featuring Tober / Grizz / Don ChoMarseille January XnView Online Desktop Publishing & Design Software RELIC - StumbleUpon Fotografix / l.madhavan What's New Try the new Fotografix Try the preview version of Fotografix 2 to see how image adjustments are easier with the new user interface and faster with the new graphics engine. Learn more and download Roozz brings Fotografix to the browser Roozz is a browser plugin that enables a number of applications, including Fotografix, to be run directly within your browser. Try it now Features Enhance photos by correcting exposure and colour Improve composition by cropping and rotating photos Use multiple layers for complex compositions Apply adjustments non-destructively using adjustment layers Add text using text layers that can be edited at any time Create special effects using a variety of filters Work with images in most popular file formats, including Photoshop (PSD) and GIMP (XCF) Language Files Fotografix is available in more than a dozen languages. Interested in translating Fotografix?

DIY Fashion-Forward Bracelets & Diy & Lifestyle & RTR On Campus - StumbleUpon When money is tight, but fabulous fashion is a necessity, try out your crafting skills to make something new and fantastic. These bracelets are sure to impress and look quite expensive, but all they require is some gold chain and friendship bracelet yarn, both of which you can find at a craft store like Michael’s Art Supply. Make one signature piece or stack a bunch for a layered look! BFrend Bracelets by Monika You can find the full blog post here to see more styles of these bracelets. Another fun and very creative bracelet is this one made out of gold or silver nuts, normally used to secure bolts. Amazing what you can create with such inexpensive items!

MugTug Darkroom: online Photoshop in HTML5 - Webdesigner Magazine Op 19 april vindt de eerste editie van Codee plaats, een evenement voor internetprofessionals die zich bezig houden met code en design. Codee is een initiatief van Pixelpillow en Joël Cox en – Lees verder Webdesigner 54 staat bol van de CSS. We leren je 25 onmisbare technieken om mooie en functionele verbeteringen aan je site te doen. Ja, ben je al jaloers? De volgende generatie HTML en CSS biedt krachtige nieuwe functies voor het creëren van rijke content. Apple doet geen marktonderzoek. Het evenement FITC is een waar begrip geworden de afgelopen jaren.

flauntR flauntR flauntR is a free online suite of digital photoediting tools that provides a range of features that are typically only been available in expensive photoediting software. RIA Application build on Adobe Flex The FlauntR RIA (Rich Internet Application) application has been widely cited as an example of intuitive user interface design and use of cutting edge technology. The FlauntR interface engineered using Adobe Flex, Flash and J2EE technologies has been featured on and the Yahoo Gallery among others. Social Network Integration and Facebook Application flauntR features extensive and indepth integrations with over 16 social networks and Web2.0 applications including Facebook, Bebo, Flickr, Picasa, Open Social among others.flauntR is available as an application on Facebook, Bebo and will also be integrating with a range of other sites.

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