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Law of Time

Law of Time

El Calendario Galactico This Calendar, originally programmed and designed by Alain Galtie, is a powerful tool which will greatly expand the conscious vibration of our entire world. Follow the hyperdimensional nonlinear flow of Natural Time by Synchronizing with the Tzolkin, the 260 day Sacred Calendar of the Maya. You can easily travel using many other major light/energy cycles within the Mayan Calendar. The most unique feature of this program is the ability to switch between different counts of the Tzolkin. *note: while exploring the sub menus of the program, if you want to switch calendar systems (i.e. Although much of the program is in Spanish, or Mayan, the dates and the basic descriptions for each day are in English. The emphasis of this program is not necessarily to know exactly the correct symbol for each day. In fact, there are many other civilizations throughout our galaxy who are using this type of calendar system, some of which are millions of years more evolved than humanity. Have fun!

Dictionnaire psychanalytique des images et symboles du rêve - Tristan Moir Bienvenue sur ce site dédié au rêve et à son interprétation. Ce site a pour vocation de transmettre un savoir comme de fixer dans une forme stable et universelle un langage si simple qu’il a été oublié, parfois malmené et très souvent contesté. La lisibilité, la gratuité et l’interactivité de ce site sont les garants d’une volonté de clarté, de cohérence et d’intégrité. Cette banque d’informations sur le rêve se décline autour de deux grands axes : - Théorique : Un dictionnaire onirique regroupant tous les symboles et toutes les images du rêve actuellement recensés dans le cadre de mon activité. - Pratique : Des illustrations sonores provenant des interprétations de rêve réalisées dans le cadre de l’émission que j’anime sur Radio Ici & Maintenant ! La grille de lecture des symboles proposée ici est avant tout psychanalytique et de sensibilité jungienne. Ce site est fondé aussi sur un concept évolutif… *Il y a d’autres lectures possibles du rêve. Tristan-Frédéric Moir

Mayan Oracle - Calendars Date Viewer, Dreamspell Audio Printing InstructionsThese instructions are for a desktop printer which prints on the back of the paper as to when fed into the printer. You may have to manually re-order each paper sheet order before printing the backs depending on your printer. Download the image archive and the Daykeeper rtf file above. Unzip the image archive and save the files in the locations specified for your operating system. The images need to be stored in the exact folders, the Daykeeper rtf file looks for the images there. The Daykeeper rtf file may be located anywhere. Test how to turn over the papers to print on the back. Print the entire day planner.ONLY USE 12 SHEETS OF PAPER.There are 12 pieces of paper used when printed on both sides. Make sure the wavespell numbers are in order. Fold the day planner and staple on the crease.Use a long reach stapler or open a small stapler up and manually bend the staples or make holes in the crease and stitch.

Mayan Majix Store Learning Lab \ Info Center \ Mayan Sites \ Daily Tzolkin \ Articles \ Store\ Ian Lungold \ Links Mayan Calendar - Mayan Calendar page about and use Mayan Calendars, Mayan calendar products. Mayan Horoscopes - Mayan Horoscope page about and use of Mayan Astrology, Mayan Horoscope information. Mayan Jewelry - Mayan Jewelry page, unique handmade ancient Mayan symbols in Sterling Silver Copyright 1998 - 2014 Mayan Majix , all rights reserved. Get ccna demos for six sigma certification and istqb certification with 100% success guaranteed.

Yoga For the New World | One Stop for Yoga Education Cimi (Death) Native Names: CIMI [kee'mee], KEME Common Mayan Usage: death Qualities: surrender, release, death, transmutation, forgiveness, humility, revelation Symbols: six-sided crystal in roots, evergreen tree, moss (growth in death), owl Number: six (organic balance) Color: forest green Element: air Direction: north Shadow Wisdom: feeling the need to be in control; fear of death; depression; struggle and resistance Shadow Transformation: Surrender to the pattern of perfection. Listen to the part of you that is calling for death and transformation. Receive its wisdom.Harmonic Wisdom: serenity Mudra: hold hands together under right cheek, as if sleeping; then cross arms on chest while bowing; finally, raise head with crossed arms in front of eyes Meditation: “I am the fuel, mulch, and fodder for the destruction of all obstacles to reconstruction in God.” In this life-time you are being asked to release and surrender. You are being asked to take action in the process of surrender and release.

Human Auras...Aura Cleansing, Healing & Clairvoyant Reading As we accumulate unwanted energies in daily life, regular aura cleansing supports health and well-being. Like psychic dust bunnies, we go around collecting debris on our aura, until we finally do something to cleanse it... It is the same with personal hygiene. If you do not bathe, your body will become dirtier and dirtier. In modern culture, we expect people to take care of their personal hygiene by bathing regularly, if not daily. Cleansing your Aura Just like washing your hands cleans one part of your body and washing your face takes care of another... different approaches to aura cleansing will support you in clearing different aspects of your energy system. Options for Cleansing... Bathing with Epsom Salts Water helps wash away dirt, both physically and energetically.

The Multidimensional Universe | Ascension 2012 In regards to ascension, this section will briefly outline the structure of the multidimensional universe, which will help you understand the term “Dimension.” Please note: there is no requirement that you need to believe and accept this model for understanding the universe and dimensions. The structure of our physical universe is geometrically shaped as a tetrahedron, which consists of 12 different layers called “Dimensions.” These dimensions determine what we perceive around us and how we live in it. A dimension can also be called a “plane of existence” or “reality.” Each dimension has its own unique vibrational properties, such as sound and colour. The 12 dimensions are divided into dimensional groups called “Vectors.” Each dimension is composed of sub atomic particles of light moving at different frequencies and wavelengths. Consider the following hypothetical. Each dimension has its own specific frequencies and wavelengths.

Did you know that D.D. Palmer invented... - Spirit Science and Metaphysics is An Online Guide to Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings.

this would also be true as possibly the magnetic force tearing through theese parallel universes and being it bounded determining in each the index of relative rotation of mass also called time!
;) by totallybullish Jul 24
