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Related:  Journaling & Commonplace

Reading, Commonplace Books Austen, Thomas, Rev., compiler. Occasional Meditations: Compiled from Various Authors as They Accidentally Came to Hand / by Me T. Austen of Rochester, April 15th, 1770: Manuscript, 1770–1782. MS Eng 613. In the most general sense, a commonplace book contains a collection of significant or well-known passages that have been copied and organized in some way, often under topical or thematic headings, in order to serve as a memory aid or reference for the compiler. The commonplace book has its origins in antiquity in the idea of loci communes, or "common places," under which ideas or arguments could be located in order to be used in different situations. Commonplace books selected for the Reading collection emphasize unpublished manuscript commonplace books and printed commonplace books with handwritten entries from the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Published Materials Manuscript Materials Browse commonplace books by date: 17th century 18th century 19th century

People Search - Find People with MyLife™ Avoiding Plagiarism: Quoting and Paraphrasing Introducing a quotation One of your jobs as a writer is to guide your reader through your text. Don't simply drop quotations into your paper and leave it to the reader to make connections. Integrating a quotation into your text usually involves two elements: A signal that a quotation is coming--generally the author's name and/or a reference to the work An assertion that indicates the relationship of the quotation to your text Often both the signal and the assertion appear in a single introductory statement, as in the example below. Ross (1993), in her study of poor and working-class mothers in London from 1870-1918 [signal], makes it clear that economic status to a large extent determined the meaning of motherhood [assertion]. The signal can also come after the assertion, again with a connecting word or phrase: Illness was rarely a routine matter in the nineteenth century [assertion]. top Formatting Quotations Short direct prose Longer prose quotations Quotation of Up to 3 Lines of Poetry

In 1776, why didn't soldiers use bows and arrows instead of muskets? October 22, 2010 Dear Cecil: I watched a rerun of The Patriot over the weekend and was once again reminded of how absurd the "volley trading" European style of warfare was (at least to me). From what I understand, even the best-trained troops of the era could squeeze off only three or four inaccurate shots a minute. Given that the opposing armies were standing within 100 yards of each other and wore no protective armor, why didn't they use archers? I'd think even a novice archer could fire off 10 to 15 arrows for every one gunshot from the enemy. — Ted C., Richmond, Virginia Cecil replies: This question teeters on that fine line, familiar to us here at the Straight Dope, between intriguing and ludicrous. In February 1776, concerned about a shortage of gunpowder, Franklin proposed in a letter to General Charles Lee that the colonists arm themselves with bows and arrows, calling them "good weapons, not wisely laid aside." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. — Cecil Adams NEW: THE STRAIGHT DOPE PODCAST!

Leanpub: Publish Early, Publish Often Data Recovery Software, Solutions, Tutorials, Forum - ZAR Data Recovery Helpful PDF Downloads 便利なPDFダウンロード集 | TRAVELER'S COMPANY トラベラーズノートに貼って便利な情報画像です。(PDF形式のデータです) お手持ちのプリンターで印刷し、切り取ってノートに貼ってください。 This is a collection of downloadable images, in PDF format, you can paste to your TRAVELER’S. Print them out with your printer, cut your favorite images out, and paste them to your notebook. 01 Subway route maps (JAPAN) / 地下鉄路線図 (日本) TOKYO 東京 (PDF 0.5MB) Osaka, Kyoto, and Nagoya 大阪・京都・名古屋 (PDF 0.5MB) Sapporo, Sendai, Yokohama, Kobe, and Fukuoka 札幌・仙台・横浜・神戸・福岡 (PDF 0.4MB) 02 Year Calendar (JAPAN) / 年間カレンダー (日本) 03 Rokuyo Calendar (JAPAN) / 六曜カレンダー (日本) 2017 (JAN – JUN) 2017(1月〜6月) (PDF 0.2MB) 2017 (JLY – DEC) 2017(7月〜12月) (PDF 0.2MB) 2016 (JAN – JUN) 2016(1月〜6月) (PDF 0.2MB) 2016 (JLY – DEC) 2016(7月〜12月) (PDF 0.2MB) 04 World maps and timetables / 世界地図・時刻表 Left page 左ページ (PDF 1.0MB) Right page 右ページ (PDF 0.8MB) 05 Conversion tables of units of measurements and temperatures / 度量衝換算表・温度体温比較 Conversion tables of units of measurements and temperatures 度量衝換算表/温度体温比較 (PDF 1.2MB) Conversion tables of units of measurements 度量衝換算表 (PDF 1.1MB)

releases two new features, tackles Web browsers & application crashes | Soluto Blog Today we are releasing a new major version. This is very exciting for us, as we move from only helping you out with your boot to helping you out with more PC frustrations. Our first new feature helps you lighten your web browser by disabling toolbars & add-ons that are riding on it. It has become very common for non-techie PC users to get bombarded with crappy toolbars and other add-ons installed by applications and websites that build on users’ inability to disable them. Even techie users get annoyed by that, either for themselves or for the people they support. The second feature is the one I’m most excited about. These are events where an application stops working and you get the infamous “Send Error Report” window. If you have Soluto installed, you can expect the new version to automatically show up in the upcoming 24 hours. If you don’t have Soluto installed, download it from and enjoy :) We’re planning so much more for this year, stay tuned… Yours, Roee Adler

Easy Journaling 13 Free Software Alternatives to Save You Money One of the ways that you can save a little more money is to look for free alternatives to software products. Outfitting your computer with the software applications that you need can start to become expensive. The good news, though, is that there are free options that can help you accomplish a number of tasks. Here are some thoughts on free software alternatives. One of the most widely known alternatives is OpenOffice. Another cool option is Google Documents. You want to be able to protect your computer from malware. Looking for some help backing up files and providing storage on your computer? If you are looking for helping syncing up, Syncpilicity and Dropbox are good choices. It’s not just Windows vs. You can also give Jolicloud, another Linux offering a try. There’s a whole world of free software alternatives out there. What are your favorite free software programs? Tagged as: Frugal Living

How to Bullet Journal: The Absolute Ultimate Guide — The Lazy Genius Collective We all have different brains that see the world in different ways. Some of you see words as colors, others see the months in a circle, and I see just about everything as linear as it can be. That means we all need different perspectives on our calendars. I like for my Monthly Log to be a list of dates rather a traditional calendar with squares; I tried both and totally prefer the list. I did make it a little extra pretty, but since this page only has to be created once and I had the time, I embellished more than I usually do. If you need a yearly look, create one. The Bullet Journal is the Meryl Streep of organization; it can take on any role you need it to. Everything can go in your Bullet Journal, but not everything has to. When you begin a Bullet Journal, practice with the most basic signifiers and stick to log pages only. Here are two examples of what doesn't go in my Bullet Journal. Grocery Lists and Meal Plans Ideas The point is you can use your Bullet Journal however you want. P.S.

FlowingData | Data Visualization, Infographics, and Statistics 45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts One of the trends in creating site designs are in Hand Drawn Concept. It gives a playful and fresh feeling to the design that appeals to the audience. Talking about Hand Drawn Design, using a Hand Drawn Fonts is mostly a must to match the design. On this matter I have listed down 45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts. If you want more of these, we have collected useful freebies for you to check out and download for free. FFF Tusj Grutch Shadedw Pointy Sketch Rockwell Jamaistevie Childs Play Pee Pants Script Mia’s Scribblings HandVetica Fh Scribble Fh Ink Positiv-A Aguzlo Handwerk HansHand Marker Twins Julies Mellyboo Font Handwriting Toms Handwritten Pen of Truth Sketchy Sketchbook Teenage angst Tire Shop Demo Version Waste Of Time 123 and… Barnes Erc Un-finished Jump Start My Turtle WC RoughTrad Bta Against Myself Peixe Frito Thurston Erc Roughage Gribouille Fail Octember Script Karabine Tiza Love Ya Like A Sister Rock Show Whiplash McCoy – Hello Lori Clementine Sketch Oh Ashy

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