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John Perkins Official Web Site

John Perkins Official Web Site

RBE Collective « Zeitgeist SA As part of my previous post regarding the Constellation Model, I put out a call to find the various groups and organisations advocating a Resource Based Economy. Either directly or indirectly. Having done so I no longer classify myself as a Zeitgeist Movement member, but an advocate for the RBE. Here is the primary list which is still being actively updated (if you have a great description or know where to find a logo, do or don't think an org should be listed then please comment at the bottom or email Here is the current list : The Venus ProjectThe Zeitgeist MovementResource Based Economy FoundationFree world charterTromsiteTechnateEuropean Organization for Sustainability (EOS)Atlas Initiative GroupWe World TechnologiesRBOSEPlanetary Skin A detailed explanation of the organisations is below. == The Venus Project == The Venus Project Logo Website : Description == The Zeitgeist Movement == The Zeitgeist Movement Logo RBE Foundation Logo

Rio inaugura escola sem salas, turmas ou séries O Rio de Janeiro começa, nas próximas semanas, a experimentar um novo tipo de escola. Nada de séries, salas de aula com carteiras enfileiradas e crianças ordenadamente caminhando pelo espaço comum. A aposta para dar a 180 crianças e jovens da Rocinha uma educação mais alinhada com o século 21 é o Gente, acrônimo para Ginásio Experimental de Novas Tecnologias, na escola Municipal André Urani. Não houve pré-seleção. Essa avaliação, que ocorre assim que eles chegarem ao Gente, pretende fazer um raio-x do estado da aprendizagem de cada um, tanto do ponto de vista do conteúdo tradicional quanto das habilidades não cognitivas, como comunicação, senso crítico, autoria. Tal atenção é de responsabilidade do mentor da família, o professor. Todos os dias, ao chegarem à escola, os alunos passarão por um momento de acolhida, em que compartilharão com seus pares experiências e expectativas para o dia. A tecnologia é outro fator importante na forma como o projeto foi organizado.

Origin Story The Pachamama Alliance was born out of an invitation from the Achuar people to work in partnership with them to preserve their land and culture while bringing forth a new worldview that honors and sustains life. The Achuar: Visionary Warriors of the Amazon Deep in the Amazon rainforest, spanning the borders of modern-day Ecuador and Peru, the Achuar people have lived and thrived for centuries. Traditionally warriors with a fierce devotion to their land, they kept their sophisticated culture and worldview remarkably intact as late as the mid-20th century. In Achuar culture, dreams are a guiding principle of life, shared each morning before sunrise. But not all dreams are sweet. Visit to learn more about The Achuar » The Nightmare of Oil Development Since the early 20th century, individuals and corporations from the so-called “modern” world have sought to exploit Achuar land for its oil, disregarding its irreplaceable ecological and cultural wealth. The Eagle and the Condor

Open Source Ecology Weblog The War on Kids (2009 THE WAR ON KIDS is a 95 minute documentary that shows how American public schools continue to become more dangerously authoritarian. In addition to failing in their mission to educate effectively, they erode the country's democratic foundation and often resemble prisons. School children are interviewed as are high school teachers and administrators, as well as prison security guards, plus renowned educators and authors including: Henry Giroux: Author of Stealing Innocence Corporate Culture's War on Children Mike A. Music in the film is performed by The Chumps, Tommy Gardner, John S. THE WAR ON KIDS is directed by Cevin Soling who won the NYIIFVF award for "best educational film" in 2009.

December 6: Occupy Wall Street “Goes Home” Posted 2 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 11:17 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt December 6 will be a big day of action for the Occupy Wall Street movement. #OWS will join the struggle of families and communities that have been on the front lines of a struggle for economic justice. The Occupy movement is born of the simple belief that humanity could meet our common needs if not for the predation and greed of the very few. In a nation that puts the right to housing at the center of its founding dream, millions of people have lost their homes or fear that they soon will because of the foreclosure crisis. Wall Street turned a fundamental human need into a badly rigged casino game with fraudulent lending practices and corrupt securitization. More information to come.

TZM - Home 8 Studies Demonstrating the Power of Simplicity Psychological research on cognitive fluency shows why easy to understand = more profitable, more pleasurable, more intelligent and safer. Which of these would you say sounds like the more dangerous food additive: Hnegripitrom or Magnalroxate? The majority of people say Hnegripitrom sounds more dangerous. It turns out that the word ‘Magnalroxate’ is easier to think about than ‘Hnegripitrom’, probably because it’s more pronounceable, and people equate simplicity with safety (actually both words are made up). This is one example of psychological research on meta-cognition: thoughts about other thoughts. Here are 8 of my favourite studies on cognitive fluency, showing just how much can be explained by the feeling that something is easy to think about (or otherwise). 1. Many of us did it in school: tried to impress teachers with fancy language and convoluted sentences, assuming it would make us look clever. So if you want to be perceived as more intelligent (and who doesn’t?) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Power in Numbers: Millions Crowd to Occupy Life November 19th, 2011 2:07 PM By Donna Smith One of the most powerful and interesting things about the Occupy Movement is its reach well beyond Wall Street or even the smallest tent encampments around the nation. The power to bloom and spread has been in its simultaneously coordinated actions combined with the movement’s lack of demands on its own activists to comply with just one assigned set of tactics dictated from afar. Its lack of a consolidated power structure or the control of one mastermind compelling allegiance has strengthened the movement in ways that confounded not only the mainstream media but also the mainstream mindset. What we used to call the establishment in the 1960s had become so enamored with itself and so entrenched that its generals cannot fathom what happened or why. The OWS movement has broken the ice for a torrent of pain and suffering to be acknowledged. It is interesting.

The Zeitgeist Movement – UK This French tech school has no teachers, no books, no tuition -- and it could change everything | VentureBeat | Dev | by Dylan Tweney PARIS — École 42 might be one of the most ambitious experiments in engineering education. It has no teachers. No books. No MOOCs. No dorms, gyms, labs, or student centers. No tuition. And yet it plans to turn out highly qualified, motivated software engineers, each of whom has gone through an intensive two- to three-year program designed to teach them everything they need to know to become outstanding programmers. The school, housed in a former government building used to educate teachers (ironically enough), was started by Xavier Niel. He is also irrepressibly upbeat, smiling and laughing almost nonstop for the hour that he led a tour through École 42 earlier this week. Niel started École 42 with a 70 million euro donation. Above: Free founder Xavier Niel, speaking at Ecole 42, the free engineering school he created. Image Credit: Dylan Tweney/VentureBeat “I know one business, and that’s how to make software,” Niel said. “We don’t ask anything about what they’ve done before,” Niel said.
