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Useful Life Hacks Part 2

Useful Life Hacks Part 2

Vive le Crochet !!! Vous avez envie de créer mais vous ne savez pas trop par où commencer ? Vous avez des modèles de tricot sous la main mais vous préférez le crochet ? Alors cet article est pour vous ! ! Vous allez pouvoir apprendre à faire d’un modèle de tricot, un modèle exclusif de crochet. Voici les différentes étapes à suivre : A. B. C. D. imaginons que votre échantillon de 10 cm de côté vous donne 23 mailles serrées pour 14 rangs . 10 cm = 14 rangs et 10 divisé par 28 = 0.36 donc 28 cm = 14 divisé par 0.36 =>38.88 soit 39 rangs E. F. G. Vous devez donc diminuer (ou augmenter selon le sens de travail), de 44 mailles sur 12 rangs. Autre méthode : Conseils de dernière minute : Prenez votre temps et n’hésitez pas à faire et à défaire jusqu’ à ce que vous parveniez à ce que vous espériez. Si vous avez des questions ou un soucis, n’hésitez pas à me contacter et vive la création!

The Many Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide-Truth! Fiction! & Unproven! There has been continuing controversy over using hydrogen peroxide either orally or through injection to treat a variety of internal ailments including arthritis and cancer. Proponents say that the oxygen released by the breakdown of the hydrogen peroxide is medicinal. Opponents say there isn't good evidence of the health benefits and that there are circumstances in which hydrogen peroxide can be dangerous. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved those high strength hydrogen peroxide products for use internally and considers them dangerous. 1. The Merck Manuals recommended diluting the 3% hydrogen peroxide 50 percent with water, but suggest it as a rinse and part of a treatment for trench mouth, for example. 2. We didn't find anything authoritative about soaking toothbrushes in hydrogen peroxide. 3. 4. The U.S. 5. We were not able to find any authoritative source about foot fungus and treatment with hydrogen peroxide. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Insect wings shred bacteria to pieces The veined wing of the clanger cicada kills bacteria solely through its physical structure — one of the first natural surfaces found to do so. An international team of biophysicists has now come up with a detailed model of how this defence works on the nanoscale. The results are published in the latest issue of the Biophysical Journal1. The clanger cicada (Psaltoda claripennis) is a locust-like insect whose wings are covered by a vast hexagonal array of 'nanopillars' — blunted spikes on a similar size scale to bacteria (see video, bottom). Lead study author Elena Ivanova of Australia's Swinburne University of Technology in Hawthorne, Victoria, says that she was surprised that the bacterial cells are not actually punctured by the nanopillars. To test their model, Ivanova and her team irradiated bacteria with microwaves to generate cells that had different levels of membrane rigidity.

le crochet géant! Bon, vous aviez bien compris, malgré vous peut-être, que nous sommes dans une période crochet . C’est comme ça, ça ne s’explique pas, c’est l’air du temps… Et dans la grande tendance CROCHET il y a une niche encore plus chouette: le crochet géant . C’est beau et spectaculaire. (photos trouvées sur Pinterest) Pour le crochet géant , c’est bon, le sourcing est désormais accessible, chez brutalux (clique) : si vous avez envie de vous y mettre, voici quelques pistes pour commencer (avant le tapis, plus ardu): les cols rapides et graphiques, les corbeilles et les poufs… pour les corbeilles voir ce blog par exemple : En ce qui concerne les poufs, voici ce que j’ai réalisé récemment, en crochetant en même temps 3 grosses pelotes (pour ce pouf de 70cm de diamètre il faut 15 pelotes) au crochet n°20. et enfin le plus facile et le plus rapide, les cols, il suffit de 3 pelotes de laine n°6. Il faut monter 25 mailles puis crocheter un tube en mailles serrées.

100 Items to Disappear First 100 Items to Disappear First 1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. From a Sarajevo War Survivor: Experiencing horrible things that can happen in a war - death of parents and friends, hunger and malnutrition, endless freezing cold, fear, sniper attacks. 1. 14 Cool And Unusual Aquariums EmailEmail Do you live a stressful life, have high blood pressure and insomnia? Keeping an aquarium may be a good therapy for you! Studies going back as far as the late 80’s have shown that watching those beautiful fish going about their daily business can make you feel calm, reducing stress levels and your blood pressure. Although researchers have shown that the greater reduction in blood pressure occurred when there were fish in the tank, vs pleasingly decorated, but fishless, tanks – having a cool aquarium can at least make your friends jealous! 1. Duplex is an acquarium/cage favouring an improbable encounter between a bird and a fish. 2. (Link) 3. (Link) 4. Ever wondered what to do with that ancient 26″ wooden TV set laying around in yours or your grandparent’s garage? 5. iPond The iPond is an iPod accessory the combines a speaker with a tiny aquarium. 6. If you do not have enough room in your new office to put an aquarium, just integrate an Aquarium in the table. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Вязаный коврик из футболок и остатков пряжи (яркий и необычный способ) В каждом доме найдутся старые или ненужные вещи, которые тем не менее рука не поднимается выбросить. А у рукодельниц к тому же есть еще масса остатков - обрезки тканей, маленькие моточки пряжи... Я предлагаю вам связать из всего этого яркие и оригинальные коврики. В моих ковриках я использовала старые футболки и остатки яркой пряжи. Итак, нарежьте футболки (мне понадобилось 3 штуки на один коврик) или обрезки тканей на полоски шириной не меньше 2 см. Крючок тоже можно взять любого размера. Сверните из ленты колечко: В это колечко провяжите столбики без накида. Вязание по кругу - вывязываем обычный плоский круг. Мы работаем только с нитью! Когда лента заканчивается, нужно присоединить следующую. Или вставить одну в другую: В обоих случаях всё равно будут торчать хвостики. Так вяжем до желаемого размера коврика или пока футболки с пряжей не закончатся.

Homemade MREs For quite a while now, I've wanted to make up my own "MREs" for my Get Home Bag (GHB). I was recently out scouting some properties, and realized that my GHB only had some packs of tuna and some candy in them. I had broken my own Cardinal Rule - If you use it, replace it immediately. So, I went about making up some MRE packages. I assembled my "ingredients" based on "Best By" date, calories and protein content. The idea was to put long-life food together and vacuum seal it in a FoodSaver bag. For my first MRE, here's what I included - It includes: One individual serving of Beef-a-roni, 2 ounces (by weight - about 1/2 cup) of dry roasted peanuts, one pack of Land-o-Lakes French Vanilla cappuccio, one Promax energy bar, 4 pieces of Jolly Rancher hard candy, and utensiles (plastic spoon, knife and 2 napkins). Since the peanuts were loose, I wanted to separate them in the pouch. I then filled that with the peanuts and sealed it. Here are the stats - Here's the result - Times have changed!
