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Pot Kills Cancer and Our Government Has Known for 36 Years

Pot Kills Cancer and Our Government Has Known for 36 Years

Study: Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy marijuana use By William J. Cromie Gazette Staff The new study of cognitive changes caused by heavy marijuana use has found no lasting effects 28 days after quitting. Following a month of abstinence, men and women who smoked pot at least 5,000 times in their lives performed just as well on psychological tests as people who used pot sparingly or not at all, according to a report in the latest edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry. That's the good news. "If there's one thing I've learned from studying marijuana for more than a decade, it's that proponents and opponents of the drug will put opposite spins on these findings," says Harrison Pope, a Harvard professor of psychiatry and leader of the research. "As a scientist, I'm struck by how passionately people hold opinions in both directions no matter what the evidence says. Withdrawal produces impairment All took batteries of intelligence, attention, learning and memory tests on days 0, 1, 7, and 28 after quitting the drug. Unsatisfied lives

Book:How to Retire Overseas The 10 Most Successful Potheads on the Planet… Cool Enough to Admit It An unemployed porno addict, sitting in his parents’ basement, playing video games, eating Lucky Charms out of the box with one hand while he lazily scratches his balls with the other. A dread-lock having, patchouli oil smelling, tie-die wearing, Phish listening, hula-hoop twirling space cadet. A burger flipping, acne having, socially inept, friendless loser… These are the common stereotypes associated with the term ‘pothead’. In a recent piece we published on pot farms, a debate erupted in the comments section, with some arguing that if you smoke pot, you’ll be poor, gay, and “washing dishes until you’re dead.” Where these stereotypes originated remains a mystery to us. Sir Richard Branson While the ‘Sir’ in front of this guy’s name puts him in some very elite company, it doesn’t automatically get him on this list. Rick Steves Your name doesn’t become synonymous with ‘European Travel’ by accident. Aaron Sorkin Michael Phelps Mr. Barack Obama Michael Bloomberg Ted Turner Montel Williams

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welcome to the hemp archives on Welcome to our hemp archive! In this section, we share some knowledge about this most sustainable of resources. Hemp is one of the most prolific renewable fibre plants on the planet. No other single plant resource can be put to as many different uses. Whilst oil has become the cheapest single fuel and feedstock to our frenzied western economic growth cycle in the last fifty years, the party can’t go on forever. Hemp was part of our past and maintaining that heritage will serve us into the future.

Marginal Revolution: How to disappear Tips from a teacher (markets in everything): There are three key steps to disappearing. First, destroy old information about yourself. Then, create bogus information to fool private investigators who might be looking for you. The next, final step is the most important one. Is that last sentence so reassuring? Usually, I don’t hear back from my clients. I occasionally wonder that if I had a) a new identity, b) enough money to live on, and c) a willingness to live abroad and no family for them to threaten, how long would it take a team of ten professional hit men to find me. For the pointer I thank Henry Farrell. Addendum: Bruce Bartlett refers me to

Marijuana (Weed) History and Facts People around the world have been smoking marijuana for thousands of years while also using the hemp plant for everything from fabric and rope to ethanol fuel. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, a man with a bit of power and enough determination decided pot was wicked, evil and narcotic. He moved mountains to make it illegal worldwide. In the U.S., the struggle continues to this day to overcome the lies and misconceptions about marijuana that the government spent billions to spread. Between 1937 and 1947, the government spent $220 million on the war against drugs. First Fabric Known to Man The hemp plant, also called cannabis or marijuana, has been used around the world for thousands of years. Cannabis Seeds Used as Food Around 6000 BCE hemp seeds were used as food in China. Cannabis is Cultivated and Left as an Offering In 1500 BCE Scythians started to cultivate cannabis for weaving cloth. "Sacred Grass" Named One of Five Sacred Plants in India Hemp Use Spreads Throughout Europe U.S.

6 Awesome Pro-Marijuana Ads [pics] by Evilpig on June 14, 2010 | 125 Comments Continue reading for more! Created by Rigo14 You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. When you are high.. When you are high.. (11 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading ... Posted in Images on April 10th, 2010 by Demon | Report This Post | Add to favorites Disclaimer: Unless specifically mentioned in the post, we have no clue where this picture came from. Learning the Tarot - An On-Line Course How WeedMaps Makes More Than $400,000 a Month For most of the U.S., marijuana is an illicit pleasure. But in some states--California, Colorado, and Washington, to name a few--it's a legal vice, provided you have a medical marijuana card. The marijuana network can be daunting for the uninitiated, with offerings like Blue Dream, Strawberry Cough, and Green Crack on dispensary menus. That's where comes in. In just two years, the WeedMaps website (tagline: Find Your Bud) has grown to more than $400,000 each month in revenue and 25,000 visitors each day. Like many a successful entrepreneur, Hartfield realized there was a gap in the market. At first, Hartfield offered dispensaries the opportunity to display listings for free. In January 2010, WeedMaps started charging for listings. A quick search for my nearest dispensary--Medithrive--yields a dizzying amount of information about the dispensary's offerings (Not So Virgin Olive Oil, anyone?) It's also not a stretch to think that WeedMaps is going to have some competition.

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